Monday, January 22, 2024

Merciless Mercy

                              Ya know how the "phone company" keeps sending you your calls and messages until you acknowledge their presence ?   Karma is "like that" .   It keeps coming until you address {confront} Its 'text' .   

            The "Action" of Karma is equal to the "Action" of Evolution .   In the same way that Evolution 'Forces' change and adaptation to pursue a "Policy of Perfection" so it is where Karma does that Same .   The Great German Writer Herr Hermann Hesse uses these words, "We are all headed for the Center, not the periphery ."   Here it is where the "Center" is none-other than Universal Wholeness, the ONE .

            Zen Master Seung Sahn explains :   "A good cause leads to a good result ."

            From the Mahayana this perplexity :   "All things through Karma ."

            Where "Child is Father to the man" --  Karma is Father to the Father and the Child .

            Here's the Deal with Karma :   You can press 'Delete' and you can 'swipe' all you want, NOTHING can prevent Karma from halting its Delivery ------------------ Nothing .

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