Saturday, January 13, 2024

They shit in the streets of New Delhi - Calcutta

                              British 'Occupation' of India lasted some one hundred years .   Please re-read the title .   HUGE 'Cultural' 'Advancements' were 'made' and yet ...  .      India is exceedingly Prosperous but headed toward an ill-liberalism* that brings a choking Sadness to Those of Utopic Ordination* .    It MAY be said that the British Version of Christian Politics did NOT "do well" amidst the Populace who knew of their "Vedic Texts" and the Length, Breadth and Depth of Hindu Historiography .   What DID "do well" was Western Capitalism and its Strata of Deliberation* the one of "Work Hard and you will [be awarded] {my use of  >be awarded< is suspect at best}  your "Just Desserts" .    Those that kept pace with Futuristic Ideals indeed flourished, while those of   Ancient Dogma   appeared  to  be "barking up"  the  Tree  of  Life   and NOT  the  Tree  of  Knowledge .   So it is and so it must be within the confines of Human Nature .

            We have just learned that desantis is "at it again", meaning, he and his are seeking to modify {in essence re-Codify} not only Dictionaries but Encyclopedias as well .   I consider this even MORE "Evidence" of the "Push" to return to a "Golden Age" of Human Atrocity , otherwise regarded as The 2nd Dark Age .    Recall that the 1st Dark Age lasted some 600 years [or more] .   Desantis's 'Pitch' is not merely one of 'erasure' , it is a RE-CODIFICATION of Societal Educational Standards .  Blockading certain Reading Materials is the 'first step' toward said Re-Codification since Children ARE the Future and by 'controlling' their Education you thusly* control their Minds .   This First Step will last some 20 YEARS {at LEAST} and should desantis and his gain POLITICAL Ascendancy the entire Nation and GLOBE {for that matter} will descend {once again} into a cesspoolic* of Morass of Dyslightenment* the one of Dysregard* not only of Science but of TRUTH as well .


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