Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Code of Don't-you-rob-me

                              High and Heavy winds interrupted the  electrical power flow yesterday and obviously cut-short the bloging* I'd planned .   Oh well ... .

            I had "gotten my Mind around" the use of "code" {{and Code}}  as Orientation for day-to-day Dys-entanglement* --  the one that intersects "WTF" with Adamantine Futuristic Prophecy -- {the one of Rational as Diamond Drill Bit that penetrates the "Fucked-up" and thereby releases Understanding} .

            I have some semblance of a Wish to move away from the Status Quo Standard of applying Biblical Interpretations to Constitutional and Bill of Rights  DOGMA , and supplant it with the use of 'Code' -- the Code and Codes used to program computers [where 'program' is 'instruction' ] .  

            I contend that the BOTH the Bill of Rights AND the Constitution need refurbishing , an up-grade, if you will , that both may help {where help is assist} us enter the Future with CONFIRMED  Resolve, a Resolve based upon a steadfast Allegiance to Truth and an unrelenting Volition to meet-out Justice with a sharp Blade and Heavy Hand .            

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