Sunday, January 7, 2024

The Open Cesspool of Self Pity

                              There is Death and Near-Death all around me and all around US .   In the Ancient of Olden Times I recall my Dad reading the Obits to my Mom every day before supper .   He and his noteworthies* were at 'that Age' --  I am now -- 'at that Age'.   In the Same Way that noteworthies were dying off,  the Nightly News was broadcasting the Kill Numbers of the Viet-Nam* War .   I believe it was different for him, he had "gone through" WW II and the Korean War and had considered them as Victories for America ,, so the War in Viet-Nam was simply 'one more' in which America would           Prevail .   

            My Generation has known nothing BUT War --- Viet-Nam, Irag, Afghanistan, and now Israel and Ukraine .   

            The fetid Stench of Death permeates EVERY aspect of our Lives ---  everywhere we turn there is the now Perverse Absurdity of War and the Political CORRUPTION which IS its Foundation .   

            Everyday we are tortured with Jim Morrison's Proclamation of Inevitability : "No-one here gets out alive."

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