Friday, December 30, 2022

Custard's Last Pie


                    Everywhere is War.  We are Surrounded .   "No place to run to--nowhere to hide".

          When Islam began its Invasionary* {to some} Migration, with the Qur'an as its "Ark",, the Church began construction of multiple universities with the Intent to Weaponize the TRUTH of Christ and in so doing COUNTER what was perceived as Blasphemic* Filth and Squalor of Mohammedanism .   In this Effort -- the Qur'an was "work-ed over" with GREAT assiduousNess* that the Christian Teaching be Revealed as THE "Word of God".   THIS rather than What Followed, the Crusades of SLAUGHTER .

           Consider ... .

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze... .



                       It was Dr. Langer who told us that "The Exodus lasted some 40 years so that the 'Slave Mentality' of the Elders would die with them."  I was STUNNED .  How could that Be ?     Were there no other Measures available to Moses [[ ? ]] not the LEAST of which should have been DIRECT Consul .     Instead, the AGONY of prolonged Migration  was experienced AT THE EXPENSE of the 'All'.   

          Here now the sublime RichNess* and DEPTH of 'Narrative', in this instance, the Promise of Promise i.e., the Promise  of The Land of Milk and Honey, the NOO 'Garden of Eden' was held as "carrot-on-stick" to  motivate the Exodons* to Endure the "Agony of their Feet".  40 fuking YEARS to "kill-off" the Old Folks, whose Minds were INCAPABLE of 'Change'.   

          Here now the Promise of Parallel ====== The MASS Exodus AWAY from the Truth of Evolutionary Inevitability and a RETREAT toward the Slave Driven Past of Confederate Atrocity .    Here now the abject DENIAL of a Future that would Benefit ALL and the wholesale EMBRACE of Political Primality* --the one of Subjugation, Oppression, Repression and Gungality*.  

          We KNOW that those of 'Slave Mentality' now twisted to become Slave OWNERS have NO Capacity to be Influenced by Evolutionary Reasoning.    Theirs is a "Trust In God", the Vengeful Wrathful UNMERCIFUL One whose only Agenda is the Cleansing of His Earth by Any and All Means Possible .   

"Japanese Movement"

                     I had panned to delve into the Forces of the UnConscious that drive individuals to seek pen and paper to express what's in their Hearts and Minds.   Rite* now that That feels stupid since what's on my Mind REALLY is the uncomfortable "rub" to discuss the Power of the Media and its oppressive use of Repetition to Influence the Collective Conscious in a diabolical Effort to manipulate 'Will' that it may serve to benefit those that seek Profit from Commercial Propaganda .  I have "an ax to grind".   

          I tell myself that it is part of my Political Altruism to try and Protect the Innocent from the savage ravages of Commercial Exploitation ~~~ that, in order to remain True to my Vows and my Order, it is NECESSARY to {ryte} in such a manner as to FOGHORN Caution and WariNess* to those whose Minds are NOT "developed" in a Way that promotes their Psychological Well-Being.  That {shyt} aint exactly a Lie but I must confess that I find selfish Release in Vent and Overflow, and THAT may be "unbecoming of an Officer and most Certainly a Confucian Gentleman" .                      So be it .

Spring + Winter = Sprinter


                    I gotta get out and continue the Fall Clean-up.  2 words ;  leaves, leaves,, leaves,,,and more leaves.  The leaves won't leave me alone .   Not to worry~~ the forecasters have called for Spring in Winter-projecting a BALMY 50 degrees WITHOUT the rasp and scale of razor-like wind .   

          It MAY be that Browning "had an ax to grind" when he wrote "The Pied Piper".   PERHAPS someone had "done him wrong"-- had broken a Promise to him that he had relied upon for its actualization.   So great was his dis-pleasure {Pain} that he sublimated that Pain by writing the Piper .  Here now the Vent and Release of Hurt Feelings and the Sensation of DysJustice* .   That "IT" HADTA be something {{BYYYG}} since he chose the Destruction of Future itself as Punishment for Contract "Welsh".


Thursday, December 29, 2022

I am what you eat


                    Know that Stories are NUTRIENT .   As Such they provide the Mind with EXTERNAL Energies that aid in the Penetration TO Internal AwareNess*, meaning, Stories act to introduce then PROduce ConsciousNess that is >Enpowered< to actualize ITSELF to overcome the obstructions and obstacles found {or tripped over} on the Paths of Growth and Maturation .   In this THIS "We ARE What we Eat."    Believe it  .

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ... .

The Farmer IS the Dwell

                     Many times I have found myself `resorting` to, "I gotta sleep on that one".   Obstructions and obstacles that are encountered during diurnal activities are sometimes IMPERVIOUS to methodical applications of [Contextual] Reasoning {Common Sense + UnCommon Sense}.   There is ALWAYS the Sensation that the Answer to a question or a Solution to a problem is to be 'learned' or somehow acquired during the Residence in the Realm of Dream Reality---that it is one's UN-Conscious that has ALL of what is Needed to "Carry-on" or "Carry-out" ANY waking Undertaking .   {{I mean Shit---how the fuk do we KNOW that ??????? }}     

          You {GOTTA} conject* that the Collective UnConscious is DIRECTLY connected to the    "Universe's Storehouse Of All Wisdom And Knowledge---in Buddhism it is referred to as the "Alaya Storehouse" which finds Scientific Parallel as the "Akoshic Record' .   Civilization is RIFE with references to GARGANTUAN Revelations delivered into ConsciousNess by DREAM 'correspondence' .   Individuals who have produced GENIUS LEVEL  Structures have credited the DREAM as Root and Source NOT their own Intelligence .   

          I contend that Writing accesses the UnConscious and therein the Akoshic Record as well .

Sonorous Chorus

                     "Bedtime Stories" I SUPPOSE are meant to create a Realm of Quietude in which the reader's Voice is something of a musical Instrument whose vibrations not only soothe the Listener but coax {by melodic rhapsody} his or her ConsciousNess into the Sleep/Slumber Realm .   But here now a Complexity.   Within these Stories, many of which Begin and End with Utopic Visions of Purity, Innocence and Suggestified* Illusions of Primal Eden, there are Elements of Morality, that is, Ethics and Morals are  >delivered< as if and as though they are MEANT to Mold and/or Modifiy the Listener's ConsciousNess .  It must be Remembered the Right and Wrong MUST BE TAUGHT, that, we are born into the Earth Realm with ALL the horrific Vestiges of ANIMAL Gungletrocity*.   I coin >Gung< to tag the Laws of the Jungle as Savage Archetypes --- we are born AS Gung (pronounced with a hard J).   These Archetypes are NEVER to be expunged since they DEFINE (and Describe) our Collective Primal Essence.    Man is a fuking ANIMAL   >>>  FIRST   <<< a Human second .

I am who You are

                     We should 'keep in Mind' that Humans live approximately one third of their Lives in a State of Sleep and/or Slumber .   Here, the Human Whole is subject to its UnConscious, where Dreams are both the Narrator and Narrative of  `Stories` whose Primal Designs are [according to Dr. Jung and Others]  meant to restore >>Balance<< to [the] Conditions experienced in diurnal activities .    It is VIOLENTLY Imperative to BELIEVE that one's UnConscious {IHZ} Reality ---that the Contents of Dreams ARE aspects and Psychological Components of one's Mind--- that one's Mind DEMANDS entry and Residence in the Other Dimension of Non-Normal and SUPER-Hallucinogenic Visual and PHYSICAL Immediacy .   Sleep (and Dream) Deprivation produces a MadNess* and is LETHAL to the Victim .   

          Within the Structure + Forms of Dreams are Archetypes that have been deemed UNIVERSAL since ALL have been recognized (and many Examined) by the Peoples and Populations not only of the Present-Day World, but the Worlds of the ANCIENTS, who persisted in encoding Stories and Myths with UNIVERSAL >> Teachings<< .   I have contended that these Archetypes `act` as the Elements of the Periodic Table .   Indeed, Archetypes ARE the Building Blocks of Individual Identity ---meaning Archetypes RESEMBLE Genetic Code .   In the same way that the Genetic Code can be manipulated so it is with Archetypes when they 'surface' as characters or characteristics of [in] a Story .

Trini Trons


                    Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen (Gods In Everyman) describes her Method of Writing-- a one in which, the topic is NOT taken as a Whole, and every consideration accounted for, but rather as a "Spiral" of exploration, a one in which the topic is circled by her Conscience-Ness* to perceive first its Macro-Contents, and then, as the Spiral descends, to expose its Micro Contents--those of UnConscious Constellation .   I have adopted HER Approach, since it allows for the vagaries of inconsistencies, mistakes, mis-looks and ill-perceived anomalies, in other words, in the Heat of subjective refinement, I sometimes {literally} "lose my way", and significant information Relevant to the topic is dis-included, meaning, only a vague 'sense' of appearance exists in the form of outlier residual .  I equate her "Spiraling" to {as} 'orbiting' in that as the orbit decays, it nears its target .   

          This morning's Effort will be directed toward providing Information regarding the correct Perception that Stories, Tales and Fables are DIRECT Expressions of the COLLECTIVE UnConscious as Dr. Carl Jung and Dr. Joseph Campbell have Written .  I must NOT Fail to add Marshall McLuhan in order to create a `Holy Trinity`.  McLuhan's Vision-ality* not only Incorporates Modern Visage to Media Techno-Format* but his Penetration of Language {and Word} Symbolism reveals the Hidden MEANING within the cliche-ic trite of irresponsible superficiality .

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Figure Head


          The Primary Challenge {on my end} is Relevancy .   No advantage is to be gained by simple dwell {The Farmer In The Dwell} and by Stare {Stare-Way To Heaven}.   However, BOTH must be utilized, sometimes EXTENSIVELY, if Penetration is to be successful .   It's NO Mystery that the Mind must be "At REST" in order for Knowledge and the Transition of Information TO Knowledge to be "Received".  The entire Process of "Figuring things out" may actually and TRUTHFULLY involve the necessity of "drawing a figure--Geometry Style" in order to first understand then to Comprehend Abstract Difficulties. Here it is where "tropes" are AIDS to this Process.  Tropes, Similes and Metaphors are ESSENTIAL for Conditional Reasoning .   Here, "Connecting the dots" produces a Picture [[[a FIGURE]]]  whereby that Picture is  "Worth a THOUSAND Words".   As I have stated, I WANT Words to be PICTURES and IMAGES of MEANING .   Here it is where the Untold POWER of Imagination is harnessed to drag Meaning from seemingly IMPOSSIBLE Contexts.

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze....

Myth Takes

                     I am among Those that have chosen Mythology to advance the Psychological underpinnings of Human Consciousness that they may Reveal, by sometimes VIOLENT Exposure, the Mind {Fabric} of Perceptual {Dynamics}--the Reality of Intra- and Inter Personal "Politics of Experience".   Geniuses of Jung and Campbell Quality did NOT achieve their Stature by ignoring those "Fables, Stories and Tales" that infused Society with Values, Mores and Morals ~~~  quite the opposite actually .   The Stories of bedtime preponderance held the Keys by which adult ConsciousNess* could be unlocked .   Jung argued that it was these Stories {that resembled Dreams}, that were, by definition,, DIRECT evidence of UnConscious* Expression.   By examining these Stories, one could examine Mind .   Not only THAT, but these bedtime Stories could be 'used' to mold the Mind in such ways that would determine the 'What and How' of Perceptual Reality, that is,  Stories   told us WHAT "To look for" and 'How' to "deal with" what was seen.   Therein lies >>>Its<<< Power----  The Ability to Form and MOVE Minds .


Con Science

                     Elsewhere I have argued, sometimes with unforgivably BITTER vehemence, that the Status Quo has FAILED to advance into Evolutionary Guarantee LARGELY due to the Human Propensity {and propensity used here is INSANELY generous} to FEAR the Future . I speak NOT of Futurists* whose Vision extends into the Infinite, but of those Souls, who ACTUALLY Operate the Planet's Mechanisms, the Working Class, sometimes qualified as the Proletariat, those of Manuality* the {ones} whose Work DEMANDS Physical EFFORT ---Those whose Existence is DEFINED by LABOR in Labor's Truest Sense .   These THESE, are the Planet's Majority, and yet, because of ANCIENT >>Conditions<< they are, for the most part, BEREFT of Voice, Socio-Political VOICE, the Voice that SHOULD-BE Heard but is summarily REJECTED by the politically positioned and Profit Driven Insane .

          I Confess freely :  These THESE are MY Folks, Parents of my Conscience {Con SCIENCE}.  My Mother was a "Factory Worker" her entire adult Life, while my Father DID manage to 'have' his own "One Man Operation" for {not even} many years .  Neither graduated from high school, indeed my Mother was "pulled-out" after fifth grade .   BOTH were flat-out OBSESSED with me being a SCHOLAR Athlete---they made the Demands on me that identified only ONE career trajectory -----> College .   I didn't understand it THEN, don't understand it NOW .

Pick & Shovel


                    [So now] We must take some time to foundation the Present with the Past that is responsible for its generation, that is, to begin the summary of preceding Search and Re-Search that was used to base the Conjectures and Hypothesis that qualify Analysis and therefore promote MORE Conjection* and Theorization*.  Here it is where Psychological  >>Truths<< find Difficulty and Obstruction, in that PROOF of Psychological Enmities sometimes Defy Reality, as well they should given their hidden and cloaked status of Primal Instinctuality*.   Direct Attribution, the "Pointing to Mind BY Mind" is, perhaps, the ULTIMATE in "Risky Business" .  BUT---------there ARE >>Others<< who have been able to Navigate the Field Density of  `Mind Generated Mind` there to Reveal Cosmic Knowledge--the One wherein Wisdom, Cosmic WISDOM , is found in its nascent State.  

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The Vied Viper of Hamelin


                    I leave Browning's Chapter XIV for my Gentle Readers that they may incorporate newly found skills in dissecting and digesting its form and content .   Please look for Evidence of the "Other" with regard to the deflection of Responsibility and  Obligational* DUTY.  

          Just so you know This Story was first published in 1888 with the Original Wood Block Designs engraved by Edward Evens Limited and Printed in Great Britain by Lowe & Brydone Printers Limited {out of} Thetford, Norfolk .

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ....

             wallow in Sorrow...

                     We must administer Exaction from the Administrator, the Mayor of Hamelin.   We wonder WHY he WASN'T summarily CONDEMNED for HIS Execution of SAVAGE {RABID} Frugality--- the one that "bottom lines" the Net Worth of the Children NOT to equal 1,000 guilders .  Should we NOT consider the Worth of the Children to be UNTOLD ?   Indeed we SHOULD--but the Mayor did NOT and Browning doesn't Tell us WHY !!!   Here's Trump = "The work is done and cannot be UNDONE so WHY FUCKING BOTHER TO PAY THE WORKERS ???"   .    Clearly, the Mayor is NOT "A Man of his Word"------ .  He is devoid of Honor .   Yet Browning sez* nothing of this , and leaves the town to wallow in Sorrow, a Sorrow whose emanation was rooted in the Mayor's CRIMINAL INSANITY .    

              Now to his Credit the Mayor DID seek the Piper out, from North, East, South and West, and there About,  and DID, in fact apply his BEST, but no Piper was to be found, not Here nor there nor in the Round.  

              All sat in the Boat of Woe and all they did was Woe Woe Woe .


All's Hell That Ends In Hell

 ((( Don't freak over the Baby/Cradle thing--- The "Baby" is perhaps a newly hatched birdling*, the cradle is a nest.  It may be that a passerby spotted the nest first, and the birdling next.  There is NO evidence the birdling was injured in any way and went on to fly away unharmed.)))

          At some point we MUST ask, Did the punishment EQUAL the crime ?  Meaning, was the Piper within moral Propriety to abduct the Children and DOOM  "{the town >> without Pity}" to a Futureless* Future .  We are certainly approaching UnThinkable Atrocity at this point, DESPITE the Advance into Paradise, and the Joy and Merriment Within [that Mountain].   I must insist, the Piper had less GRIEVOUS Options , which included, exiling the Mayor , and perhaps those that had sanctioned the Contract in the first place .  You recall yesterday's option :  to gather and herd rats from neighboring "Corporations" and deliver a NEW Plight to the Promise Breakers .   OBVIOUSLY Browning did NOT chose this Option and may not have even 'considered' it .  He sought instead ONLY the "Nuclear" Option, the complete annihilation of the "Corporation" whose Eternal Radiation resides in this Play .




                     The play 'takes place' in 1376.   We must accept Browning's Time and Place of Positioning and so too his depiction of a town in Brunswick not only at the mercy of RATS, but also at the mercy of a Mayor, himself to join the rat infestation AS "King Rat".    All he had to do was "Pay the Piper"---to HONOR his Promise--- to HONOR the Contractual Agreement .    He entered into this Contract as THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE,  yet, when it came time to Remit, his Voice was NOT Theirs but HIS .  He took it upon himself to 'Screw' the Piper in the Name of Municipal `Bonds` .    Here now the Case can be made whereby the Mayor figured to "have his cake--and eat it too" --- ANOTHER "Can't" seemingly INVISIBLE to the Mayor .   Gentle Readers do NOT miss the GIANT "Fuck You" that Non-payment Expressed .   The Mayor JUDGED a 'book by its cover' ---the Piper standing attired in not one but TWO colors, lean, gaunt --sickly almost and definitely NOT a Figure of whom to be wary .   The Mayor and the People saw NO Threat --- certainly a Risk but no Threat .    In the DarkNess* of Subliminal Actuary, there lie a Disbelief of the Piper's claims, which was itself cloaked by "wait and see".   

           The "Corporation" [the town and town'sfolk*] was DESPERATE and this Desperation contained within IT, "We've nothing to lose, so let him try".   

"Down will come Baby, cradle and all"

                     We must begin at The End.   The final words of Browning's {Play} are these :  "If we've promised then aught, let us keep our promise !"  

          I don't know who the fuk `is-gonna` put a baby in a cradle then place it in a tree to BEGIN with, but it was done .   Here now the ADULT abandonment of ALL "Sense and Sensibility" .... ~~~ the Baby at the mercy of GROTESQUE parental malfeasance .   Perhaps the SAME can be argued for the Children of Hamelin, whose Adult Supervision was the exact OPPOSITE of >> Super<< .   What began as Dutiful OBLIGATION === The Effort by the Mayor to address the towns'folk Plight ,  Ended with HIS TRUMPIAN DISDAIN---> to Pay the Piper for his Performance .  

          Nothing is CLEARER than Browning's Final Sentence, =  If you OWE, you PAY .   But CLEARLY this Message, intended for Children about to enter Slumberland, is NOT for THEM, they made no bargain with the Piper, but for the Adults whose parental Obligation is for the Safety and Welfare of their offspring.   Here,   Browning MAY have intended his Rebuke for ADULTS including the Readers of his Play .   

          Problems and concerns are now registered as VIOLATIONS of  MAYORAL Duty AS WELL AS Parental Disability .

Monday, December 26, 2022

The Hamelin Manoeuvre


          I was awakened to the words of today's Effort .   They were being broadcast by the Universe--obviously to be re-broadcast by me in the forms of blogs .   When I left yesterday's Twitter column I was set to explore the "Why bother" aspect of Critical Study in today's venture .  I guess the Universe saw things differently .   Instead of approaching the Exploration with the tools and methods of Depth Psychology we are to continue with 'Surface' Scrutiny ---what SHOULD be easily accessible to the favored Most.   

          What remains is fairly straightforward-- We have qualified the behavior of the Piper as Salvationary in that, as Savior, he has Liberated the Children from the Domain of Lies and Broken Promises and guided them to a Magic Mountain within which is to be found an Earthly Paradise FREE from all ADULT Sins there to await a re-Introduction into the general Society should that idiot mayor "come to his senses".

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Just us


          I have tagged trump as --->  Sub Human .   The Question remains, "What to do --what to do ??"

          I must reiterate what Zen Master Seung Sahn wrote me ---  "Too much understanding cannot help you".    So it is with the condition at hand.

          If you are of the Mind, Google "Jainism" and "Gnosticism"   Further reading should include, The Laughing Jesus  by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy .

          I've been able to withstand the blood boiling and brain baking of the reincarnation lacking ANIMALS of the so-called right -----------------------------barely.

          Here's what has left me in a Spiritual Clusterfuck :    Christ's View of   --->  Justice.

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ....


              Elsewhere, I've contended that 'it' is a Primal Consciousness--the one of Jungle "Eat or be eaten" that DOMINATES the  'Atmosphere' {AtmosFEAR} of the Socio-Political Right .   Here, the {`itinerate`} bondage of the Old Testament  is considered THE --->Will of God .  Here,  one's Divinity is expressed in HIS Will, the Will of Fire, Brimstone, Cruelty, Hardship that MUST-BE --->Directed  toward those Blasphemers who do NOT   'adhere' to the Will of the Almighty .   Here, there is NO Recognition of the New Testament, nor of Christ the REDEEMER, the One who FORGIVES the {Cultural} Sins of Socio-Politicals* ---the One who CHERISHED Human Life ---the One whose Teaching NULLIFIED the 10  Commandments by ONE Simple Declaration >>>  "Love one another".  

          The REASON for this Primal ConsciousNess* is the Scarcity of Reincarnations--meaning--it takes a couple of MILLION lifetimes just go 'GET' your Human Body and then a few MORE millions to achieve [Attain] a ConsciousNess that has as its foundation Socio-Political Altruism .  

          When you 'get' your Human Status you still have STRONG Vestiges of RECENT Animality* which is [then] responsible for a Belief System that is foundationed* upon, "Eat or be eaten".  

"One and done"

              I'm hard-pressed to believe  the Biblical Dogma that INSISTS that you get ONE Chance at "getting things Right" so that upon death, if you have succeeded at Life, you "get to" live Infinity at the Right Hand of the Father Almighty -- there to Experience the untold Rapture of ETERNAL Bliss .  "I aint buyin it" not for a nickle and CERTAINLY not for a dime .   There is EXACTING Evidence that Ancient Christian Esoteric Doctrine RECOGNIZED that the Soul was subject to REPEATED Lifetimes [Reincarnations] in order to "get things Right" BUT this Doctrine did NOT "allow" the Church to administer {administer is being generous} the so-called Wrath of God in order to bring wayward Christians to "Correct" "Understanding" an Understanding that was penitentiary in `application`.     Here now the lyric of  Rush's Neil Peart "ring-out" almost as Divine Demand ---> "Conform or be cast out".  Here now one's FATE was CHAINED to the Fear of  Eternal Damnation-  not only was one "born into Original Sin" one was "Tied to the Whipping Post" [Allman Brothers]   in obeisant Obeyance* that the Divine find the Purity achieved by Jobian* Misery in a Soul gone the way of intemperance and hedonism.

Tax Tacks


          You must forgive an old man should these expressions drift into non-sense~~~I've been sick despite ALL the inoculations that are SUPPOSE-TO Prevent illnesses of all sorts .   I confess --I'm inclined toward HEAVY Medication--better stoned than dead---at least it's that way for now.   I arose at 1:30 a.m.  W--i--d--e   Awake and free of Linear Time--meaning, 1:30 felt like 3 o'clock.  Since I COULDN'T return to sleep I ignited ALL the Heating units in the Cave {Kave}Space and sat in Chairy Chair's Lap and let my Mind roam "Unencumbered" by "modular" Thinking.   It's interesting (at least for me) to see what a sick Mind will find in the altered state produced by chemical imbalance .  This morn I began thinking about whether or not it would be appropriate to `discuss` trump and his Tax Avoidance Criminality .   I took a couple of its of "Advil" so that my body would just STOP complaining, and figured, "Oh well,,what the hell".  BUT  as I considered the format in which to make commentary the thought that NOW was the Time to introduce a Something I have held at bay for quite some time------------.  

"It" has to do with Reincarnation otherwise known as "the Transmigration of Soul".  You can readily see the problem---trump does NOT have a "Soul" in the Classic Sense of Divine Spirit.  Still ..... .

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Vonnegut's Guts


          There are some Books "you can't LIVE without".  Among them Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle, Jung et al, Man and His Symbols,  Campbell's The Hero With A Thousand Faces,  Chuang Tsu's The Inner Chapters, Lao Tzu's The Tao Te Ching, Salinger's The Catcher In The Rye,  Heller's Catch-22, and Hesse's Steppenwolf .  Technically, these are "just the Beginning".  If you MUST decide on ONE, choose Cat's Cradle .   For me,, Vonnegut DEFINES Literary Genius when Literary Genius brandishes Dark {to Black} Humor .

I gotta 'hit the road'.

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ... .

Shoshana's Shauna

           IN THE AGE OF THE SMART MACHINE by Shoshana Zuboff arrived yesterday completing the procurement of her {Trilogy} [to date] ~~~ the others :  THE SURPLUS ECONOMY and THE AGE OF SURVEILLANCE CAPITALISM (((which I have already DEVOURED))) .    Shoshana {Show Shana} IS the Modern Prophetess of Future Hell, a Hell in which the Minds of the Many are BLEACHED of Singular Identity by means of Commercial Profiteering via Propagandal Hypnosis .  Her Intellectual Precision TRANSCENDS {even} Divinity Itself--such is the Nature of Her Outer Vision and Inner Penetration .  

          It is "as IF" she has 'taken-on' Marshall McLuhan's UNCANNY Brilliance and Contemporized* it to produce (first) a WAR-CRY to FIGHT Propagandal Psychological Hegemony via modern and Futuristic Technology not the least of which is the >> Computer <<  in order to Protect one's Self from 'becoming' both Numb and Dumb to Psycho-Physiological Techno-Extreme-Ism*.   That's the One of >>Device<< ADDICTION ---the one where Reality is 'set-aside' and Irrationality "esteemed".

   Here it is where my own Efforts ---to Re-Configure the American ConsciousNess via Jungian "Individuation" and Campbellian  >> Mythos << 'find'  INSPIRATION both on  Atomic and Sub-Atomic Levels .   Here it is where "Like Minds think alike" 'gives' vaunt to Rescue .  

Friday, December 9, 2022


          There ARE "Projects" underway.   First {Phirst} and foremost, 'The Learning Adventures of Bongo  and  Conga',   a Children's  Book  in which Conga learns the difference between >> In << and >> Down<<.  I've even enlisted the CONSIDERABLE Talent of my Neighbor, who has 'taken-on' Illustration as a"fun-time" Endeavor .   The opening pages are complete save for modifications to the font and script .  It's taken me EONS to devise an acceptable System to capture Imagine-Nings and set them to Paper .  Try not to laff* when you read that I NEEDED an Old-School Typist's Table to accommodate the Sketch Pad .  (((I have Issues))).  

          The Work {Wurq} on devising "specialty spellings" in order to Enhance the MEANINGS of Words by use of Phonetic  >>Alterations<<  has been exquisitely delightful .  In this Matter, Bill Bryson's  Mother Tongue, has been and continues to be,, a Source of Intellectual PLEASURE, a SIN by { Most} Traditional Classicists .    I am Determined to manufacture Spelling Structures that DEMAND Reader >Involvement<  in the EXACT SAME WAY as Chinese Idiograms* whose "characters" incorporate Sound and IMAGE to >Imbue< Understanding WITH Meaning .  I want THAT .

          "But wait {                  }  there's more .

Season of the Switch


          I'm too excited to even try to return to sleep.    After  what  SEEMS  like     4   l----o----n----g   Years, I finally manged to complete the Kozmyq* Re-Arrange of the Monk-Mermaid Room, the Toolz* Room and most importantly the Cave which has ((as of now)) been {Kozmifyed*} to Kayv*.   

          I have been struggling to consider myself a >> Writer<< in the Traditional [Classical] >Sense<, since, according to one of my "me-s", I'm no Steinbeck, Heller, or Kesey.  HOWEVER, once I kozmifyed Writer, making it Rwytor, I've felt a TREMENDOUS "load-off".  I can "live with" that .   

          I'm-gonna try and Emulate "Grandma Moses" who, at a VERY  >Late Age<   'produced' {Primitive} Art that helped Define what I will tag `Early American Expressionism`.  She X-Perienced* a Release of [her] Depth Imagination, an Imagination that appears to have needed YEARS of Maturation in order to 'find' "the Light of Day".  Grandma Moses as Muse ......... Did NOT "See that coming" .

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Carly Simon


          That Warning on the previous blog seems unwarranted .  2 questions : :  WHY ?

          I don't-wanna scrub the "You fukking idiot" .  I mean--------there's THAT .

          I'm still in the Process of rearranging the Cave to accommodate the OVERSIZE books of Kiddie Lit.  Today's Plan is to utilize a wheeled [Old School] Typing [ Table/Desk] and to do THAT I gotta reinsert a file cabinet I put in the Monk and Mermaid Room .   I've many several file cabinets that house many MANY binders of Notes and Idiot Recordings .   I rely on them to supply >wordings<* and catch-phrases that lend depth to shallow observations .  Style is EVERYTHING with regard to Establishing and MAINTAINING Reader Interest.  Here's an example >  One of Gaud's Names is Stephen A. DeSilva .

          Carly Simon swoons, "You're so Vain..."

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze....

Opt shun

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"Split Decision"

           "You can't bite the hand that feeds you."  We all know THAT'S >Bullshit<.  That colloquialism SHOULD read, `You should try NOT to bite the hand that feeds you.`  Consider what is Happening in Europe = = = .  They NEED Russian Fuels in order to SURVIVE.  Russian Fuel is FOOD in ALL of its Manifestations and Symbolisms*.  [No Fuel No Life].  You can READ the Problem .   Russia has Declared WAR on Ukraine, and in ITS {Exactions}---Europe as well.  Europe NEEDS Russia {>=<} , Russia  NEEDS  Europe .  Cake ?  Meet Hand !  Shit --- who  said  Gaud  didn't  have  a  "Sense of Humor" ?       Not me THAT'S for Sure .

          Look at it =  "We NEED our [{Sworn}] ENEMY to Feed us".  "We don't Care that Russia is SLAUGHTERING Ukrainian Women and Children".  "We don't Care Be-Cause we CAN'T Care".  "We CANT "Bite the hand that Feeds us".   

          Global Diplomacy {and lack thereof} lies at the `feet` of Fable, and Fairy Tale .  Here now can be seen the EXTENT of Pre-School Rhetorical Academics .    Street and Gutter Common Sense [Dont bite the hand that feeds you] is NEEDFULLY  >Dis-Regarded< due to the IMMEDIACY of Sustenance Procurement .   Yet, War DEMANDS the Infliction of some sort of PAIN upon a Merciless Aggressor.

         Steve Winwood moans, "It's a Fine Line---It's a VERY Fine line,"


You stun


          Somewhere near "Infinite Cake, Infinite Eat" is "You can't have your cake and eat it too".  I mean shit, how great would THAT be ?   Somewhere near REALITY is this Kozmyq* Truth, `When it's gone, it ain't comin' back`.   Presently, I'm at the Intersection of Quandary and Conundrum .  Elon Musk has 'taken over' Twitter and in so doing ,, provided a Platform upon which even the Criminally Insane can Voice Hatred, Rage, and Blind Fury, in an Invasionary* Effort to Subvert Democracy by Treason and Seditious Calumny .   

          I've 'been on' Twitter for ten years .  It is a Format that allows me a Creativity that expresses {Mind} in such a way that incorporates "e.e. cummings", Chuang Tsu,, and Various Others with 1st Grade ease .  "For better" AND "For worse" I use Poetry as I would use a "Tommy Gun" ---> rapid fire lethality*.  Here, shrt* bursts produce PROFOUND results .  Here,, one word sentences INTENSIFY Intensity thereby FORCING Impact AwareNess .  Here, the Written Word, can be manipulated in such a way that Imagination MUST be >Applied< if Understanding is to be >>Approached<< .

          Alas, I am now obliged to share the Platform with the Criminally Insane and Diabolically Cruel .

          "Uhhh   Huston* ????  We have a Problem . "

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

War is Swell

           We must conclude that one of the Results of the "Experiment of Democracy" was the failed Coup attempt by trump and his.   Democracy has a 'genetic predetermination' of `inevitable demise` .   On the Street that That looks like this :  `Democracy eats itself`.    

            The Experiment revealed  Democracy's Characteristics = the Reliance upon the UGLY HeavyNess of  WAR .   Democracy NEEDED War to sustain its Existence .   THIS was Lincoln's Democracy .   Clearly it was NO DIFFERENT from Washington's .   

           War is VITAL to Democracy's Existence .  Trumpism's Fascists REVEL in War .  Therefore : Trumpists REVEL in >>>Democracy .


Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ... .

Miss Conceived

           The Left continues to conceive Democracy as an >>> Experiment .   This Conception is FRAUGHT with inconsistencies, conflicts, and scientific cliches that have INVITED Mass Delusion.  The so-called "Scientific Method" includes = "Hypothesize, Observe, Analyze and Draw Conclusions".  Here now can be seen the   TRAGIC FLAW   of the   "Experiment of Democracy" ---> it,   By Definition, DEMANDS a "Hands Off" PASSIVITY, because, according to Science Industry, ANY "Hands On" Manipulation CONTAMINATES the Results .    You can't {Miss} the Obvious ... .   Democracy, as set in motion by the Founding Sots , Relied on UNREMITTING Vigilance and Various "Course Corrections" so that the Trajectory toward Utopia remain "Straight" and "True".   Socio-Political `Manipulation` was abjectly NECESSARY IFF Democracy (as Status Quo) was to retain Correct Evolutionary >>>Direction.  To consider Democracy as an Experiment  is [grotesquely]  Obscene .  

Miss Construe

           I have sought to {construe} the present-day Political "Realm" as a Childhood Fables and Tales Phantasmagoria within which "Magical Thinking" and Fanciful Desire reek HAVOC upon [the] Collective Conscious that   SHOULD  be tuned to Civilization-al Evolution --- the one of Adult {Mature} Cognizance --- the one of [actualized] Reality, specifically = "Situational AwareNess" otherwise known as 'Combat Ready' Field Intensity.   The Left steadfastly REFUSES to acknowledge the now SORDID Actuality of Fascist Aggression , choosing instead to refer to the ENEMY as "colleagues across the aisle".   Here, "Wishful Thinking" epitomizes DELUSION.    Here, "If Only" is brandished like some Teddy Bear with the words, "Do it for HIM".   Here, "I'm hopeful" signals an OPEN Admission that FAILURE is most certainly 'likely' but that HOPE is "All that remains" of {futile} Exigency gone the way of "Pissing into the wind".  

"If Only" --Ism

              The American Left has yet to FULLY {Real Eyes} [that] the TRUE Nature of RepubliK{KK}an Political Ideology is NO Ideology at AT ALL .  We must assume that (a) Political Ideology is >Governmental< at its {foundational} Core.   Indeed, both Liberal(ism) and Conservative(ism) DO have a 'set' of Values which themselves are oriented toward a VIABLE Socio-Political Existentialism wherein {whereby} Principles are the Means of Directed Will, meaning, Governments's >Agency < has ONLY the Benefit of the Country as its UNIVERSAL Goal .        The abject Perversion of the republican party, recognized [rightfully] as >Trumpism< {aka FASCISM} has [now] generated a DESTRUCTIVE FORCE that is {LASER} focused on Democracy ANNIHILATION .   

          War is HARDLY  a 'Condition' of uncomfortable and disagreeable >Circumstances<  a [Something] that Debate and Diplomacy can Mitigate .   With a MONSTROUS DIABOLICAL BRILLIANCY, trumpists have actually WEAPONIZED Democracy and turned IT against Itself thereby 'turning' America into a Culture-War Battlefield wherein Hatred, Bigotry, Neo-Nazi-ism, White Krisstain-ism are like Nuclear Detonations that have filled the Socio-Political Atmosphere with LETHAL Radioactivity.

          Yet, the Left dwells in "If Only"---if only republiKKKans would "come to their senses" and disavow trumpism . 

           2 {werdz}  It aint-gonna happen, not now,, not {eva}.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Wooly Pulley


           It's time to get into the Tools' Room----it's plenty warm enough and my ribs are beginning to ache from sitting and and --  typing .   

          "Peace of Mind" CAN-BE Overrated.  Technically what transcends Peace of Mind is "Not Moving Mind" --- but that's a Topic for another morn.  Zen Master Steve Winwood once exacted, "There is HappiNess in Strife".  [Traffic--John BarleyCorn Must Die] ---  to this add Chuang Tzu  "Perfection is the result of Struggle"  [The Inner Chapters].   

           I spell "Peace of Mind" this way  E-L-E-C-T-R-I-C  M-O-T-O-R .  I THINK I have one in the Mini-Barn .   

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze....


The ass in hassle...

          I can hear you Kidz Screaming >>>  "THE PULLEYS --WHAT ABOUT THE FUKKING PULLEYS ???".   I'm gettin' there ...... don't forget exactly how OLDE I am ~~ >
          I believe we can "rest assured" in the assessment that Humans ALWAYS {seem to} dodge real 'Work' by finding `ANYTHINGELSE` that can 'put-off' expected drudgery that "looks to the world" to be unrelenting Hardship .    Here "Procrastination is the Thief of Time" is readily dis-charged in favor of `ALWAYS PUT OFF 'TIL TOMORROW WHAT SHOULD BE DONE TODAY`.    Of that I'm guilty .
I delude myself with a wholesome Vibrancy that seeks VALUE in the itsy-bitsy of Task Deflection .  I clean, I organize,, I listen to Musyq --- all under the near Halucinogenic Immediacy that identifies Procrastination with Project Planning .   Indeed, when passers-by call out,
 "Get off your ass and get going !"  I return,  I'm NOT resting I'm PLANNING !!!!  I LUV myself for that kwik witted Ness .   I'm {wikked} {smot}.

"A tisk-et a task-et .." [1879]

           You'd think {and I want to PRETEND} I NEED "Peace of Mind" to {Right} .  Not {kwite}.  Robert Pirsig in his Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance , describes `the time when he and his friends` intellectually stumble over a set of [Japanese] directions that began with "Assembly of this bicycle begins with "Peace of Mind".   The artists within his friendgroup* INSTANTLY recognized the WISDOM of this Preliminary, while the others scoffed .  Of course Pirsig defended this 'advice'.  I do as well BUUUUUT ,, there ARE >> Industry Standards<< that can be applied when (("Peace of Mind" is either unattainable or simply TOO Distant)) Peace itself is ridiculously unwarranted, meaning, sometimes "You gotta DO what you gotta DO" is the BEST that can be utilized to begin and maintain Task Surety .  


Square Root Beer

           There is a stark connection between my being a `Righter` and my NEED to Salvage what the Ancients have valued as 'Absolute' --- Universal Wisdom --- Wisdom that has maintained its Integrity throughout the Ages .  Here it is where Myths, Fables, Tales, Proverbs, Colloquial-isms, [et al]  have {somehow} scribed the Collective Conscious not JUST with Direct Aspiration* but with the GODALMIGHTY POWER of the Collective UN-Conscious as well as the misfit problemations* of Subliminal Aggravations.   Not only do we "Act according to the way we SEE things" --- We 'act' in response to Subliminal and UnConscious "Promptings" many of which are `drawn from` an Animalistic PRE-ConsciousNess that [correctly] Identifies us as Primal SAVAGES .   

          It is IMPERATIVE to try and understand the True Nature of Myths, Fables Tales etc.  These 'Stories' are Expressions of the Collective [Universal] UnConscious .  Drs. Jung and Campbell have meticulously described this This .  [Man And His Symbols --- The Masks of God] .   

          The aforementioned pulleys {as well as the pump-jack} are NECESSARY Components for the {Industry} Operation of >>> Right-ing  at least for MEEE .   Here it is where "Peace of Mind" MUST-BE a Foundation for [of] Creative Expression       Deep-Rooted Analysis Resulting .


           In Ken Kesey's [American Masterpiece] Sometimes A Great Notion,  is described a "wish-for" and "delivery' of ~Items of Intense Desire~ .  He tags the `process` ---> "Sending Out".   Sometime ago a 'down-the-road' neighbor was throwing-out a couple of 'old school' grinding sets the core of which where two Millers Falls mini pulley `towers` that had ancient [but modernly serviceable] grindstones worthy of axe and maul exactions.   These platforms were INGENIOUSLY constructed with care given to the machine screws and wing nuts that allowed for adjustments and manipulations rite down to the 'finesse' level.  I was gobsmacked* by its Simplistic Calm-Plexity .  This Guy had 'Thought things through' .  This {shyt} was so old, the wood was crumbling and the tin shields were like cardboard .  I LOVED all of IT.  I vowed to utilize his Mind Energy, which had been bonded to the platforms by Love and Intent and had remained with these objects for AT LEAST two ZILLION Years---indeed so smitten was I that no time was dis-charged and cleaning began straight-away.

         I had never seen Millers Falls pulley `towers` and his Application of them was Smithsonian Suitable.  




          I have ignited all three burners on the camping stove that heats the Tools' Room.   When the room `gets to temp` I'm gonna leave this space to clear the vise / drill press / grinder /chain sharpener Table so I can hit the speed bag without `clusterfuk` guilt .  I can't 'take' the cold .  As I {wurq} here the Remington Mini-Furnace 'has my back'---the Cave now an acceptable 70 degrees .  

          I can't {ryte} without the Heat .  I'm olde now .  The Hell-Being "Do or die at ANY cost" can be harnessed only under {X-TREEM} duress ---He is Fury ridden ............................ .

          Today's wurq 'is about' this --->  

                    "Have in your hold the Great Image/ And the Empire will come to you."

          Yesterday, after a few months,, electric motor pulleys came into my possession .  They were `sent` to me by the Universe ~~~~ a Blessing {Kiss} that has {is} a Kozmyq Affirmation of 'Correct Trajectory'.  

           Know the Parallel =  Lao Tzu and Mick Jagger  = =

                  "You can't always get what you want /  but sometimes, if you Try /  

                         You get what you need."

             One {Wurd}    Believe It.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

"Half measures avail us nothing".


          Make no mistake, Mind Energy is a Force .   As such, it must be developed BEFORE it can be utilized.  There is NO Risk involved .  Mind Training is similar to all other Trainings, in this, Commitment precedes the Actuality of the Training, meaning, Devotion to one's self is a Necessary First.  Be advised, "Half measures avail us nothing".    

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ....

The Corps of Qozmyk Qozmytons

           Captain Obvious' Corps of Qozmyk Qozmytons rallies to this Battle-Cry : "Fight Mind Energy with Mind Energy".   Straightforward enough .   But this 'straightforward enough' belies Inner Difficulty, it is "Easier said than Done".   We must keep in mind the Foundation of the Captain's >Militant Ideation< to Advance `Penetrative Attention` to 'What lies Directly', in other words, we want to See "the Forest AND the Trees".   This means to Direct Mind Energy in such a manner as to FOCUS on the OBVIOUS   FIRST AND FOREMOST because only then can the IN-Direct and Sub-Liminal be detected and/or uncovered.  That's what we want---a WHOLE-istic Panorama --- to See EVERYTHING .



Terms of En-Fear-ment

           Captain Obvious is yet to publish his Dictionary of Obvious Obvious-es but those of his most familiar have '{spent} and ready' access to his Sanskrit Lexicon which supplies us with, "Original Mind generates Original Mind Energy".   "Original Mind", its Origin and Function,,  MUST-BE reserved for a Later Consideration.  Today only >Mind Energy< is to be examined and placed into the Context of Socio-Political Congregation---special to the American Midterm Elections and the Democrat Survival of a Neo-Confederate {Konfederate} Revolution .   

          Elsewhere I have defined Political Power as `the Ability to control the minds of the populace`.  Here it is whereby >Mental Manipulation< finds presentation in unrelenting Propaganda which results in 'Brain-Washing' [WHITE Washing] ,  with the Political Intent of DEFINING 'Social Order' as a STATUS QUO that is maintained by holding True to an Ancient Value System that is NOT nor CANNOT be >>Apprehended< , by EVERY American Citizen .   This Status Quo actually DEFIES Democracy, rather, it PERVERTS Democracy by ascribing Democracy's Most SCANT to TRANSCENDENTAL Deliverance, meaning, The Will of the Majority is superseded by Democracy's OBLIGATION to "Protect the Few". 

"Uhhhh Houston ???  We have a problem..."



          Every morning I recite the "Great Dharani of Original Mind Energy".   Dharanis are "short sutras that contain magical formulas of knowledge..." .   It acts as a Mind scour-er and Brain cleanser as well as a healing agent while enriching the actual brain tissue as well .  That describes its {Physyqs} but the 'Magic of Knowledge' is identified by its Agency, that of Lucidity, Clarity and Vision Acuity .  What is the `Magic of Knowledge` ?  None-other than `Figure-Mentation`--- the ability to Manifest the Images of Imagination into Real World Thought Presentation other-Wise known as Writing .  The MAIN Characteristic of the Great Dharani is POWER, Mental Power, the Power to BE  >>>Anywhere, in Any Time .  The Application of the Great Dharani not only [provides] accelerated access to AnyWhere and AnyTime but also provides for the Creation of Space both {Here} and in Other Dimensions.   

Monday, October 24, 2022

"Big Brother And The Holding Company"

           What modest 'Gains' that manifested as Intellectual/Philosophical Freedoms, those of the `relaxation` of Taoism, and Confucianism e.g., have been 'shadowed' by Xi's SUPER-re-Imposition of Communist Party [Dogma] which has already slowed China's GNP .   Here it is where 'Politics' gone the  way of Religion,, has been shown to be DIS-Advantageous to Public Welfare, in that a MANDATED State Religion DENIES the specific form of Future that has within IT at least the CHANCE, no matter how improbable, of Abstract Liberties, those that allow one's Imagination INFINITE Possibilities.   I am hard-pressed to accept Political Ideology as possessing a Self Nature that is Self Origin-ed, meaning, existing unto itself as Cosmic Absolute .   Saint Augustine once defended the Infinity of God by declaring, "there was never a Time when Christ did not Exist".  The same cannot be claimed by Marx nor did he ever attempt that declaration.  By re-instituting Communist Party Control into EVERY facet of Public and Private Industry he has qualified Communism as Omnipresent.  Here now the Vision of George Orwell and his, "Big Brother is Watching" made manifest.   

          I hope my Girl Janis Joplin will forgive me the title.

Geez Us

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"Break On Through To The Other Side"

           The "Belief in America", {{{I mean What The Fuck IS that {?} }}}  continues to be expressed as if an abstract congeal-ment of amorphous Thought Issue can actualize the PHYSICAL Constructive Forces necessary to not only identify grotesque Obstructions, but to build the Siege Machines that can either Bridge the Fortifications or Penetrate them so that the Will of the Electoral Soldiery can advance to battle Enemy Forces and achieve Victory vis-a-vis "Mano-a-Mano".   CNN HAS reported the 'Street Fighting' "Door to Door" Campaign to >stir< the "Home-bound Careless" into Outward Bound  Expedition whereby Democracy and its Essence, Voting,  is activated not just for Political Gain, but for PATRIOTIC SPIRITUALISM , the one of Political Compassion and Civilizational Altruism .   But STILL a barely Informed Public INSISTS >due to Propagandal Brain Washing< that Economic Hardship has, as its Source, Presidential Malfeasance.   Its fucking BULLSHIT of course, but `They know what they know` and their Opinions are {conglomerated} by misinformation that borders on Intellectual Dysentery.

"The Wind Cries Mary"

          I sat in Chairy-Chair's lap until this surfaced, `My 'stream of ConsciousNess' sometimes `turns into` a `river of madness` `.   I got up and got into the shower room to get ready to {ryte}.   I needed to empty the coffee grounds' bowl-did that--the outside almost torridly mild, "equatorial" as they say---still I wouldn't be able to work because of the heavy mist----all things remain Saturated-----the ground a soaked, and dripping sponge~~~~........ .   I'm confined.   

          I returned to Chairy-Chair and allowed miff and peeve to grow to irritation.   I allowed my self to miss-direct Inner Anger to Outer {Constigation} - the SUPER-Brains' Refusal to state the Obvious FOR the Benefit of the Conscious Collective .   The Media is no less GUILTY.  They have yet to amass the `Conglomerative` Warning of {Inevitable} Impending Doom in such a way as to "Shock and Awe" what remains of a once democracy loving Electorate.   Ex-Mil Leadership HAS Spoken in united Condemnation of Trumpism and its Mythological Criminality manifested as Tribal Politics and yet their Wisdom Words >the seemly ECHO of  Fore-Fathers' Recognition of TYRANNY< are barely heard, like whispers in a gale force windstorm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .       

           We recall >>   "The answers, my friends, are blowin' in the wind, the Answers are blowin in the wind".    

Saturday, October 22, 2022

"Know thyself..."


          Self Expression is the Key for Fundamental Transformation .   Self Expression unlocks UnConscious Energies that are needed to explore the Infinity of one's Kozmyk Self .  This is no EZ Task and MUST be considered a "Labor of Love" if ANY Success is to be achieved ((where Achievement is manifested as {with} Peace of Mind)) .   

          The Oracle at Delphi registered the Absolute :   "Know thyself, Nothing too much" in other words, You MUST know who you are and of what you are made AND you can NEVER know the ALL of You but Self Exploration MUST BE a CONTINUOUS Action.  

          Zen Masters Insist, In order to find Peace [and Prosperity] it is Necessary to 'Find' your True Self. .

          Two words, "TRY, TRY,, TRY !!!"

Rock Steady ........Steady az She goze ....

Tai Phoon

           It may have been intemperate to use John as an example.   He exists in the Divine Stratosphere of Supremely Gifted and 'that' MAY disqualify him from our {my} consideration.  There is the Problem of Subjectivity, my own, that degrades rhetorical description by imposing Opinion onto and INto Generalizations of Public Conscious ; indeed how many of us Know John ?   Please forgive me .

          I contend the 'Majesty of Being' is experienced through one's Life by way {dint} of CONSCIOUS activation of Creativity, and {of course} Imagination.  Here now  Life as Artistry, can be viewed as THE Ultimate Experience of Existence, meaning, to live one's Life `As IF` and `As Though` one CREATES one's Reality with the Industry of Harmonics and Aesthetics as STANDARDS.   This This involves ACTION-ABLE Action, the deliberative CHOICE to pursue Inner Peace and Outer Harmony in order to Live in Beauty rather than toil in Hardship and Ugliness.  

          There is a Kozmyk Absolute for this , it is, "We create our own Perceptual Reality".  

           Are we then to become Artists ?  Each and every one of us ?

          Two words ....   Yes .

Friday, October 21, 2022


            One must wonder if Majesty is a Feeling, an ongoing, [continuous] Sensation of some sort of Exquisite Realization of Infinite Beauty .   Is it a Condition of Reality {?} or merely a Delusion of Idyllic Idiocy -- the one that actually DENIES the intimacy of Misery and Suffering .   Can Misery actually Reflect Majesty ?  And what of Suffering ??  The Buddha's First Nobel Truth is :  "All Existence entails Suffering" .  How is it that Dr. Campbell can ignore THAT ?  Easy,  he  does  NOT.  Rather,  he  and  we MUST  conclude  that  Misery  and  Suffering  themselves   ARE   Majestic  .   In our Travels we have encountered "the Nobility of Suffering" an example of which is the "Hunger Strike", a `Position` of Self Sacrifice that {obviously} en-nobles Human Altruism { I Suffer for YOU }.     

          Here it is where Cosmic `becomes`   Cozmyk .  Misery and Suffering are Removed from the Realm of Negativity and elevated to Nobility and hence Majesty .   This Realm of Majesty can be reached {Attained} by Self Expression I dare to tag The Art of Self Expression .  [ This morning] the Universe has supplied John as Prime Example of the Majesty of Being accessed by The Art of Self Expression, Muzyq Resulting.

Electric Stardust


          I awoke from a Lecture given by the Universal Intelligence.  Oddly, it continued as I reached full ConsciousNess.  The Lecture was `on` John McLaughlin and his Music, but almost instantly, I realized it was on, "The Majesty of Being", a phrase 'coined' by Dr. Joseph Campbell, which he used to describe the Cosmic {Cozmyk} Experience of  >> Life << .  Needless to point out the abject Horror to which the so-called ` Universe ` has delivered unto us, Covid and the War in Ukraine to name the Obvious,, so the Lecture on 'Majesty' seems 'out of sorts' with the Public and (to some of us) Private Reality of a "Living Hell".   


Tuesday, October 11, 2022

"Return To Forever"


          "Do you want a Future or do you not ?"   THAT'S what the democraps should be Asking and asking with the Menacing Intensity of "The Blind Swords'Man >> Zatoici".   

            At this "Here" there can be no other Question that addresses the Existential Threat the republicans wield as materialized Weapon .   Here it is where Democracy should be recognized as a SYMBOL for Truth.  Here too, the Future MUST also be recognized as Primal INEVITABILITY meaning, {Socio} Political Evolution is UNIVERSAL ABSOLUTE .      Believe it .

Rock steady.........Steady az She goze...,





           What {that thing} the democraps MISS is that the republicans offer not JUST a "Return to the Past" but in that "so doing" can be found A REJECTION OF  ANY   FUTURE .  In this, the republican religion is EXACTLY THE SAME AS >>>"Mohammedanism".  I use this archaic appellation because it directly transfers identification to Trumpism.  One man > one Religion.   Elsewhere I have delivered this `freight` with the Direct Express to influence {aggravate} acceptance of a particular 'set' of the so-called `Ideational Dynamics`.    Islamism is a Future DENYING Spiritual Realm.  Indeed, the Advance of TIME is an ENEMY of the State .   The Advance of Time is a DISTANCING of Mohammed's Truth, and this Distance results in a Lessening of Devotion Intensity .   Islam is WEAKENED by the Advance of Time.  

          One would think if not flat-out BELIEVE that The Divine Almighty, the Merciful One, the Compassionate One >>> Allah <<<  can NOT be Threatened by Time since it is HE who is the Generative Source of All Existence AND {the Force of } TIME ITSELF .   Nope ------------not even close ... .

Destination --Destiny of a Nation

          The Study of Martial Arts includes the NECESSITY of [Ritual] Combat.  Chogye Order Zen Sword {Shim Gum Do and [{ Kwan Um Do Kwang}] } use the exercise of "Form Fighting" to acclimate the student to combat >sensations< -- sensations that include the FEEL of wood Sword on wood Sword,  the movement of attack and retreat,, and the Experience of NECESSITY >> which manifests as Reliance on Self.    Wallace and hers have bemoaned the PRONOUNCED Dis-Interest the democraps have `observed` during these most Demanding Times, where Rhetorical Combat Readiness SEEMS to be a Requirement .  It is safe to `ject` {offer injection} that democraps {certainly} have NO Desire to engage in ANY Form of Combat let alone Rhetorical Combat DESPITE the FACT that Politics most often manifests as Political DISCOURSE if not flat-out Social Intercourse .   Here it is where Oration, the Vocal Expression of Ideational Dynamics is Vital if not CRUCIAL IFF Govern-Mental Policies are to be received as NON-Problematical Insistences WORTHY of Electors' Consideration .   Here it is where Inner CONFIDENCE must be expressed as SUPERIOR Accomplishment and FAITH ---the Whole Deal where Political SELFLESSNESS advises {and Directs} an ALTRUISTIC Trajectory that has as ITS Destination {Destiny of a Nation}  >>>"A more Perfect Union".  


           The Hippie Huntress, Nicole Wallace, was near Apoplexy while delivering her >>>Broad Cast<<< yesterday during the late afternoon .   She has a "Mary-Ann Faithful" Face, and her Voice is `Mom-Soothing` ~~~  so much of her Intensity `gets` 'diluted' --- .   Still,,,  her SPIRIT, that of an Amazon Warrior, can NOT be Denied, and her Street Savvy Intelligence is >indentured heavy<, meaning she WORKS for Democracy in a manner of Unremitting Devotion and ALMOST Unconditional Love.  

          Of late, she as focused on the Upcoming Midterms and has been calling into Attention democratic strategy, if strategy can be used for Fumbling and Mumbling Idiot-tomics.   { Idiot Tomics is Idiot Atomics, where Atomics is Elemental Power of ESSENTIAL Non-Thinking, Non-Deliberative,, Non-Reasoning,,, Outflow}.   In other words, Stupidity at the Atomic Level .   

          Wallace CONDEMNS demo{craps} for their LACK of Political Refinement, and my use here of 'refinement' is grossly GENEROUS, because, in Situational Reality, many of those 'running' for Office have largely IGNORED the Truth of Combat Actuality.  The republicans have declared WAR on the democraps, a Declaration that MUST be Addressed because of its very Nature.  

          Wallace has the Clear Vision Of The Ancients and because of her Ability has been able to Penetrate Causal {and A-Causal} Reality with Superior Acuity .  She Bellows,  OUR DEMOCRACY IS AT STAKE !!!!    Politically {and Spiritually}  there is no GREATER Truth .

Season of the Switch


          I slept wearing one of my work hoodies.  I didn't want to get even a chill during the sleep session.  I'm old now, frail almost ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~almost.   Three days or relentless rain {we NEED every drop, indeed, every fukking MOLECUE} has saturated the soil, beyond three inches, and the moisture penetrates the 'above' to permeate my bone tissue--------- ... .   The `Rok That Dident Want` is now as close to 'in place' as my weakened Spirit can attain .   I had to dig its rear to lower its front and  present  its'  face  so  that  it  is  perpendicular  to ground level ;  disappointingly, its much smaller now because of its receded elevation .  It's still `prominent` but not COMMANDING as are the Others.  Oh Well .  

          Winter preparations are ongoing, I refuse to "get caught with my pants down" as I was last Season {Of the Switch} .  Age hastens Experience, Experience begets Wisdom, and although there are far more DELIGHTFUL endeavors, I can't bare another Spring of Regret and most Bitter Remorse .  My Life is EXCEEDINGLY  short  and that Duration DEMANDS Effort .   So It is, and So It must be.


Tuesday, October 4, 2022

The Little Engineer That Could


          I'm leaving this This here.  

          COG can be altered by shifting its position relative to the direction of drag and/or movement desired.  The greater the Mass and Density the greater the Difficulty---Believe it.

          Keep in mind Archimedes' Absolute 

                                     "Give me a place to stand, and I can move the Earth".

Rock steady........steady az She goze... .


           I've come to FULLY 'Appreciate' the Psycho-Physicality of "Center of Gravity".  Beneath every "dire situation" there is "Gravity".  We hear, "You can almost FEEL the 'Gravity of the Situation' " or, "The Gravity of the Situation was palpable".  With Rok and Stone Movement the Center of Gravity MUST be Acknowledged and Acknowledged FULLY.  The Center of Gravity Influences Movement, since The Center of Gravity SCRIBES not only Direction by Drag Co-Efficient.  Changing the Center of Gravity alters the Drag Co-Efficient and can increase or decrease the Force needed to advance .   

          The Application of the Awareness {a-WARY-Ness} of COG is readily apparent and even VITAL to Present Day Socio-Geo Politics ESPECIALLY with regard to {p}utin's PSYCHOTIC 'Advisory' that he WILL use Tactical Nuclear 'Devices' should [his] Annexations 'come-under' Ukrainian Counter-Attack.   Here, the Center of Gravity is putin's Self Delusion that his War is JUSTIFIED .  The COG is none-other than [[his]] Megalomanic{al} Criminality --Human Atrocities resulting.   The Question surfaces, 'Can the [his] COG be altered ?'  -----------------------------------------------------  Tough one... .


"Over, Under,, Sideways,,, Down"

           Zen touts the Beauty of Asymmetry but I'm `here to tell ya`, be Wary AND Cautious when it comes to Rok Rigging and Rok Movement in general .  Here, it is Necessary to 'Think in 3D', meaning, to gain MULTIPLE Perspectives that Include X-the Unknown and even Y the Invisible .   I've been a `Victim of Shove` which SEEMS Impossible bc I'm SOOOOO {phuqing} {smot} but sadly it's True.  Brute Force is the Default Physicality when Exasperation blinds Reason.   But beware, Brute Force is part of "Trial and Error", and commands Effort in the Realm of "Explore ALL Possibilities" and SHOULD be Included in the Scientific Technique of Experimentation.  Alas, I NEVER allow myself to get to that Realm, choosing instead to `take the train` to Performance Perdition after passing through Cluster-Fuck and Shyt-Show City.  Not much Zen in either of those Locations .   Still, we have been Taught to "Learn from our mistakes" BUTT you DO NOT want to `live` in THAT seamy underbelly of pseudo-Psycho Relevance---for ONE thing it is caustically waste{full} and egregiously Time Consuming and worse {IMPRACTIC-ABLE}.  Being Practic-able is part of the Efficiency Harmonic and should be Valued as such.  What sucks is that it takes TIME to be Practic-able and many of us {MEE} do not 'take the time' to ponder "Consequence" .   

Steeve the Stooge does the Can-Can

           You kidz remember that rok that was uP then down, then uP then down ?   Well I got it uP and instead of `going WITH  it` I  decided  to get artsy-fartsy, to get  >>>qute<<< with it and wouldn't ya know ?   Yup, I 5 Stooged it {ryte} to the base-line level.  Here's the Wisdom --->  Don't try and get >>>qute<<< with a 700 pound Rok.  All the Shyt I was proud of, the rigging-as-Engineering-blah-blah-blah was all for NAUGHT in a single eye-blink of Stooge {Geriatric} Imbecility and Moronic Dishevel-ment.  "One more prod" was all it took to set the rok in a SUPER-Slow-Motion tumble from Elevation 2 to Cluster-Fuk-Shyt-Show City.  All I {cood} do was gawk.  Newtonian GENIUS to Steve the Stooge in less tyme then it takes to say, `Can I even BEEEEE more stupiter ???`.  [[[I can---I SO can]]] .

"Rig for Silent Running"


          Warmth and the delightful Fragrance of Sandalwood Incense ~~~~~~~  Winter has arrived.  

          It's been three days now---steady winds---gale forces and the incessant Rush of Wind-Sensational, Punishing, Damaging, Ravishing >>> as though Mother Nature is pulling out Her Hair in a Fury of Exasperation and Blind Rage ..........

         Three weeks Later I'm where I was to begin with, the Wall remains unfinished except for a 10 foot section .   Let's see ---that's 3 YEARS in Retirement Tyme---my body so much worse from {where} and {tare}.  I AM Stronger however, my lumbars and spinal erectors now turned to rope wires and cable steel-- did NOT see THAT coming.  

The BIGGEST Thing ??  I've become the 5th Stooge-joining Moe, Larry, Curly and Shemp as 'slapstick' Comedian---unfortunately I'm NOT Acting---it's Real.  Woe is me~Woe is me................. .

Friday, September 30, 2022

"Hush Hush ~~~ Voices Carry"


          So there's this Guy, his name is Roger Welsch and he's written a few books on [Farm] Tractor Restoration.  My fav is  Busted Tractors and Rusty Knuckles within which is to be found "Small Victories".   Clearly you want to avoid Agony and Excruciation when you Work but more often than Not 'things' get beyond Human Control to such an extent your just-GOTTA Figure the Universe has sent Vultures to feed upon your exposed-to-the-World liver.   What to do---what to do .  

          When you DO 'get-to' Hideous Stall there's sometimes nothing you CAN do except Nothing, but THIS >Nothing< is Special.   Roger steps back and listens to the Rolling Stones through Ampi-Theater Speakers that can be heard on Uranus.   Robert chooses to clean nuts and bolts with his Tap & Die Set, while I resort to the Submarine Order to "CLEAR THE DECK ---DIVE, DIVE,, DIVE..."    Here, I pick up all tools, rugs and mats and make the Area Secure for the Advance of Inertia .   When > It < is "All Clear" THAT'S when I can Sit and just Stare THAT'S when I hear the Voices that command Direction.

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze....


"Victim of Love"

           The 'Appearance' of Solutions may or MAY-NOT supply APPLICATION.  It is of little value to have a Solution in which Tools that you do NOT have are needed .  Here, the Demon of "If Only" rears his ugly head thereby imposing not just Dismay but indeed {fucking} Horror.   How many Times have we brutalized ourselves with, "I shoulda bought that Tool when the Opportunity presented itself." ???   Bent and Twisted gets us to the Wring and Wrung of Mind-as-dishcloth .   Be {ever} Mind-full that Solutions Appear as a BLIZZARD of Uniques, still further blinding us to ONE Solution that CAN be Applied .  This "This" leads us BACK to Thinking but on the Level of Decision .   We must decide on the most appropriate Solution that can solve ALL Existing Difficulties {Problems} and render Acceptable Movement .   

          I had the Solution to utilize foot long pipe rollers to ease movement.  I applied them and where I intended only gentle Nudge, the pipe rollers MAGNIFIED this gentility to TECTONIC and the mini-boulder went 2 feet IN THE RWONG DIRECTION , and not only that, but as it moved it toppled the scaffolding upon which it rested. 

Fucked, I say, and that Twice Over .

"Invisible Touch"

           Elsewhere I have modernized Zen Master Seung Sahn's "Don't Know" to What The Fuck.   What The Fuck is an expression of COMPLETE STALL, One's Mind has literally STOPPED due to Confrontation with the {sometimes Hideous} Cozmic Resolute, that's the one whereby the Universe DENIES Solution by placing UnRecognizable Conditions within a 'pigeon-hole' scope of Vision.  You can't 'see' bc you can't See.  My Hero, Robert Pirsig, has described the DEMAND to just STOP trying to Think and to [just] Sit and Stare.   The Psycho-Physics behind [and beneath] this 'State' may {or may NOT} provide an Understanding that facilitates Movement --- whateva---.  "Dont Know is a Condition BEFORE 'Thinking" and AFTER Thinking--- it is a ```Zone``` of {Cozmic} Empty-Ness within which ALL Knowledge is {Contained}.  [[[ Achieving]]] Empty-Ness `dissolves` ConsciousNess which can then 'pass' through the Membranes of Dimensions that Restrict Access .   Once Entry has been Achieved Solutions ```Appear``` .

"My Favorite Martian"


          There were Fails that bordered on catastrophes [[to be sure]].   They were (of course) `made into` Challenges.  Here, it's best to View "The Martian" wherein Matt D. experiences Failures that are no mere Catastrophes bc on Mars EVERYTHING is "Life or Death".  The Pressure to Succeed is GIGANTIC since Failure proscribes only Death.  No such "Life or Death" simulation awaited my endeavors---quite the Opposite actually~~~in my Instance Failure meant re-thinking and PROPER Planning, the one that MUST foresee Failure as Ongoing Condition and therefore MUST be confronted not just as Possibility but{so much worse} Probability.  Here it is where "X-The Unknown" is a Primary State of Actuality, an Actuality that can best be `seen` as Invisible Force(s)~~~Energies that the Conscious Mind cannot Apprehend as conceivable Reality.  If Success is to be wrested from {seemingly} Dire Constraints, the Mind MUST-BE Directed INTO [Multi] Dimensional Aggravation, that's the one that can Penetrate the Invisible Realm(s) wherein lie Solutions to what now can be described as Cozmic Paradox meaning Real Problems do NOT 'occur' in JUST in 'Real' Reality (where they can be Solved by a steadfast Conscious Application of Newtonian Physics) but instead `carry` with them the Energies of Incomprehensive Chaos otherwise Known as Mysteries.

Thursday, September 29, 2022



          I'm about to head-out to return a few items and tools to their protective locations.  I was too sick yesterday to do so and the job-site is UN-site-ly.  For {thoze} that read my Twitter, the 'pipe-stretcher' I devised was an unmitigated SUCCESS.  I did, however, GROSSLY underestimated the Weight of that rok which I conclude from imagining how many fifty-pound [barbell] plates would fit within its mass.  I was unable to leverage ANY movement and was forced to devise yet another `system` which could accept the puller and instance a 'straight-line pull' which then transformed the pipes from stretcher to rails.  THAT was COMPLETELY Successful and the rok now rests upon the surface platform of the table stone.   

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze... .

Tit for Task

           It is crucial [if not flat-out VITAL] to impress upon you the Significance of Labor-As-Devotion.  This 'It' is {Necessarily} SECONDARY to the Practice [Execution] of Sword Forms in that Sword Practice is HIGHEST Order of {"MY"} Spiritual Existence .   There is no Cozmic Crevice that Sword does not Reach [Extend].  Here, Sword "acts-like" Antenna, an Antenna that itself "acts" as a conduit in which Universal Energy Flows.    This "This" is what you Want {or SHOULD Want} in each and every daily task (and/or Ritual) you execute {or Perform}.  Here now the "Magic and Mystery" of "I draw water, I carry wood" can be paralleled with, `I raise rock, I move stone`.   This "It" can be `found` in "I wash the dishes and I put them away".   When you Mind is "Clear like Space" Universal Energy Flows with Ease.  Within this Condition Work is NOT Work, indeed, 'It' is as The Venerable Kahlil Gibran extols, "Work is Love made Visible".   We must {at times} substitute >Beauty< for Work in order to encompass day-to-day Activity , making this 'It' on an Order of a Religious Experience >>> the GOOD  Kind.  

"Stone Cold Fever"

           If you are of the mind, I strongly urge you to check-out "Stone Cold Fever" the 3rd cut off "Humble Pie Performance ---'Rockin' The Fillmore ' ".   In it you will Hear the Intensity of rok and stone Industry, the drive of Mason's Sledge and the tik-tok of Simplex Advance.  Understand that when I work there is only the Sound of Industry NOT this particular Song---such is the Nature of True Attention .   The Music `enters` AFTER the day is done and the day is examined in contented Retrospect .  

          One of "The Things-About-Stone-Work" is {a particular Refinement of} Accomplishment.  There is the Aspect of "Immediate Gratification" which is hardly 'immediate' and the result of  {only} INTENSE [sometimes P--R--O--L--O--N--G--E--D] `Sustaination' {sustained effort}.  No matter --- .   Accomplishment is attained by repeated Successes of Implementary Advance---each inch a Victory of the Application of Physics' Principles and the Will of  {Devout} Intent.   Moving Rok and Stone DEMANDS Concentration, a Concentration whose Anchor is none-other than Meditation Skill.  Here, "No Mind" is Essential only AFTER "Mind" has found True Orientation in Principles.  There is this ::  All Brain and NO Brawn which is followed by "All Brawn and No Brain".  Believe it. 


           Legend has it that Bodhidharma 'sat' "9 years before the Wall".... so it is that my efforts to `build` a 'wall' carry with them Bodhidharma's Example of Devout Resignation.   Understand that NO ONE can see this {my} Work...I don't care since the Eyes of the Celestials have PENETRATING Vision that extends to the Infinite Dimensions, and it is THEY whose Favor I seek .  

          It may be a mistake to refer to this `wall` AS a 'Wall'.  It is more a "Setting" than a true Wall, since I have eschewed using rocks {roks} and stones I can lift with just my hands and arms.  The mini-boulders were already there [for the most part] {but not really} and I was [and still am] intent upon using what is directly in front of me.  Once inside this Realm, I `saw` that I could represent the 8-Fold Noble Path with 8 Primary{s} such is their size.  Each is significantly different, with regard to "face" and Presentation.  Sitting before this Wall invites a View of Infinity, each rok and stone a Galaxy of Molecules-As-Stars, thus providing access to a composite NothingNess deemed of the Hy-est Value to {thoze} exploring the `Outer-As-Inner`.  


Beauty IS the Beast


          In lieu of actual readers, I've resigned myself to write for any futurists,who, by cozmic happenstance, may 'come across' the work of (by that time) an ancient.   I value my own precedent, that of finding Chuang Tzu's Inner Chapters, wherein I found his story of the 'Village Cripple/Hunchback' who managed to secure the Respect of all those who entered his Realm by producing an industry that provided shelter, water, food and even Surplus.   Chuang Tzu intimated a Sage-like Quality of which his fellow villagers accessed .  He possessed a Wisdom begotten by hard Work and (unrelenting) Self  Demandation [the demands placed upon one's self BY one's self].  

   Here now,,  Beauty IS the Beast.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Condition of Condition

           The Universe awakened me at 1:28--I've no idea why.  Generally, the Call to Write is the Reason~~~  the Universe sends me Info to be recorded and transmitted to an unwary Public innocent of the Nature and Direction of  Intent, meaning, I am just a Conduit for Universal Spillage; stuff on this screen is suppose to appear "of its own accord", I mean, it'd be great if I had an agenda that includes [is the result of] some sort  of Schedule,{where schedule MAY be syllabus} {{I mean shit---if only}}.    Instead of any Agenda [in lieu] I have a reliance upon Feeling---(which is why I sucked at my Major)---whereby Feeling is NECESSARY for the NEED to ryte.  I'm unreliable .

          It's not that I don't `work on` shit--- Thoughts as drafts are ever-present in my Psyche-- I 'hold' them as I work which then allows Formulation ---that is -- the Whole becomes self aware as Knowledge and in the best cases Wisdom-------when this occurs the shit  writes itself in the Exact same way that once you Master Sword Forms the Forms "DO" you .   

          I am loath to supply incomplete copy .   Open-ended MindlessfullNess implies {speaks of} inability and/or laziness---BOTH when daunt and whelm have activated disTrust, Doubt and Suspicion .  I sometimes wish there was a Pill for that  ....................................

Saturday, August 20, 2022

The cat without a hat fights back


            I'm thinkin' about putting a 'glossary' and/or lexicon and even a "Key to Pronunciation" Guide along with a 'Legend' like the ones we find on maps.   I've gone as far as considering this book, "How to read to your Children" --- A Handbook on meter, rhythm, modulation, connotation, inference and inflection ---- Sound as Transmitter of Understanding .   

          Here's the 1st sentence, "FOR CHRIST'S SAKE   `DO` THE VOICES !!!"  

Rock steady.......steady az She goze... .