Friday, January 19, 2024

Live the Miracle

                              Of the First Four, "Right Thoughts" is perhaps the easiest to describe {and for some of us, to contort] .    We must add the 'ing' suffix to aid us in assimilation which gives us 'Right Thinking' .   I find it best to Romanticize 'Right Thinking' and offer this trope :   "Live the Miracle" which I had-to devise to thwart "Samsara is Hell" .   You may find it contradictory given The Essence of Zen Sword is [to] 'Cut Thinking' .   I assure you it IS Contradictory but NOT 'Counter-Intuitive'.   The Mind 'thinks' in the exact same way that the Body 'Breathes' .   

            It MAY be said that the First Thought SHOULD be :  Life is a Miracle --- indeed, Dr. Joseph Campbell speaks of  "The MAJESTY of BEING" .    I LOVE that .   The Problem is --->  It's SOOOOO FUCKING HARD to use The Majesty of Being when you are surrounded by Death and Destruction, Disease and Famine, Mental Pollution and Aggravated Malcontent .    

            I will address the Conditions of Suffering at a later date :  for now I offer The Art of Zen Thinking as a vehicle to travel to "Reside in Beauty".   When you actually HAVE a Choice to reside in either Ugliness or Beauty I suggest you choose to Reside in Beauty .   The 'two' go "hand in hand" :   To Live the Miracle [{by}] Residing in Beauty .

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