Tuesday, January 23, 2024

ONE Size fits ALL

                              [So] What IS "Enlightenment" ?    Zen Master Seung Sahn delivers this :  "Become One, Infinite Time, Infinite Space" .   Enlightenment is like a Sword, it severs most Bonds to this World, the most important of which is the Bondage to the Cycle of Birth, Death and Rebirth .   There are, however, 'Perks' .  

            There are rich and deep Legends that reveal Aspects of Enlightenment that Zen Masters are reluctant to transmit, among them The Ability to Perform Miracles .   Most of these are Reality Manipulation but some of the most punishing are those that describe the Miracle of Life Regeneration, that is, bringing someone "back to Life".   This is, in Tibetan technical terms, Retrieving a Soul from the Bardol and returning it to its former body .   These Miracles are {necessarily} rare .

            Once Enlightened, a One may `leave the Body` and commute to All Places of the Universe .   

             It was once observed and then reported, that the Buddha was able to 'bilocate'* -- to leave one place and appear at another .  It happened at a River . 

            I offer this :   Understand Enlightenment as Cosmic Capacity ,   SUPER-Human capabilities made organic and holistic .   Try that on for size, and if it doesn't fit,  keep trying .



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