Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Skirting the Issue

                              Before I continue I will supply a few titles of texts I have found to be 'Treasure-laden' . 

                            Man and His Symbols - Jung ,, The Great Mother -  Neumann,,  Knowing Women - Claremont de Catillejo,,  Women's Estate -  Mitchell,,  Aspects of the Feminine - Jung,,  The Descent of Woman - Morgan,,  The Feminine Mystique - Friedan,,  Goddesses In Every Woman - Bolen,,  The Fear of the Feminine - Neumann,,  Hero With A Thousand Faces - Campbell,,  The Masks of God Creative Mythology (also by) Campbell .

                            {Remember all those Issues I have ???}

               One of my Consorts once embittered, "Why do you have to fuck every 'skirt' that approaches you?"   2 words :   Uhhhhh .

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