Friday, January 19, 2024

My. Lyons

                             There is a PRIMARY Syllogism with regard to 'Right Speech' --  it is this :   "If a man's speech is not better than Silence [then] he should remain quiet."

            My Generation was raised hearing, "Children should be seen and NOT heard."

            Another :  "If you haven't got anything GOOD to say, then DON'T say anything" .

            My 6th Grade Teacher, Mr. Lyons, taught us boys this :  "If you are interested in a girl--DON'T SAY ANYTHING !!! "   I am here to tell you,  I "took to Heart" his 'advice' and when I got to College employed this Advice as TACTIC with absolutely STUPENDOUS Success .   Now, "I ain't that good-looking" and I "take tea at three"  --- it didn't matter .   My Lyons' words were Sorcery MAGIC .


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