Wednesday, January 17, 2024

"Sky Pilot, how high can you fly ?"

                             Michael Kranish's Article in the Washington Post [dated August 8, 2019] provides almost   SUPER-Human   Penetration   into  the  Mind  and  Psyche  {or lack thereof}  of trump .   His brother, Fred Jr., died of Alcoholism at the age of 41 .   We have learned from other sources that Fred wished to become an airline pilot, {to fly among the Heavens CARING for fellow Travelers} but that fred sr. SAVAGELY Crushed that Dream .  Instead of turning to that Dream, Fred turned to Alcohol and committed a slow-death-by-drowning Suicide {vis-a-vis  "Leaving Las Vegas"} .   Trump had little sympathy and quickly lurched into the role his father had previously assigned Fred Jr .  2 words :  his father was delighted .

            Some of us Alcoholics know of such Dream Crushings* , Crushings that were egregiously furthered by a Mother who could not Love and Parents that FAILED to provide Protection .    I saw Dr. Doreen Virtue, author of Constant Cravings, being interviewed by Oprah, and Oprah asked about the constant craving of alcohol, Virtue whip-snapped, "Oh that's an easy one ---Love" .   I KNOW of the Absence of Love and filling the Void it created with Alcohol, therefore, I KNOW what `happened` to Fred Jr.   Mercifully, this is NOT about me ... .

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