Tuesday, January 23, 2024

500 miles HY*

                         This View of the 8-Fold Noble Path is from 500 miles HY* .    In no way is it suppose to 'act' as ANY type of Traditional Explanation .   It is merely a simplistic Introduction, a something, that can get you started in your own Investigation of Buddha's Teaching .  

            Just so you know, 8th Dan Zen Sword Master Marc Fortin has tagged me with, "Heretic", this, despite our Brotherly Spiritual Command .   If you have read HERETIC by Ayaan Hirisi Ali, you can appreciate that I take Marc's tag as profound Realization {Real I zation} .

            Of course there are subtleties and nuances involved even in my own explanations .   However, the other day, I'd realized I'd missed perhaps the most important attribute of following the 8-Fold Noble Path which is > Mental Health < .

            There is the GIANT  "Why Practice the Path to begin with ?"  This is this morning's Consideration.

P.S.  The title "500 Miles High" is from a song by Chick Corea .



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