Friday, January 26, 2024

"The Shadow knows"

                              In the same way that "Life" and "Death" are 2 sides of the same coin, so it is with trump and Biden .  Whereas trump is the Dark Side of the American Collective Conscious, Biden is the Light Side .   It is Imperative to Understand that Democracy 'created' both .

            Trump IS every Intellectual Hedonist ever created, his Ignorance and Tribal Animalism is profound regency of Primal Jungle Atrocity - the one of Primordial Unconscious - the one of Bestial Cruelty - the one of PREDATION - the one that THRIVES on the slaughter of the young, the infirm, and the Weak .

            Know that trump IS Democracy's Creation .   

            Know also that trump IS each and every one of us -- that his Mind IS  Our Mind -- that his overt psychological shortcomings ARE OUR OWN .   He IS the Filth and Squalor of INSTINCTUAL Qualifications ,  the Reminder that WE were  ANIMALS FIRST before True Conscious-Ness* 'arrived' .   Understand this :  Trump is a MIRROR, when we look at him, we are looking at our own Darkness, otherwise known as "The Shadow".

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