Thursday, January 4, 2024


                              My 'job' {the one I've assigned myself due to previous contractual Agreements} is to make connections and draw parallels FROM the day-to-day experiences of work-a-day Reality TO those of Socio-political {atmospheric} Conditions .    Here it is where the "Micro-system" IS the MACRO-system .   Here it is where we MUST   e x  p   a    n     d   the Human [Earthly} Consciousness to  Universal {Heavenly} Awareness -- the one that Campbell tags as a Consciousness that "Subsumes the Universe".   

            I can forgive my own sloth simply because I am an old man .   Yet when I {we} view Congress it's difficult to forgive them because of THEIR [individual] age [s] .   We KNOW 'it' is far more complicated then age .   Political Science {perhaps the GREATEST oxymoron of ALL Time} is rife with tacit Abuses and is LARGELY responsible for the Dysfunction that incapacitates the WILL to Move .   In my instance AGE is responsible and perhaps it is the AGE of the Republic that can be blamed, although I have argued elsewhere that Democracy has GENETIC PREDISPOSITIONS that   GUARANTEE  abject Failure .    Here it is where VIGILANCE in ALL its forms [oversight, undersight*, foresight and hindsight] has been supplanted by EGO-SIGHT * --  the view from one's own Ego that has as its foundation,  a careless disregard for the Sight of Others .     Ego-Sight manifests as    " What's in it for ME?? "   which is now a "Trademark" of {t}rump and Trumpism .   

           I contend that Egosight is ANTI-Humanist .


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