Tuesday, January 9, 2024

The Apotheosis of George Washington

                             In the Capitol Rotunda can be found "The Apotheosis of George Washington" .   Here , GW is elevated to DIVINE Status , partially because he and his 'birthed' a Nation , partially because he Defeated the British [in an American Insurrection] DESPITE the seeming IMPOSSIBILITY of untrained RED-NECK Hillbillies to engage and Defeat SUPERIOR Forces .   It's IMPERATIVE to view this "Apotheosis" as MORE than a "SYMBOLIC" Representation .   It's taken some Time for this Symbolization to cure and mature and to View [presently] trump as being conferred this SAME Apotheosis, by dint and moor of Neo-Confederate and Evangelical    WORSHIP .     

            I am no fan of Worship but I AM a fan of Veneration .   I do indeed Venerate the Ancient Buddhist and Zen Buddhist Masters --- but to Worship them is an EGREGIOUS Spiritual ATROCITY that is Denounced [and has been Denounced]    by EVERY "Clear Eyed Master" that has EVER walked upon black asphalt and green grass .

            Herein lies the Clue -----------hideously disguised as Loyalty is the Essence of [Political] Religion ------->   DEVOTION .

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