Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Tricky Nikki


                             I've contended that the [American] Civil War never "ended", meaning the South and its Confederacy {con = without ,, Federacy = Federation} NEVER admitted Defeat, that it harbored a ruthless Resentment that manifested in the KKK as Genocidal Predation, the one of "the Fugitive Slave Act" .   Here it is where Confederates erected "Art" to symbolize the Virtue and fucking NOBILITY of Secessionist Advancement, that is, the GOD GIVEN RIGHT to treat FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS as ANIMALS .   

            I was AGHAST when I heard trump insane {from the transitive verb, to insane, to speak insanely, to speak as an insane person} that the Civil War could have been "negotiated" --- I myself have wondered that same, suggestion that Lincoln did the Worst Possible >> declaring War on the Confederacy << without first using Diplomacy to FORCE the South to TRULY Examine the Slave Dynamic with regard to HUMAN Atrocity .  

            After the Shock dissipated somewhat, I centered myself and Wondered about  depicting Democracy as a RELIGION instead of a governmental Politic .

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