Saturday, January 27, 2024

Ms. Ur Rhee

                              Many psychologist argue that it is the Promptings of the Un-Conscious* that are responsible for nearly ALL our decision-making .   Indeed, we are 'moved' to-and fro by these Promptings which I have tagged, "The Hand of the Universe" .   

            Know that these Un-Conscious Promptings reside in an Invisible Realm, meaning, we are largely UNAWARE that it is our   Un-Conscious   that is responsible for our Attitudes, Biases and Presentiments .   My own Intellectual Rationale  resides in this Invisible Realm where-in lie the Manifestations of my "Iron Fist Rhetoric" .    News Broadcasters can't seem to understand WHY trumpists believe what they Believe.  This  is  a  Failure  on  their  part  to  access   Meaning from Reality   which is   `commanded`   by  the Un-Conscious .    

            I contend that SOME of our Biases are DIRECTLY related to 'those things' that reside in our Psyche  because  of   Childhood Configurations,   otherwise  known  {in Psychological terms}  as Constellations .    In essence, as children, we were 'captured' by the Romance of Olympian Theosophy .   The Olympic Gods LITERALLY "Captured our Imagination" .   Now, in our later years our Imagination is held HOSTAGE by this Romance, and Glory, and SPLENDOR of the Olympic Gods who ACTED AS THEY PLEASED with sometime CARELESS DISREGARD of Parental Impositions .   How we LONGED for such FREEDOM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      {{{{{{{{{{ Worship the Goddess,  Miss Guidance ...}}}}}}}}}}

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