Monday, January 1, 2024

The Sardonicsphere

                              A comedian did this gag :  "The other day I lost my job .   I mean I didn't REALLY 'lose' it ---  I KNOW where it is --- I just can't go back to it ."    Here I go :   I lost my 'sense of humor' , I mean, I didn't REALLY 'lose' it --- I know where it is --- I just can't seem to WANT it .

            The Templar Paladin within me wishes only  Perpetual Penitence -- The Penitence not only of "Original Sin" but the Penitence resulting from the Regret of untold Human Slaughter >at his hands and Sword<  in the Name of Jesus the Christ his Lord and Savior .    Remember those "Issues" ?

            When Age and Sorrow Removed them from the Battlefield, both Soldiers and Warriors sometimes retired into Buddhist Temples, perhaps to expiate Sins, perhaps to find Relief in the somber solitude of Remorse-laden Silence .   Others, with resources and revenue,, retired into gardening , where the inevitability of Death GUARANTEED New Life .  "Working the land" meant Working one's Soul .

             Does the Soul even 'HAVE' Humor ?????  

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