Thursday, January 18, 2024

Sabom's Proper

                              The "9th SUPER-Power of a Bodhisattva" is this :  "Making people turn toward the Buddha's Teaching and [then] Guiding them to Perfection" [where Perfection means Enlightenment] .   

            Believe me when I tell you that I am COMMITTED to achieving this SUPER-Power  .   I have Devoted myself to this Undertaking since the very first day I "landed" on Twitter and then found my way to the Blogosphere* .    I have only recently determined that I can advance Buddhism, Zen and Zen Sword through the establishment of "American Zen Sword" .    But I digress ... .

           Broadcasters continue to ask "Why are folks unable to "see through" trumpists" [?] who wear the cloak of republicanism .   Efforts have fizzled into staunch drainage of the nearest Tautology at hand .   Broadcasters' >recently< have expressed the Desire to "cover" trump with the impetus to reveal him for what he is, a Diabolical Nit-Wit GENIUS [ where Genius connotes some sort of Mastery of the Dark Arts--those Arts that manifest as Spell-Binding Charisma and Instinctual Animality*] .   I have detected a >helplessness< that is both distressing AND Contemptible .   It is IMPERATIVE for the Them to relate the fucking URGENCY FOR ACTION that War with Trumpism DEMANDS !!!!!!!!!!

         Here it is where the 8-Fold Noble Path enters as "Right Views, Right Thoughts, Right Speech and Right Karma " must be accessed to Re-Orientate the Mind, Heart and Will of the General Public.   THAT'S my 'job' .


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