Thursday, January 25, 2024

The Forest Prime-Evil

                              The Destruction of Gaza IZ the Destruction of the United States .   Netanyahu IS trump -- trump IS Hitler therefore netanyahu IS Hitler .    Netanyahu is committed to , "Let there not be ONE standing among the living ."   

            The opening of Chris Hayes' program last evening contained a Quasi-Revelation that the Nation, OUR Nation had reached some sort of 'Turning Point' --  a One that acts as a 'pivot' AWAY from "Head-in-the-sand" Ostrich-ism* TOWARD a full scale Effort to broadcast ALL of Trump @ "24-7" .    Hayes is of the Belief that more and more trumpists are, themselves, turning AWAY from Trump because of his maniacal communications which reveal his Hitlerian {Stalinist} and White Supremacist Agitations .   

            Even among the SUPER-Brains there has been `guarded` 'optimism', the result of Primary data scrutiny, that 'senses' 'real-time' weaknesses in the armor of Neo-Nazis, Neo-Confederates and Anti-Democracysts* .   These 'weaknesses' manifest in their own Hatreds*, Hatred of Democracy, Hatred of all Colored Peoples, and Hatred of a Future that MUST succumb to the INEVITABILITY of Evolutionary Demands .   



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