Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Adamantine Resonance

                              In a monograph I have yet to complete, there is a chapter on The Re-entry of Sword into the Realm of Buddhism .    Why is it that the Divine Infinite saw  a necessity to re-introduce Steel into a Path where Violence and Death was {are } considered an ANATHEMA to all Practitioners of Buddhism---those that Believe that ANY form of Martial Arts 'goes' against the Teaching of the Bless-ed One ?   Tough one --- ... .

            It is Believed by those Devoted to Shim Gum Do and Zen Sword in-general {including American Zen Sword and Kwan Um Do Kwang } that Buddhism NEEDED a Martial Art- [Sword specifically] to ENERGIZE the Path, in such a way as to promote TOTAL Well-Being, that is, the ENTIRE Health of BOTH >> Mind and Body << .   Know this :  Sword is MOTION MEDITATION, as such, It DEMANDS not only Mental Exertion but PHYSICAL EXERTION as well .  

            The Founding Master of Shim Gum Do, Chang Sik Kim, delivered this exhortation : 

                               "A Sword Mind is a s DIAMOND Mind, a Sword Body is Perfect" .


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