Monday, January 29, 2024

"Cinnamon Girl"

                              There are two hideously beautiful Songs on Neil Young's "Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere " album/CD .  They are :    "Cinnamon Girl" and "Down By The River" .     Besides "PREDATOR" I will tag this "Caste" of females as "Cinnamon Girls" - girls of Stephen Stills Ordination the one(s) of "Love The One Your With" Sanctity .   At least with the 'Cinnamon Girl' appellation I get the Romance of "Sugar and Spice and everything Nice" , which SHOULD lesson* the blow of Sledge Hammer Fury, which manifests as "PREDATOR" .      

            Every guy wants a "Cinnamon Girl" a one from under the Sun who is wrought by a Twisted Iron Soul ,  whose search for Orgasmal Ecstasy MAY be found within the sexual Congress of Celebrity Intimacy .   When boobs are involved, gyze* are SUCKERS .

            There's a Problem, however .   "Down By The River" is an Ode to Jimi Hendrix's "Hey Joe" ["Where you goin' with that gun in your hand?"] .   Neil and Jimi decided that Life was UN-FUCKING-BEARABLE because they had been cuckolded ] by that same "Cinnamon Girl .    NO one would figure that Infidelity was a Life or Death Panorama , but these dudes did .     

            Joe's in Mexico  Neil's in Toronto .                  


                              I've cartoonized* some of these females with "Slut-Action Jane" and "Slut-Action Barbie" .   I've even considered using "Vulvatrophs" ---> that,  even for me, is fucking "out-there" .    Name calling is ridiculous anyway, these females are IMPERVIOUS to Shame, a characteristic of Animalic* {like an animal} behavior .    

            In many ways these Wanna-be-concubines are prostitutional* witnesses of Savage Lust --  They use a lonely man's `lean-toward-hedonism` as a means of Exploitation .    I have written Elsewhere, 'Truth Kills".   Here, Beauty IS Truth, which makes this :   Beauty Kills .   We use :  "Drop Dead Gorgeous" with good ir-reason* .



"Nately's Whore"

                              Some of Most of these chicks are unabashedly vulgar -- a criminal vulgarity that manifests as Vulva-in-the-face psycoticism*  {psychotic eroticism} , it's a red-neck meal-time call to "Come-an'-git-it" .    They are devoid of a "Conscience" {where Conscience MUST-BE welded to Common Sense Sensitivity, the one that would help them see themselves as ANY  'Dickhead' that shows his dick to ALL}  :   a Conscience that  SHOULD avail them to more cautionary and PRUDENT Resilience .   Alas this is not so, indeed one Mistress of the Fright commanded :  "EVERY guy wants sex".   

                                      "I said, "god damn, GOD DAMN the Pusher Man" .

Sigh Wrens

                             I make myself recede-ingly* uncomfortable when I consider 'writing about' young women and their Moral Orientation .   Kwite-more* than occasionally,,  I receive 'friend requests' from young females .   Most often these females are Sirens, NOT in the 5 Alarm Fire sense, but in the Homerian Sense ---  where these Sirens lure lonely sailors to there smash/wreck Death .   

            I have "taken-on" these females because I find it HORROR-FRY-ING that they choose NOT to "Work" in the Traditional {Classical} Sense, but instead, in  a Morally DEPRAVED Sense, the one where they weaponize Loneliness and wield it against us Old Guys that they may elicit monetary reward in return for injudicious `Discovery` .

            Apparently {or NOT} these chicks are not Educated save in the ways of Grift and Graft --  they are at best slovenly hucksters, at worst, cruel and punishing `Hags-To-Be` where their youth and beauty define them as Widower-Makers ,   `Death of the Hart` `Thugs-with-Jugs` .



Saturday, January 27, 2024

The Elixir of Forgetfulness

                              Scholars of Ancient Esoteric Christianity have reported evidence that the Christian Ancients DID have some Awareness of the Transmigration of Souls---> Reincarnation .   There are stories that depict Entities that aske the newly deceased if they want to remember their past life or do not .   Should they answer that they do NOT, they are given an Elixir of Forget, and once consumed, the Past is quietly evaporated .   I contend that this 'evaporation' actually continues into birth and further, into early childhood .   Psychologist speak of "Childhood Amnesia", our {complex} inability to recall events before, say, 2 years old .  I insist that this 'Amnesia' is somehow GUARANTEED by Evolutionary Forces, so that the advancing Soul does NOT have to re-endure the Sufferings of the Previous lifetime .

            I confess, I LOVE the Story of the Elixir, it IS Romantic .   I LOVE that it MAY be Truth, in an Evolutionary Psychotic "Way" .  

            I am nothing if not Psychotic .

Ms. Ur Rhee

                              Many psychologist argue that it is the Promptings of the Un-Conscious* that are responsible for nearly ALL our decision-making .   Indeed, we are 'moved' to-and fro by these Promptings which I have tagged, "The Hand of the Universe" .   

            Know that these Un-Conscious Promptings reside in an Invisible Realm, meaning, we are largely UNAWARE that it is our   Un-Conscious   that is responsible for our Attitudes, Biases and Presentiments .   My own Intellectual Rationale  resides in this Invisible Realm where-in lie the Manifestations of my "Iron Fist Rhetoric" .    News Broadcasters can't seem to understand WHY trumpists believe what they Believe.  This  is  a  Failure  on  their  part  to  access   Meaning from Reality   which is   `commanded`   by  the Un-Conscious .    

            I contend that SOME of our Biases are DIRECTLY related to 'those things' that reside in our Psyche  because  of   Childhood Configurations,   otherwise  known  {in Psychological terms}  as Constellations .    In essence, as children, we were 'captured' by the Romance of Olympian Theosophy .   The Olympic Gods LITERALLY "Captured our Imagination" .   Now, in our later years our Imagination is held HOSTAGE by this Romance, and Glory, and SPLENDOR of the Olympic Gods who ACTED AS THEY PLEASED with sometime CARELESS DISREGARD of Parental Impositions .   How we LONGED for such FREEDOM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      {{{{{{{{{{ Worship the Goddess,  Miss Guidance ...}}}}}}}}}}

Friday, January 26, 2024

"The Shadow knows"

                              In the same way that "Life" and "Death" are 2 sides of the same coin, so it is with trump and Biden .  Whereas trump is the Dark Side of the American Collective Conscious, Biden is the Light Side .   It is Imperative to Understand that Democracy 'created' both .

            Trump IS every Intellectual Hedonist ever created, his Ignorance and Tribal Animalism is profound regency of Primal Jungle Atrocity - the one of Primordial Unconscious - the one of Bestial Cruelty - the one of PREDATION - the one that THRIVES on the slaughter of the young, the infirm, and the Weak .

            Know that trump IS Democracy's Creation .   

            Know also that trump IS each and every one of us -- that his Mind IS  Our Mind -- that his overt psychological shortcomings ARE OUR OWN .   He IS the Filth and Squalor of INSTINCTUAL Qualifications ,  the Reminder that WE were  ANIMALS FIRST before True Conscious-Ness* 'arrived' .   Understand this :  Trump is a MIRROR, when we look at him, we are looking at our own Darkness, otherwise known as "The Shadow".

In God We {Blood}Lust

                              We must engage 'Understanding' to Understand 'Understanding'.  {To stand UNDER--- to View Reality from beneath it in order to see its underpinnings, its 'chassis' as it were-- to see what supports Reality } .   

            Robert Pirsig delineates the "Ways" we View Reality [ where View is Understand --  where Understand is a "Filter" of our Conscious ] .   He describes the Olympian Viewpoint of Ancient Moderns, who, through Homer's Masterpieces, obligated Understanding as OLYMPIAN ConsciousNess* .   Here, the  Gods  were  not  only  "ABOVE"  Earthly Law,  THEY  WERE  THE  LAW .   Trump's Actions are Characteristics of this Olympian "Conceit" :  his Rhetoric is of that Same .   

            Enter Judaic-Christian Rationalism .   Instead of multiple gods there was just One, and this One supplied Humankind with the Ten Commandments that was SUPPOSE-TO  be THE Code of Conduct and Behavior, Justice and Legality .   THIS "Code of Conduct" was summarily REJECTED by Trump and in consequence Trumpism .   These HERETICS and BLASPHEMERS do NOT consider themselves SINNERS  not  even in the SLIGHTEST since THEIR "World View" is OLYMPIAN in form and structure .   Judaic-Christian Law DOES NOT APPLY TO THEM .   Not only are they ABOVE the Law, they insist THERE IS NO LAW only {Diabolical} Influence --  where trump IS the Divine Influence .

            You can see it rite ?

Washington as Racist, Zeus as Rapist

                             I am reluctant to preface each bizarre statement I make with, "psychologically" or "symbolically" because that's not how I encounter these statements .   The statements 'arrive' sometimes as an oncoming vehicle and sometimes as a hammer drop .   This morning, during one of my more violent GIRD attacks, 'it' 'arrived' that >>> E. Jean Carroll was Miss America <<<, more precisely, America .    As I  sat  on  the toilet recovering, "it" came into a sharp focus ===>  Trump the Father, [Zeus] Carroll as Leda .   Further, Carroll not only 'signified' America but Democracy as well ,  paralleling Biden as Father and representing [the face of] America and with it, Democracy .

            I know this shit ain't "Street and Gutter", but to recognize Myth-Within-Culture is something I've been working on for years and now these Efforts have come into Fruition {been actualized} {for better AND for worse} .

            I am LOATHE to spice Reality with Romantic Olympian Visions; since Romance itself is "of the Heart", but in this THIS is an attempt to understand WHY there is 'General Acceptance' of Trump's Arrogance    that "As a Star" he can do what he will with ANY {Earthly} Woman .   He may well have just proclaimed, "I  AM  ZEUS" .   



Thursday, January 25, 2024

Iron Fist Rhetoric*

                         It "ain't-like" a Border CAN'T be established and maintained .   We need only see the border between North and South Korea and use IT to formulate the fortifications required .   Nethanyahu's Demand for the EXTINCTION of Hamas-ism* and Houthis-ism* is the Demand of a MAD-man .   If it were possible [then] Hitlerism would be NON-EXISTENT, clearly, IT IS NOT .     As long as Allah grants Favor to His Wayward Children there WILL BE HATRED for Western Political and Philosophical  Hegemony .   In order for THIS to be dissipated, there MUST-BE a Reformation in the Nation of Islam AND a Reformation of GLOBAL ===> Imagination .   



Bare Root

                             Connors spoke of McEnroe :   "A cut here, a cut there, and pretty soon you're 

                                                                                      bleeding to death."

            Iran is to Hezbollah as America is to Ukrainian Democracy .    You gotta figure that Gaza is some sort of Iranian 'Colony' ,  that Hezbollah is manifestation of the WILL of Iran --  same with the Houthis in Yemen -- Hamas in Israel and Lebanon .   

            YEARS ago I described Iran as Source of the Persian Empire, indeed, Modern Day SUPER-Brains have FINALLY reached that same awareness >>>  [that] to understand Iran it is necessary to view it as Remnant of the Persian Empire .    Here it is where Putin and the Mohammedans MUST be viewed as SHARING  an  Empiric Vision of Global Dominance-- this DESPITE their INABILITY to 'Feed' themselves ; meaning, to Satisfy the Wants and Needs of their own People .   

            The Houthi 'poking' and 'prodding' of American and Red Sea Industry {where Industry indicates "War Machine"} is none-other than the manifestation of Hatred simplified into "An attack here, and an attack there ".   As Connors bemoaned, "Pretty soon you're bleeding to Death" .  

"Uhhh Houston ? ....."

                              It's hard to detect ANY 'optimism' within the Conscious Collective given that even mitch the Bitch mcconnel can't exhort the trumpists to ABANDON putinism* in order to re-supply the Ukrainian Forces .   Trump's steel-toed boot is squarely on the throats of his {psycho-phants*}, "running dogs" and lackeys .    His Will is THEIR Demand .   

            Yesterday it was broadcast that the even-tempered Level-Heads of the House of Representatives sent a Letter to Biden to HALT re-armament of Israeli Forces until netanyahu submits to the Construction of a Palestinian Nation, a something that netanyahu finds egregiously Anathemacal* .    

            I see netanyahu in the exact same way I see trump   --- [as] EGO- MANIACAL FASCIST .

            ALMOST all of the Monies and Weaponry used by Israeli Forces to conduct their Version of Wholesale GENOCIDE were "PROUDLY MADE IN AMERICA" .    An imbecile can see the Problem .

The Forest Prime-Evil

                              The Destruction of Gaza IZ the Destruction of the United States .   Netanyahu IS trump -- trump IS Hitler therefore netanyahu IS Hitler .    Netanyahu is committed to , "Let there not be ONE standing among the living ."   

            The opening of Chris Hayes' program last evening contained a Quasi-Revelation that the Nation, OUR Nation had reached some sort of 'Turning Point' --  a One that acts as a 'pivot' AWAY from "Head-in-the-sand" Ostrich-ism* TOWARD a full scale Effort to broadcast ALL of Trump @ "24-7" .    Hayes is of the Belief that more and more trumpists are, themselves, turning AWAY from Trump because of his maniacal communications which reveal his Hitlerian {Stalinist} and White Supremacist Agitations .   

            Even among the SUPER-Brains there has been `guarded` 'optimism', the result of Primary data scrutiny, that 'senses' 'real-time' weaknesses in the armor of Neo-Nazis, Neo-Confederates and Anti-Democracysts* .   These 'weaknesses' manifest in their own Hatreds*, Hatred of Democracy, Hatred of all Colored Peoples, and Hatred of a Future that MUST succumb to the INEVITABILITY of Evolutionary Demands .   



Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Adamantine Resonance

                              In a monograph I have yet to complete, there is a chapter on The Re-entry of Sword into the Realm of Buddhism .    Why is it that the Divine Infinite saw  a necessity to re-introduce Steel into a Path where Violence and Death was {are } considered an ANATHEMA to all Practitioners of Buddhism---those that Believe that ANY form of Martial Arts 'goes' against the Teaching of the Bless-ed One ?   Tough one --- ... .

            It is Believed by those Devoted to Shim Gum Do and Zen Sword in-general {including American Zen Sword and Kwan Um Do Kwang } that Buddhism NEEDED a Martial Art- [Sword specifically] to ENERGIZE the Path, in such a way as to promote TOTAL Well-Being, that is, the ENTIRE Health of BOTH >> Mind and Body << .   Know this :  Sword is MOTION MEDITATION, as such, It DEMANDS not only Mental Exertion but PHYSICAL EXERTION as well .  

            The Founding Master of Shim Gum Do, Chang Sik Kim, delivered this exhortation : 

                               "A Sword Mind is a s DIAMOND Mind, a Sword Body is Perfect" .


Swish Miss

                             There are shortcomings within the structure of the 8-Fold Noble Path .   The Modern Eye will discern The Path's lack of consideration for the PHYSICAL --- the {perhaps} dismissal of BODY Training .   The Buddha was NOT 'alone' in this disregard .  Ancient Taoist Masters offered NO `demands` for physical exercise, deciding that the Mind was of {severe} Dominance .   When Bodhidharma 'arrived' at that Temple and saw that monks had degenerated into lazy, sloth-ridden curs, he initiated a First Step to reclaiming Mind-BODY harmony--- it was a simple step ---> bowing .   The 108 full prostrations executed every morning by Temple-ists are a DIRECT Result of Bodhidharma's Influence .   As Bodhidharma's Influence advanced so too his Direction to Heal and STRENGTHEN not only the Mind's of these careless monks but their Bodies as well .

            Within the Story of Gautama's Enlightenment is the introduction of the the Village Missy --- the One who brought the Buddha-To-Be a bowl of rice-gruel and milk .   It is believed that Gautama's ingestion of this {now} Elixir altered his Mind Chemistry where-upon looking at the Morning Star caused his Mind to Break-Open and 'Receive' Enlightenment .   Here it is where this Miss seemingly FORCED the Buddha-To-Be to acknowledge his BODY .   This THIS became part of the Dharma but did NOT gain entry into the 8-Fold Noble Path .  This THIS must be addressed .


Tuesday, January 23, 2024

ONE Size fits ALL

                              [So] What IS "Enlightenment" ?    Zen Master Seung Sahn delivers this :  "Become One, Infinite Time, Infinite Space" .   Enlightenment is like a Sword, it severs most Bonds to this World, the most important of which is the Bondage to the Cycle of Birth, Death and Rebirth .   There are, however, 'Perks' .  

            There are rich and deep Legends that reveal Aspects of Enlightenment that Zen Masters are reluctant to transmit, among them The Ability to Perform Miracles .   Most of these are Reality Manipulation but some of the most punishing are those that describe the Miracle of Life Regeneration, that is, bringing someone "back to Life".   This is, in Tibetan technical terms, Retrieving a Soul from the Bardol and returning it to its former body .   These Miracles are {necessarily} rare .

            Once Enlightened, a One may `leave the Body` and commute to All Places of the Universe .   

             It was once observed and then reported, that the Buddha was able to 'bilocate'* -- to leave one place and appear at another .  It happened at a River . 

            I offer this :   Understand Enlightenment as Cosmic Capacity ,   SUPER-Human capabilities made organic and holistic .   Try that on for size, and if it doesn't fit,  keep trying .




                         It may be inopportune to risk the notion that all of everybody has encountered the term "Reincarnation" .   Reincarnation is Rebirth once again into this Human Realm .   Whereas Children of Abraham [Christians, Jews and Muslims] Believe in ONE Lifetime, Buddhists, Hindus, and Jainists understand that there are MANY Lifetimes in this Realm [referred to as Samsara] .   

            I have encountered many folks who refuse to acknowledge the First Noble Truth, that "All Existence entails Suffering".  So be it, they are NOT "On the Bus" .   For the rest of Us, there IS an Acceptance of this Truth and THIS is where we will begin .

            The 8-Fold Noble Path LEADS TO Enlightenment .   Once Enlightenment is attained, The Cycle of Birth, Death, and Rebirth is Broken and One attains Liberation from the Suffering of this World AND is Removed from Rebirth altogether .   For most of us THIS is our Goal .

            "But wait, there's more" .


500 miles HY*

                         This View of the 8-Fold Noble Path is from 500 miles HY* .    In no way is it suppose to 'act' as ANY type of Traditional Explanation .   It is merely a simplistic Introduction, a something, that can get you started in your own Investigation of Buddha's Teaching .  

            Just so you know, 8th Dan Zen Sword Master Marc Fortin has tagged me with, "Heretic", this, despite our Brotherly Spiritual Command .   If you have read HERETIC by Ayaan Hirisi Ali, you can appreciate that I take Marc's tag as profound Realization {Real I zation} .

            Of course there are subtleties and nuances involved even in my own explanations .   However, the other day, I'd realized I'd missed perhaps the most important attribute of following the 8-Fold Noble Path which is > Mental Health < .

            There is the GIANT  "Why Practice the Path to begin with ?"  This is this morning's Consideration.

P.S.  The title "500 Miles High" is from a song by Chick Corea .



Monday, January 22, 2024

Merciless Mercy

                              Ya know how the "phone company" keeps sending you your calls and messages until you acknowledge their presence ?   Karma is "like that" .   It keeps coming until you address {confront} Its 'text' .   

            The "Action" of Karma is equal to the "Action" of Evolution .   In the same way that Evolution 'Forces' change and adaptation to pursue a "Policy of Perfection" so it is where Karma does that Same .   The Great German Writer Herr Hermann Hesse uses these words, "We are all headed for the Center, not the periphery ."   Here it is where the "Center" is none-other than Universal Wholeness, the ONE .

            Zen Master Seung Sahn explains :   "A good cause leads to a good result ."

            From the Mahayana this perplexity :   "All things through Karma ."

            Where "Child is Father to the man" --  Karma is Father to the Father and the Child .

            Here's the Deal with Karma :   You can press 'Delete' and you can 'swipe' all you want, NOTHING can prevent Karma from halting its Delivery ------------------ Nothing .


                              In a desperation ploy of  "You-gotta-start-somewhere", I've stolen this from The Shambhala  Dictionary of Buddhism and Zen" :  "Karma, literally 'deed' .  [The] Universal Law of Cause and Effect, which according to the Buddhist view takes effect in the following way :  'The deed (Karma) produces a fruit under certain circumstances; when it is ripe then it falls upon the one responsible.  For a deed to produce its fruit, it must be morally good {or bad} and be conditioned by volitional impulse, which in that it leaves a trace in the psyche of the doer, leads his destiny in the direction determined by the effect of the deed.  ... "  

              Further :  "Since the time of ripening generally exceeds a lifespan, the effect of actions is necessarily one or more rebirths, which together constitute the cycle of existence-- Samsara.

              Its Essence ;  "The teaching of Karma does NOT constitute determinism .  The deeds do indeed determine the MANNER of rebirth but not the ACTIONS of the reborn individual ----Karma provides the situation, NOT the response of the situation."

             "But wait, there's more ."

Sunday, January 21, 2024


                              Know this :  "Right Meditation" is "SITE-SPECIFIC" .   Unlike Right Practice, Right Meditation requires INTENSE Focus ---  it is the Essence of "Direct Pointing to Mind" and "Seeing into one's self" .   Right Meditation 'involves' the Absence of outside stimulation [sensation] which is why most Zendos [Meditation Halls] are INDOORS .   Right Meditation involves the Freedom from tumult and turbulence -- the one where SILENCE is 'used' to aid in [mental] Focus .  

            There IS Sacrifice 'involved' in that Seated Meditation CAN-BE {is} Uncomfortable when first attempted .   It does take some time to make one's body conform to the seated posture necessary to satisfy the Energy Requirements that are needed to harness the  Internal Circulations that stimulate Depth Penetration.  And {really} that's just the Beginning .

            It must be noted that Seated Meditation is a Foundation, meaning, even Sword Training, the Practice and Execution of Sword Forms [ MOTION MEDITATION ] ,  demands Seated Meditation in order to make indelible on the Mind, Body, Heart and Soul, That which Transforms those Those thereby producing an Entity of  Existence manifested as  Bodhisattva [Warrior] .  



"In The Presence Of The Lord" {Buddha}

                              We have arrived at "Right Mindfulness" .    Modern Times has been found to be laden with offerings that define Mindfulness .   All of them MAY 'apply' to Mindfulness but I feel as if they are NOT the "Essence" of Mindfulness .   My offering is this {"When you steal,, steal from the Best"} :  "All things 'situations',  'conditions',  'instances', and the like, ===>  "Are Your Teacher".  Master Jacob Perl added :  "Don't look for the Teaching, It is all around you."  

            The [now] Legendary Rock Band "Blind Faith" does a White Man's Spiritual titled, "In The Presence Of The Lord" .   Within it this :  "I have finally found a place to live {  ...  }  in the Presence of the Lord " .    Right Mindfulness is "like" this .   To be AWARE of COSMIC Beauty-as-Infinity ---  to Live inside each Moment ----  To fully Apprehend this :  "Where-ever you are, that's where IT's at."   

            I will add to this at a later date .


Saturday, January 20, 2024

Sell the 'swell' .

                             There is this :  "You should practice what you preach !"   This is the 'type' of 'Practice' that is referred to in "Right Practice".    Essentially this type of Practice is none-other than Conduct and Behavior, where Conduct is nuanced as Con-duct as a Conductor 'conducts' an orchestra .  Here it is where the Self conducts the Ego, which then 'presents' as Humility, Compassion and Empathy .    The  Eminent Kung Fu Master teaches this :   "The Sage walks with is head down, Humble, like the dust."   

            At the end of Sword Class I sometimes goaded my Students with, `Conduct your selves as Confucian Scholars`.   I am certain they had no idea what that meant, but it made ME feel "swell" .

            Lao Tzu positions this :  "The Sage places himself last".

           The Preeminent Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara Proclaims :  "All Others {go} before me.

            Simply this :   Present yourself AS IF you are exerting ALL the Effort you can, to adhere to the Principles and Dogma of Buddha's Teachings {all 84,000 of them} .

            Emily Dickenson poetried* this :   "How happy is the little stone / who wandered on the path alone /  whose elemental coat of brown /  a passing Universe put on ."






"To every thing" learn, learn, learn .

                              We will proceed to "Right Life" and save "Right Karma" for a later date since, because of its Nature and Complexity, it will require more than one blog .

            'Right Life' is better understood as "Right Livelihood", where Livelihood, is job, trade, occupation, or career .   At its most basic, you need a 'Livelihood' that allows you to learn about yourself on a daily basis .   

            This is my definition of  'work' :   Being somewhere you don't want to be, doing something you don't want to do .     What you want instead is obvious :  Being where you WANT to be, doing something  you Love to do  AND GETTING PAID FOR IT  !! .    Here it is where your Livelihood DEFINES YOUR EXISTENCE, meaning, "You ARE, what you DO ."

            I can hear you now, "Yeah Sabom, that's 'Easier SAID, than DONE' ".  Believe me, I can't agree MORE or any Harder .

            Looking for work can be an AGONIZING Horror .   Dr. Ken Ring wrote me, " may be that a Job will find you."   Either way, you NEED an income .   The Chinese badger , "No money, no Life."


Friday, January 19, 2024

My. Lyons

                             There is a PRIMARY Syllogism with regard to 'Right Speech' --  it is this :   "If a man's speech is not better than Silence [then] he should remain quiet."

            My Generation was raised hearing, "Children should be seen and NOT heard."

            Another :  "If you haven't got anything GOOD to say, then DON'T say anything" .

            My 6th Grade Teacher, Mr. Lyons, taught us boys this :  "If you are interested in a girl--DON'T SAY ANYTHING !!! "   I am here to tell you,  I "took to Heart" his 'advice' and when I got to College employed this Advice as TACTIC with absolutely STUPENDOUS Success .   Now, "I ain't that good-looking" and I "take tea at three"  --- it didn't matter .   My Lyons' words were Sorcery MAGIC .


Live the Miracle

                              Of the First Four, "Right Thoughts" is perhaps the easiest to describe {and for some of us, to contort] .    We must add the 'ing' suffix to aid us in assimilation which gives us 'Right Thinking' .   I find it best to Romanticize 'Right Thinking' and offer this trope :   "Live the Miracle" which I had-to devise to thwart "Samsara is Hell" .   You may find it contradictory given The Essence of Zen Sword is [to] 'Cut Thinking' .   I assure you it IS Contradictory but NOT 'Counter-Intuitive'.   The Mind 'thinks' in the exact same way that the Body 'Breathes' .   

            It MAY be said that the First Thought SHOULD be :  Life is a Miracle --- indeed, Dr. Joseph Campbell speaks of  "The MAJESTY of BEING" .    I LOVE that .   The Problem is --->  It's SOOOOO FUCKING HARD to use The Majesty of Being when you are surrounded by Death and Destruction, Disease and Famine, Mental Pollution and Aggravated Malcontent .    

            I will address the Conditions of Suffering at a later date :  for now I offer The Art of Zen Thinking as a vehicle to travel to "Reside in Beauty".   When you actually HAVE a Choice to reside in either Ugliness or Beauty I suggest you choose to Reside in Beauty .   The 'two' go "hand in hand" :   To Live the Miracle [{by}] Residing in Beauty .

"It's more like 6"...

                              The toughest 'sell' for a one who wishes to introduce Buddhism to Others is the First of the Four Noble Truths , which is :  "All Existence entails Suffering" .   The First of the 8-Fold Noble Path is :   "Right View" .    Here now the absolute IMPERATIVE of 'having' the Right View where Right View is 'correct' World View, in order to begin a 'Reformation' [Re  Form]  that will provide 'correct' Orientation [and Goal] for ---> Those-of-Consideration .

             Within the 'Domain' of Right View' lies 'Rebirth' [Reincarnation] {and the $20 "Transmigration of Souls"}.    If the Biblical Dogma of "One and done" is to be confronted, then it is abjectly necessary to Challenge that World View .   There is taxing provincial Scholarship that has produced Evidence that Reincarnation was, IN FACT, a PRIMARY Aspect of Christianity in its Earliest Stages .   For a God to issue ONE LIFE to get EVERYTHING 'Correct' was considered IMPOSSIBLE .   

             2 words :   It's OK to make mistakes .







Thursday, January 18, 2024

Sabom's Proper

                              The "9th SUPER-Power of a Bodhisattva" is this :  "Making people turn toward the Buddha's Teaching and [then] Guiding them to Perfection" [where Perfection means Enlightenment] .   

            Believe me when I tell you that I am COMMITTED to achieving this SUPER-Power  .   I have Devoted myself to this Undertaking since the very first day I "landed" on Twitter and then found my way to the Blogosphere* .    I have only recently determined that I can advance Buddhism, Zen and Zen Sword through the establishment of "American Zen Sword" .    But I digress ... .

           Broadcasters continue to ask "Why are folks unable to "see through" trumpists" [?] who wear the cloak of republicanism .   Efforts have fizzled into staunch drainage of the nearest Tautology at hand .   Broadcasters' >recently< have expressed the Desire to "cover" trump with the impetus to reveal him for what he is, a Diabolical Nit-Wit GENIUS [ where Genius connotes some sort of Mastery of the Dark Arts--those Arts that manifest as Spell-Binding Charisma and Instinctual Animality*] .   I have detected a >helplessness< that is both distressing AND Contemptible .   It is IMPERATIVE for the Them to relate the fucking URGENCY FOR ACTION that War with Trumpism DEMANDS !!!!!!!!!!

         Here it is where the 8-Fold Noble Path enters as "Right Views, Right Thoughts, Right Speech and Right Karma " must be accessed to Re-Orientate the Mind, Heart and Will of the General Public.   THAT'S my 'job' .


"Enter the Dragon"

                             It ain't all in [and from] the Books ~~~  News broadcasters and their guests are a HUGE Influence when examining the state of the Nation with regard to Political Conditions and more specifically the Health and Disease of the Body Politic and its Mind Politic as well .    Clearly their 'Job' is to "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" and in this I have found some of them miserably destitute in offering Psychological Imports that can aid in the Understanding of {even} Emotional Complexities .   It IS, however, IMPERATIVE to accord them Deference since they are where they are and we {I} are where we are .   I have NO Problem with that .   Here it is where MSNBC and CNN offer an Adherence to TRUTH whereas Fox and the Others broadcast Propaganda based upon Trumpian Hatred, Rage, Bitter-most Resentment and a Depiction of a Reality DEVOID of Common Sense, Rationality, Logic and Higher Order Reasoning .   

            "IT" isn't simply "informing the Public" , rather, there is an OBLIGATION to "Make Sense" of the prevailing Socio-Political Conditions in order to alleviate the feelings that Chaos and Disorder sensate* {to cause a sensation} .    That's where I "come in" .


                             My "Shelf " of Trumpology* in no order whatsoever ... .

I Alone Can Fix It   ---   Leonnig and Rucker

FEAR  ---   Woodward

FIRE and FURY  ---   Woodward

The Mueller Report  ---   U.S. Dept. of Justice

American Nero  ---    Painter and Golenbock 

It's Even Worse Than You Think  ---   Johnston

It's Even Worse Than It Looks  ---   Mann and Ornstein


                               Seemingly unrelated but extremely helpful 

Dark Money  ---   Mayer                                        Winners Take All  ---Giridharadas

Shadow  ---    Woodward                                        Scarcity  ---    Mullainathan and Shafir

Lives of the Noble Romans  ---  Plutarch

The Secret History  ---  Procopius 

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Symphony for the Devil

                             After a Friday Night Hockey Excursion we were all standing around outdoors in the parking lot of Smithfield's Town Rink swilling beer in the mid-Summer's drench of merciless Heat .   Somehow someone began a conversation about the Rolling Stones's BEST Song and someone suggested "Sympathy for the Devil" to which there was some general agreement except for one.  Someone said he'd heard an interview in which Jagger was asked about "Sympathy..." and why the Stones didn't perform it any longer .  Jagger quipped, "Oh that one ?  Bad things were happening all around us--so we stopped." 

           One time I could have SWORN I heard "Sympathy for the Devil" at a trump pre-rally .  I was AGHAST in HORROR !!!!!!!!!!   HOW COULD THIS BE ??????????????????????????    I figured some fucking GENIUS had CORRECTLY identified trump as the Devil .  

          I still listen to "Sympathy for the Devil"    BUT   when I do I change the title to SYMPHONY for the Devil .

          I make NO Excuse for trump .  I BELIEVE he is subhuman Demon/ANIMAL and has NO "Right" to reside in this, OUR Dimension .   

          As for his mother ? ............ .

Mother Dearth

                             {{{I mean, you gotta ask}}},  "Where was trump's Mom ?"  Where was the Protection she SHOULD have provided to Fred Jr. to [at the very LEAST] afford him Mother's Sanctuary from her husband's [Parental] Cruelty ?    You gotta figure, 'It' DIDN'T exist .   Many of Most of Us WANT to believe in  POSITIVE Maternalism" that has, as its very Foundation, UNCONDITIONAL Love .   That might NOT, be The Case in this instance .  Instead, you gotta figure, that trump's Mom was under the SAME duress as Fred Jr. -- OR --  she was of a LIKE MIND as that of fred sr .   Either way trump was FUCKED , and  FUCKED  OUT-LOUD !!!    

             It has been recorded that trump wanted nothing more than to be accepted by the High Class Genteel of Upper Manhattan, the Old-Monied* of Lawless Robber-Barons and Filthy Privateers of Pre-Great Depression Ordination .   He perceived 'these' to be of Nobility and SCANDAL-FREE Virtue and he wanted THEIR Acceptance -- for was his father not wealthy ?   Was his father not Grime-Free ?   

             Instead he was summarily REJECTED as WORTHLESS FOOL .

             Ahh yes ---->  Rejection .   Who among us has NOT felt its CRUSH ?????



"Sky Pilot, how high can you fly ?"

                             Michael Kranish's Article in the Washington Post [dated August 8, 2019] provides almost   SUPER-Human   Penetration   into  the  Mind  and  Psyche  {or lack thereof}  of trump .   His brother, Fred Jr., died of Alcoholism at the age of 41 .   We have learned from other sources that Fred wished to become an airline pilot, {to fly among the Heavens CARING for fellow Travelers} but that fred sr. SAVAGELY Crushed that Dream .  Instead of turning to that Dream, Fred turned to Alcohol and committed a slow-death-by-drowning Suicide {vis-a-vis  "Leaving Las Vegas"} .   Trump had little sympathy and quickly lurched into the role his father had previously assigned Fred Jr .  2 words :  his father was delighted .

            Some of us Alcoholics know of such Dream Crushings* , Crushings that were egregiously furthered by a Mother who could not Love and Parents that FAILED to provide Protection .    I saw Dr. Doreen Virtue, author of Constant Cravings, being interviewed by Oprah, and Oprah asked about the constant craving of alcohol, Virtue whip-snapped, "Oh that's an easy one ---Love" .   I KNOW of the Absence of Love and filling the Void it created with Alcohol, therefore, I KNOW what `happened` to Fred Jr.   Mercifully, this is NOT about me ... .

Fee Mail

                              ANY Exploration of the Mother should {MUST} begin with Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung and his Best  Authenticators* .   It is Imperative to read his description of the "Anima" - the so-called "Inner Female" Complex that co-inhabits the Mind as Psyche and Rationale .   Also, the NATURE of the Feminine is depicted in the I Ching as K'un, the Receptive ,,  Earth    and- this Depiction is INVALUABLE in providing a Foundation upon which to literally BASE one's "Outlook" .

            Psychologists agree that "us guys" learn HOW to "Treat" girls, chicks, women and Broads "from" our Fathers .   How he treats his Wife is how we treat our ---------------- Female  `Interests` .   When you 'look-at' trump knowing that "The apple does NOT fall far from the tree" you can see that his World View of Women is the DIRECT result of his father's                              Malformations .    Now, can this World View  of  Women  be  'applied'  to trump's View of Democracy [?] where Democracy is 'considered' [a] Female ?  I contend ===>  FUCK YEAH !!!



                             I am in a Void .   Can you see it ?  ---> a  ---> void  ===> avoid .   I've been avoiding the real "work" of supplying my Opinion {Opiuminion} with regard to ongoing Social / Political  Atmospheres [At most Fears] .   I began the month with a steadfast earnest-Ness to reconcile the Great Mother with said Atmos-Fears but now that's it's Time to enter my own Dark Forest,,    I have been searching, RIGOROUSLY Searching,,  for ANY Excuse to AVOID the Innermost Deformities of my own Parental Misfortunes .  {Miss Fortune .. Missed Fortunes} .   

            You know of what I speak,  trump and his Mom .    Where the fuck IS she ??   Where the fuck WAS she ???

             When you try to anthropomorphize the "Birth of a Nation" HOW is She to be depicted [?] given the so-called "Founding FATHERS" and their {indolent} place-as-stature within the context of American Historiography [ies] ?  Is there a "Female Element" known as the Mother of  Democracy ?   We have Represented Democracy as Miss Liberty and  Justice is unabashedly a Female Warrior   the Broad with a Sword   as I have tagged her and other Female Warriors ,  but the Mother of America ??????? ......... ?


Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Code of Don't-you-rob-me

                              High and Heavy winds interrupted the  electrical power flow yesterday and obviously cut-short the bloging* I'd planned .   Oh well ... .

            I had "gotten my Mind around" the use of "code" {{and Code}}  as Orientation for day-to-day Dys-entanglement* --  the one that intersects "WTF" with Adamantine Futuristic Prophecy -- {the one of Rational as Diamond Drill Bit that penetrates the "Fucked-up" and thereby releases Understanding} .

            I have some semblance of a Wish to move away from the Status Quo Standard of applying Biblical Interpretations to Constitutional and Bill of Rights  DOGMA , and supplant it with the use of 'Code' -- the Code and Codes used to program computers [where 'program' is 'instruction' ] .  

            I contend that the BOTH the Bill of Rights AND the Constitution need refurbishing , an up-grade, if you will , that both may help {where help is assist} us enter the Future with CONFIRMED  Resolve, a Resolve based upon a steadfast Allegiance to Truth and an unrelenting Volition to meet-out Justice with a sharp Blade and Heavy Hand .            

Saturday, January 13, 2024

They shit in the streets of New Delhi - Calcutta

                              British 'Occupation' of India lasted some one hundred years .   Please re-read the title .   HUGE 'Cultural' 'Advancements' were 'made' and yet ...  .      India is exceedingly Prosperous but headed toward an ill-liberalism* that brings a choking Sadness to Those of Utopic Ordination* .    It MAY be said that the British Version of Christian Politics did NOT "do well" amidst the Populace who knew of their "Vedic Texts" and the Length, Breadth and Depth of Hindu Historiography .   What DID "do well" was Western Capitalism and its Strata of Deliberation* the one of "Work Hard and you will [be awarded] {my use of  >be awarded< is suspect at best}  your "Just Desserts" .    Those that kept pace with Futuristic Ideals indeed flourished, while those of   Ancient Dogma   appeared  to  be "barking up"  the  Tree  of  Life   and NOT  the  Tree  of  Knowledge .   So it is and so it must be within the confines of Human Nature .

            We have just learned that desantis is "at it again", meaning, he and his are seeking to modify {in essence re-Codify} not only Dictionaries but Encyclopedias as well .   I consider this even MORE "Evidence" of the "Push" to return to a "Golden Age" of Human Atrocity , otherwise regarded as The 2nd Dark Age .    Recall that the 1st Dark Age lasted some 600 years [or more] .   Desantis's 'Pitch' is not merely one of 'erasure' , it is a RE-CODIFICATION of Societal Educational Standards .  Blockading certain Reading Materials is the 'first step' toward said Re-Codification since Children ARE the Future and by 'controlling' their Education you thusly* control their Minds .   This First Step will last some 20 YEARS {at LEAST} and should desantis and his gain POLITICAL Ascendancy the entire Nation and GLOBE {for that matter} will descend {once again} into a cesspoolic* of Morass of Dyslightenment* the one of Dysregard* not only of Science but of TRUTH as well .


Friday, January 12, 2024

"...Sunshine Of Your Love"


                             In the midst of self-chiding* I openly mussed [to the Divine Infinite] that I could certainly use one more day of Late Spring Warmth so that I could apply a generous coating of "Thompson's Water Seal" to exposed plywood I figured I had DAYS to protect .   Guess what ?   That Warmth has arrived !!!  I schyt* you not .   Oh how I would DARE to think I kould* and kan* kontrol* the Weather and have it respond to my beck and call .   I'd be Milarepa but in a gorgeously selfish and completely HERETICAL manner .  Oh well .....

Wednesday, January 10, 2024


                             There's resident Belief that even BEFORE there was Ancient Times it was WOMEN who ruled the Known Universe supplying Humankind with a Maternal Altruism that permeated every cell of the Cosmic Whole .   The so-called "Golden Age" of Humankind was DOMINATED by the {Divine} Feminine in ALL Her Glory and Magnificent Maternalism* .   This Golden Age DID succumb to "Arising, Stability, Decline, Dissolution" as All Things MUST  and only the "Intimations of Immortality" remain as vestiges of a Divine Matriarchy .  

            ...and then Something happened ...   In his MASSIVE VOLUME , The Origins and History of Consciousness, Erich Neumann generates an Understanding of MALE-Ality* { I am reluctant to use 'masculinity' as it presupposes Present Day Status Quo Gravity}--- the ascent of Male Mental Configurations that define Male-ality with Ancient Egyptian Precision .   

            Here it is where Males are lightning kwik* to resort to Instinctual Animality* with regard to the solve-ation* of Socio-Political                    Aberrations :  whereas Women RESIST such               Temptation preferring instead the Divinity of Tolerance and Compassion .    Here it is where KILLING surfaces as THE ONLY ANSWER to the Questions of Opposition .   Here it is where MAN'S Psychological INDIFFERENCE to the Sanctity of Human {and ALL} Life ascends, and with it, Human Atrocity .

            "...and the People Suffered, and they Suffered Greatly..."

Skirting the Issue

                              Before I continue I will supply a few titles of texts I have found to be 'Treasure-laden' . 

                            Man and His Symbols - Jung ,, The Great Mother -  Neumann,,  Knowing Women - Claremont de Catillejo,,  Women's Estate -  Mitchell,,  Aspects of the Feminine - Jung,,  The Descent of Woman - Morgan,,  The Feminine Mystique - Friedan,,  Goddesses In Every Woman - Bolen,,  The Fear of the Feminine - Neumann,,  Hero With A Thousand Faces - Campbell,,  The Masks of God Creative Mythology (also by) Campbell .

                            {Remember all those Issues I have ???}

               One of my Consorts once embittered, "Why do you have to fuck every 'skirt' that approaches you?"   2 words :   Uhhhhh .

Art works

                         Thousands upon THOUSANDS of you haven't asked me why I'm posting all the Artworks of Nudes .   I decided to exhibit such Art because the Female Form is absolutely DIVINE {in most instances} and She represents the Tibetan Understanding of the Truth of Reality tagged by "Dakini" .   Dr. Carl Jung would add that the Female Nude, and a man's fascination of Such, represents his awareness {or lack thereof} of the "Anima", best understood as Those Aspects of {Divine} Femininity that are an INTEGRAL part {'part' is a weak choice} of a man's Psyche .   

            Veneration of the Female Form is manifestation of the Female MIND , the one of Holistic {Universal} Integrity, the one of {the capacity for} Unconditional Love, [when Maternalism is devoid of Negativity {the BAD Mother}, {the Mother that EATS her children} --- the one of Cruelty and Abuse] .   

            Our Sword Master, Chang Sik Kim, the Founder of Shim Gum Do, once told us that if Women ruled the Planet --->  there would be no Hunger .   Years later I heard the same from his and our Zen Master, Seung Sahn .    I believe "IT" .


Tuesday, January 9, 2024

"Mirror , mirror, on the wall..."


                             One of my fav SUPER-Brains is Professor Edward Glaude often found on the Hippie Warrior's "Deadline White-House" .    I bastardize his Invocation now :   "We can't move forward until we go back."   He Passionately Insists [that] we MUST "Look into the Mirror" meaning We MUST TRUTHFULLY look into our History of Slavery if we are to achieve Transformation which would then result in REFORMATION .

Rock steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .

"Festivus for the rest of us..."

                              I'm a BIG-BIG fan of redundant redundancy  so my use of `Blasphemic* Heretic` slides in as "State of the ART" {Art -- that's ME}  Solvency {Solve-n-see} .   

            'George Washington IS America's "Original Sin" ' MEANS this :   GW  "OWNED" Slaves .   Therefore, to be elevated to God-Like Status DEFINES my Contention that Politics IS Religion -- and -- with that Apotheosis, is the Elevation of Slavery as a PRIMARY {get this} VALUE of Capitalism, which I have tagged, `Slavery Capitalism` and better still `Washingtonian {Slavery} Capitalism` ---  that's the one where PROFIT is WORSHIPED .   You can see IT rite* ?   { I DO know how you can miss IT } .

           The Original Sin of Democracy is Washingtonian Capitalism which was and IS UNIVERSALLY Ignored for how can GOD be RWONG* ???? !!!   When Logic is applied this results :   God Himself MUST have "owned" Slaves .  {How I  LOVE "carrying things to their Logical Absurdity and yet are we not SLAVES to Religion ?????}



Gold, Frankless-Sense and Slur

                              Elsewhere I have argued that Democracy has GENETIC Flaws --  one of which is its innate capacity to "eat" itself by way of its Primary Virtue ---> Tolerance .   Yesterday, amidst the now Routine Disturbances of Tumult and Dysorder* I heard the words, "Original Sin" delivered in a  nondescript "off-the-cuff" "out-of-hand" disconsideration* .   "IT" came into View with   Lightning Bolt Severity .

             George Washington is America's "Original Sin" .       

The Apotheosis of George Washington

                             In the Capitol Rotunda can be found "The Apotheosis of George Washington" .   Here , GW is elevated to DIVINE Status , partially because he and his 'birthed' a Nation , partially because he Defeated the British [in an American Insurrection] DESPITE the seeming IMPOSSIBILITY of untrained RED-NECK Hillbillies to engage and Defeat SUPERIOR Forces .   It's IMPERATIVE to view this "Apotheosis" as MORE than a "SYMBOLIC" Representation .   It's taken some Time for this Symbolization to cure and mature and to View [presently] trump as being conferred this SAME Apotheosis, by dint and moor of Neo-Confederate and Evangelical    WORSHIP .     

            I am no fan of Worship but I AM a fan of Veneration .   I do indeed Venerate the Ancient Buddhist and Zen Buddhist Masters --- but to Worship them is an EGREGIOUS Spiritual ATROCITY that is Denounced [and has been Denounced]    by EVERY "Clear Eyed Master" that has EVER walked upon black asphalt and green grass .

            Herein lies the Clue -----------hideously disguised as Loyalty is the Essence of [Political] Religion ------->   DEVOTION .

Tricky Nikki


                             I've contended that the [American] Civil War never "ended", meaning the South and its Confederacy {con = without ,, Federacy = Federation} NEVER admitted Defeat, that it harbored a ruthless Resentment that manifested in the KKK as Genocidal Predation, the one of "the Fugitive Slave Act" .   Here it is where Confederates erected "Art" to symbolize the Virtue and fucking NOBILITY of Secessionist Advancement, that is, the GOD GIVEN RIGHT to treat FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS as ANIMALS .   

            I was AGHAST when I heard trump insane {from the transitive verb, to insane, to speak insanely, to speak as an insane person} that the Civil War could have been "negotiated" --- I myself have wondered that same, suggestion that Lincoln did the Worst Possible >> declaring War on the Confederacy << without first using Diplomacy to FORCE the South to TRULY Examine the Slave Dynamic with regard to HUMAN Atrocity .  

            After the Shock dissipated somewhat, I centered myself and Wondered about  depicting Democracy as a RELIGION instead of a governmental Politic .

Sunday, January 7, 2024

"Things go better with" ---> Cope

                              "For my money" the Police's "Driven To Tears" and "When The World Is Running Down You Make The Best Of What's Still Around" is THE Best "Double-shot" OF ALL TIME .   These Depictions are found on their Zenyatta Mondatta Album/CD .     

            Have we not been "Driven to Tears" ?   And should we not "Make the best of what's still around" ?  Indeed we should {and perhaps we MUST} .    

            If you are if the mind, check out "Rapture Palooza" starring Anna Kendrick, John Daley and Craig Robinson .   I had no love for Kendrick up until this Flick but John and Craig have PROVEN "track records" .    Life after the Rapture, beautifully conceived and fucking HILARIOUS .   Here it is where Things do indeed go better with Cope .


The Open Cesspool of Self Pity

                              There is Death and Near-Death all around me and all around US .   In the Ancient of Olden Times I recall my Dad reading the Obits to my Mom every day before supper .   He and his noteworthies* were at 'that Age' --  I am now -- 'at that Age'.   In the Same Way that noteworthies were dying off,  the Nightly News was broadcasting the Kill Numbers of the Viet-Nam* War .   I believe it was different for him, he had "gone through" WW II and the Korean War and had considered them as Victories for America ,, so the War in Viet-Nam was simply 'one more' in which America would           Prevail .   

            My Generation has known nothing BUT War --- Viet-Nam, Irag, Afghanistan, and now Israel and Ukraine .   

            The fetid Stench of Death permeates EVERY aspect of our Lives ---  everywhere we turn there is the now Perverse Absurdity of War and the Political CORRUPTION which IS its Foundation .   

            Everyday we are tortured with Jim Morrison's Proclamation of Inevitability : "No-one here gets out alive."

At War with War

                              I've been trying to find an 'Avenue-of-Expression' lately, an avenue upon which to operate a Vehicle of Information and Influence, that I may assist my Those with their Efforts to spread Common Sense to their 'Those' with the steadfast Conviction of Great Faith and Great Courage .   Sadly, my Efforts have been to no avail  --- Readership is down to a mere 3 and I find that  I   MUST blame myself for lack of Imagination and of-course my own laziness and sloth .   Despite KNOWING self recriminations breed self contempt and self mockery I indulge in it anyway .   {There ain't no 'expiration date' on self loathing.}

            I'm writing this to uze* Gyze* in a sort of Apology ---  I've left blog sequences to rot in their own decay ---  that's the one where I actually Believe what I've written is at least 'Acceptable' but later find it is WAAAAAY the fuck SHORT of  `Quality Material` .   It makes me question my Ability and IF I have the Talent necessary to bridge the "Generation Gap" .  

            It gets worse .   I've 'lost' my capability of using Humor as leverage to pry Relief from Human Atrocities that have found their way to propagandized* Normalcy .   My favorite News Broadcasters are flummoxed as well, wondering [out-loud] what the CORRECT 'Course of Action' to Inform and Educate their Viewers in an Effort to Influence them to RE-Broadcast the Truth of Political REALITY in day-to-day social intercourse ---  no easy Task since {you gotta figure} ANY conversation should begin with , "We are at War with War ."


Saturday, January 6, 2024

Ass bites

                              When the de-mock-rats had Control over all 3 Branches of Gov they didn't do a goddamn fucking thing .  They could have eliminated the Electoral College ,  protected the entire Election Process, added Justices to, at the very LEAST, Equalize the SC and done SOMETHING to give Citizenship to those DESIRABLE Immigrants that have been Here 20 or more years .   Instead of THAT -- they chose to do nothing .   

Conditioned Conditionality

                              We're back to "Conditioned Conditionality" as opposed to "Conditioned NON-Conditionality" .   Conditioned Non-Conditionality is like this :   It's freezing outside [Condition] so you don  the  appropriate  attire   [Non-Conditionality] .   Hope  wants  you  to  believe,  that  the  Presidency [Condition] will lead to the appropriate conformity [Non Conditionality] .   You can see the problem with trump, the Presidency [Condition] did NOT lead to conformity quite the OPPOSITE [Conditionality] .  

            The 'Same' applies to the scotus .   Hope wants you to believe that the Condition of being a SCJ will FORCE the Justice-ers* to CONFORM to traditional UNBIASED [Truth based] Justice .   Remember what they have already done ---   they OVER-TURNED Roe V Wade and did NOT adhere to Pre-Existent Non-Conditionality .   They summarily REJECTED the "Will of the Nation" .   They summarily REJECTED the Truth held by the PEOPLE, in favor of UN-Democratic [MINORITY based] {dys} Solvency .   They DID NOT "Uphold the Truth" so how can they be TRUSTED ???? .  One word :  they can't .

"White Punks On" Hope

                             The title is from a 'something' done by a San Fran. group The Tubes ... .   It's nothing short of   'star worthy'   Raunch*   a hapless-skippy tune of NO redeeming 'Social Value" whatsoever and as such is remarkably poignant {at least for me} .      You Gyze* KNOW I am no fan of 'hope' .   I have mentioned several countfull* times that 'hope' was the FIRST 'item' in Pandora's Box, such was its nature as DIABOLICAL MONSTER !!!!!!!     Yet there remains a firm CONVICTION that Hope is "Something Good" and worse, 'Something of GREAT Value'.       I object .      Hope is EVERY "Castle made of sand, that rolls into the Sea, inevitably" .   

            There's this Liberal Ideation* that "The Office" will mold the individual to CONFORM to the Demands and GRAVITY of the "Office", indeed, there was {caustic and LETHAL} "Hope" that trump would be of that   "WISHFUL THINKING"   {where 'wishful' MEANS hopeful}.   Remember what happened .  Trump  PROVED  to  be   IMMUNE   to  the  traditional  Conditions  of  the  Presidency ---  INSURRECTION resulting .      


Miss Deeds

                             I miss Twitter .  "X" does not provide [me] ANY Platform upon which to broadcast my opinions, thoughts, misdeeds, aggravations, recriminations, adjuncts, semiphores* and sporadic instances of "make-believe" genius .   Twitter allowed for my transgressions of petulant insolence -- to vent the anger, bitterness, remorse and catholic Fury that is best described as garrulous dys-solvency* .   Thing with Twitter is this " I could make every statement a Sword Thrust, Slash, Skull Split ter* and Gut Cut and when appropriate I could "Tommy Gun" a magazine full of sentences .  In short, Words as Weapons ...... such is the True Nature of Sophistry .


Friday, January 5, 2024

"Meanwhile, back at the raunch..."

                              A super-superficial view of Israeli economics revealed that one of their main exports is polished diamonds, which led me to this raunch* `Diamonds are a Jew's best friend` a bastardization of the American Pop "Diamonds are a GIRL'S best friend" .    

            Crisis is the BEST Test for strength, durability,  resilience and longevity .   What's being tested in Israel is the Power of  the World .   You-wanna believe that the U.N. should "step-in" at the very LEAST to offer Administrative Authority to the Palestinians until they can establish their own government .   Remember India ?  It took Them  ONE HUNDRED YEARS  to free themselves from British Colonialism ---  such was the Nature of their not-even-3rd-world                  predicament .  

            Gaza has been reduced to PRE Stone Age Rubble .   There's no Food -- No Water --  No Heat --  and No Electricity , and of course NO U.N.  

            Israel has removed 20,000 troops, NOT for military reasons, but because THEY CAN'T AFFORD TO KEEP THEM IN THE FIELD .   This 'condition' puts a magNIFYING glass on American Support .   You'd think Biden would use this THIS as leverage to FORCE Israel to accede to his Demands but no and FUCK NO .  netanyahu* has not only "thumbed his nose" at Joe, he's extended his middle finger as well, convinced that he can circumvent Biden and end-run to Congress .  



                              I had to Google :  "Who wrote, 'In times of Peace prepare for war" ---  I was hoping to find, "In times of war, prepare for Peace" .   Brains and SUPER-Brains speak of  "The Day After" --- "What happens   AFTER   Hamas Surrenders or is 'driven' into extinction " ?    Israeli Belief - that Hamas can be extinct-ed* is fucking HILARIOUS given the rise of Post and Neo Nazi-ism in America and the E.U.  SUPER-Brains are hard-pressed even to USE the term "2 State Solution" given the Genocidal Existentialism that appears as Public Mandate in the War against Hamas .   Even staunch American Democratists* are morosely despondent when asked about "The Day After" and have resigned to 'argue' that the Arabic speaking Nations MUST `Assume a Posture` of Protective Authority regarding the Administration of Palestinian Affairs .   There's a word to describe my exasperation :  AREYOUFUCKINGKIDDINGME???


Thursday, January 4, 2024


                              My 'job' {the one I've assigned myself due to previous contractual Agreements} is to make connections and draw parallels FROM the day-to-day experiences of work-a-day Reality TO those of Socio-political {atmospheric} Conditions .    Here it is where the "Micro-system" IS the MACRO-system .   Here it is where we MUST   e x  p   a    n     d   the Human [Earthly} Consciousness to  Universal {Heavenly} Awareness -- the one that Campbell tags as a Consciousness that "Subsumes the Universe".   

            I can forgive my own sloth simply because I am an old man .   Yet when I {we} view Congress it's difficult to forgive them because of THEIR [individual] age [s] .   We KNOW 'it' is far more complicated then age .   Political Science {perhaps the GREATEST oxymoron of ALL Time} is rife with tacit Abuses and is LARGELY responsible for the Dysfunction that incapacitates the WILL to Move .   In my instance AGE is responsible and perhaps it is the AGE of the Republic that can be blamed, although I have argued elsewhere that Democracy has GENETIC PREDISPOSITIONS that   GUARANTEE  abject Failure .    Here it is where VIGILANCE in ALL its forms [oversight, undersight*, foresight and hindsight] has been supplanted by EGO-SIGHT * --  the view from one's own Ego that has as its foundation,  a careless disregard for the Sight of Others .     Ego-Sight manifests as    " What's in it for ME?? "   which is now a "Trademark" of {t}rump and Trumpism .   

           I contend that Egosight is ANTI-Humanist .


Of Vice and Men

                              I've been applying Effort to the 'staging area' .   Barrels of junk and stuff-worth-storing are abundantly burdensome .   Clogged  is  generous  but  clusterfuck  gets  us  there much kwiker* .   We know the phrase : "Shit accumulates" where shit sometimes is nothing more than aggressive sloth gone the way of chronic carelessness .   "Knowing better" doesn't help when Immediacy lays claim to 'No foresight' the foresight that actually PREDICTS clusterfuck but is either summarily dismissed or completely discharged altogether .    When work is a Religion Sins are committed .

            On the Early 70's there was a philosophy of Exertion, meaning, there was an Effort to actualize one's Potential by "Getting your shit together" .   It's the same as, "Being on the bus" --  those that DID have their "Shit together" :  and those that were NOT on the bus --  those that did NOT have their Shit Together.  Indeed, fellow folks who DID  have their Shit together were Admired .    They spoke Intelligently of the Cosmic Questions that occupied even their day-to-day Conscious and never stalled or balked when asked to supply their Answers .   

             'It' wasn't enough .   It may have been a Herculean Task to get your Shit Together but perhaps even MORE difficult was "KEEPING YOUR SHIT TOGETHER".   "Aye, THERE'S the 'rub' " .   For those of us CHAINED to the Law of Order :  "A place for everything, everything in its place"  Chaos and the Tumult produced are a sickening Dysposition* that only SUPER-Human EFFORT can neutralize .

            Ahh yes :   Of Vice and Men .



Tuesday, January 2, 2024

"Manchild In The Promised Land"

                              I've ignited 2 burners on the propane stove in the Tools' Room .   I'm restless to get outdoors, but I promised myself I would 'do' at least ONE thing in order to organize and reorganize the Tools' Room that I may make more things accessible and therefore my use of Time more efficient .    At my age, Time is literally "running out the door" and leaving behind a vacuum -that- by definition, sucks out Life .

            I've  decided  to  press  on  with  the   Testament despite   Reader disinterest .   I  wish   it were different .

             I failed to mark a specific instance yesterday and that `it` wore on my all day yesterday .   I will address it now .    I must acknowledge that some of us do NOT feel the need to explain everything in order to arrive at "Peace of Mind" --  such is NOT the case for SOME of the rest of us, who by circumstance and conditioned  positionality*  are subject  [or  prone]  to  a  chronic   dis-ease,,  the  result  of  an  aggravated upbringing or lack {of a HEALTHY upbringing} thereof .   I am one of THOSE .  

            It ain't that valid explanations can Heal anyway .   All they provide is some sort of emotional succor that is wrapped around intellectual forbearance .   Remember , "Child is Father to the Man" .

            Truer words cannot be spoken . 



Monday, January 1, 2024

Miss Ann Thrope

                             I've had to devise a Schema to explain my Life -- the first part of which is to ascribe my entry by claiming that "The Maker Of All Things" is responsible for my being a Swordsman .   I had to deny an "Absolute" "Self-Nature" but in MENTAL Reality I have "it" firmly within the Absolute, meaning, I HAD-TA figure that 'I've ALWAYS been a Swordsman' --  that is AFTER I'd been everything else according to Jainism .   I chanced upon "The Maker Of All Things" by reading Chuang Tsu's Inner Chapters where I also found the BEST depictions of "The Great Master" and "True Man" .   

            More recently I had to account for my friendships with Fortin and Gallogly .   I 'worked' on this for months until Templarism* arrived to meet out Justice .   Fortin  from  France,  Gallogly  from  Ireland  with  the  Shared Commonality  of  Templar Knighthood .  THAT {finally} made perfect Sense . 



Miss Creant

                             I have wondered about Steve Winwood's "...his hands are torn and bloodied by the scratchings* of his Soul" --- what would cause the 'tissue' tears and bloodshed ?   Eventually it arrived that his Soul was bound by barbed-wire ------ so then I had-ta* wonder, "How the fuck did THAT happen" ?

            A Soul bound by barbed wire ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .

            Even friendly folk have asked me,  "Why are you so fucking fucked-up ?"   Over the Past Lifetimes I've killed THOUSANDS with my Sword .   As the Eminent Kung Fu Master bemoaned, "There is no Honor in the taking of a life of Another ".   A Swordsman without Honor is no "Swordsman" at all .


The Sardonicsphere

                              A comedian did this gag :  "The other day I lost my job .   I mean I didn't REALLY 'lose' it ---  I KNOW where it is --- I just can't go back to it ."    Here I go :   I lost my 'sense of humor' , I mean, I didn't REALLY 'lose' it --- I know where it is --- I just can't seem to WANT it .

            The Templar Paladin within me wishes only  Perpetual Penitence -- The Penitence not only of "Original Sin" but the Penitence resulting from the Regret of untold Human Slaughter >at his hands and Sword<  in the Name of Jesus the Christ his Lord and Savior .    Remember those "Issues" ?

            When Age and Sorrow Removed them from the Battlefield, both Soldiers and Warriors sometimes retired into Buddhist Temples, perhaps to expiate Sins, perhaps to find Relief in the somber solitude of Remorse-laden Silence .   Others, with resources and revenue,, retired into gardening , where the inevitability of Death GUARANTEED New Life .  "Working the land" meant Working one's Soul .

             Does the Soul even 'HAVE' Humor ?????