Tuesday, January 9, 2024

"Festivus for the rest of us..."

                              I'm a BIG-BIG fan of redundant redundancy  so my use of `Blasphemic* Heretic` slides in as "State of the ART" {Art -- that's ME}  Solvency {Solve-n-see} .   

            'George Washington IS America's "Original Sin" ' MEANS this :   GW  "OWNED" Slaves .   Therefore, to be elevated to God-Like Status DEFINES my Contention that Politics IS Religion -- and -- with that Apotheosis, is the Elevation of Slavery as a PRIMARY {get this} VALUE of Capitalism, which I have tagged, `Slavery Capitalism` and better still `Washingtonian {Slavery} Capitalism` ---  that's the one where PROFIT is WORSHIPED .   You can see IT rite* ?   { I DO know how you can miss IT } .

           The Original Sin of Democracy is Washingtonian Capitalism which was and IS UNIVERSALLY Ignored for how can GOD be RWONG* ???? !!!   When Logic is applied this results :   God Himself MUST have "owned" Slaves .  {How I  LOVE "carrying things to their Logical Absurdity and yet are we not SLAVES to Religion ?????}



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