Tuesday, January 2, 2024

"Manchild In The Promised Land"

                              I've ignited 2 burners on the propane stove in the Tools' Room .   I'm restless to get outdoors, but I promised myself I would 'do' at least ONE thing in order to organize and reorganize the Tools' Room that I may make more things accessible and therefore my use of Time more efficient .    At my age, Time is literally "running out the door" and leaving behind a vacuum -that- by definition, sucks out Life .

            I've  decided  to  press  on  with  the   Testament despite   Reader disinterest .   I  wish   it were different .

             I failed to mark a specific instance yesterday and that `it` wore on my all day yesterday .   I will address it now .    I must acknowledge that some of us do NOT feel the need to explain everything in order to arrive at "Peace of Mind" --  such is NOT the case for SOME of the rest of us, who by circumstance and conditioned  positionality*  are subject  [or  prone]  to  a  chronic   dis-ease,,  the  result  of  an  aggravated upbringing or lack {of a HEALTHY upbringing} thereof .   I am one of THOSE .  

            It ain't that valid explanations can Heal anyway .   All they provide is some sort of emotional succor that is wrapped around intellectual forbearance .   Remember , "Child is Father to the Man" .

            Truer words cannot be spoken . 



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