Friday, January 26, 2024

In God We {Blood}Lust

                              We must engage 'Understanding' to Understand 'Understanding'.  {To stand UNDER--- to View Reality from beneath it in order to see its underpinnings, its 'chassis' as it were-- to see what supports Reality } .   

            Robert Pirsig delineates the "Ways" we View Reality [ where View is Understand --  where Understand is a "Filter" of our Conscious ] .   He describes the Olympian Viewpoint of Ancient Moderns, who, through Homer's Masterpieces, obligated Understanding as OLYMPIAN ConsciousNess* .   Here, the  Gods  were  not  only  "ABOVE"  Earthly Law,  THEY  WERE  THE  LAW .   Trump's Actions are Characteristics of this Olympian "Conceit" :  his Rhetoric is of that Same .   

            Enter Judaic-Christian Rationalism .   Instead of multiple gods there was just One, and this One supplied Humankind with the Ten Commandments that was SUPPOSE-TO  be THE Code of Conduct and Behavior, Justice and Legality .   THIS "Code of Conduct" was summarily REJECTED by Trump and in consequence Trumpism .   These HERETICS and BLASPHEMERS do NOT consider themselves SINNERS  not  even in the SLIGHTEST since THEIR "World View" is OLYMPIAN in form and structure .   Judaic-Christian Law DOES NOT APPLY TO THEM .   Not only are they ABOVE the Law, they insist THERE IS NO LAW only {Diabolical} Influence --  where trump IS the Divine Influence .

            You can see it rite ?

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