The Hippie Huntress, Nicole Wallace, was near Apoplexy while delivering her >>>Broad Cast<<< yesterday during the late afternoon . She has a "Mary-Ann Faithful" Face, and her Voice is `Mom-Soothing` ~~~ so much of her Intensity `gets` 'diluted' --- . Still,,, her SPIRIT, that of an Amazon Warrior, can NOT be Denied, and her Street Savvy Intelligence is >indentured heavy<, meaning she WORKS for Democracy in a manner of Unremitting Devotion and ALMOST Unconditional Love.
Of late, she as focused on the Upcoming Midterms and has been calling into Attention democratic strategy, if strategy can be used for Fumbling and Mumbling Idiot-tomics. { Idiot Tomics is Idiot Atomics, where Atomics is Elemental Power of ESSENTIAL Non-Thinking, Non-Deliberative,, Non-Reasoning,,, Outflow}. In other words, Stupidity at the Atomic Level .
Wallace CONDEMNS demo{craps} for their LACK of Political Refinement, and my use here of 'refinement' is grossly GENEROUS, because, in Situational Reality, many of those 'running' for Office have largely IGNORED the Truth of Combat Actuality. The republicans have declared WAR on the democraps, a Declaration that MUST be Addressed because of its very Nature.
Wallace has the Clear Vision Of The Ancients and because of her Ability has been able to Penetrate Causal {and A-Causal} Reality with Superior Acuity . She Bellows, OUR DEMOCRACY IS AT STAKE !!!! Politically {and Spiritually} there is no GREATER Truth .