Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Swish Miss

                             There are shortcomings within the structure of the 8-Fold Noble Path .   The Modern Eye will discern The Path's lack of consideration for the PHYSICAL --- the {perhaps} dismissal of BODY Training .   The Buddha was NOT 'alone' in this disregard .  Ancient Taoist Masters offered NO `demands` for physical exercise, deciding that the Mind was of {severe} Dominance .   When Bodhidharma 'arrived' at that Temple and saw that monks had degenerated into lazy, sloth-ridden curs, he initiated a First Step to reclaiming Mind-BODY harmony--- it was a simple step ---> bowing .   The 108 full prostrations executed every morning by Temple-ists are a DIRECT Result of Bodhidharma's Influence .   As Bodhidharma's Influence advanced so too his Direction to Heal and STRENGTHEN not only the Mind's of these careless monks but their Bodies as well .

            Within the Story of Gautama's Enlightenment is the introduction of the the Village Missy --- the One who brought the Buddha-To-Be a bowl of rice-gruel and milk .   It is believed that Gautama's ingestion of this {now} Elixir altered his Mind Chemistry where-upon looking at the Morning Star caused his Mind to Break-Open and 'Receive' Enlightenment .   Here it is where this Miss seemingly FORCED the Buddha-To-Be to acknowledge his BODY .   This THIS became part of the Dharma but did NOT gain entry into the 8-Fold Noble Path .  This THIS must be addressed .


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