Thursday, January 25, 2024

"Uhhh Houston ? ....."

                              It's hard to detect ANY 'optimism' within the Conscious Collective given that even mitch the Bitch mcconnel can't exhort the trumpists to ABANDON putinism* in order to re-supply the Ukrainian Forces .   Trump's steel-toed boot is squarely on the throats of his {psycho-phants*}, "running dogs" and lackeys .    His Will is THEIR Demand .   

            Yesterday it was broadcast that the even-tempered Level-Heads of the House of Representatives sent a Letter to Biden to HALT re-armament of Israeli Forces until netanyahu submits to the Construction of a Palestinian Nation, a something that netanyahu finds egregiously Anathemacal* .    

            I see netanyahu in the exact same way I see trump   --- [as] EGO- MANIACAL FASCIST .

            ALMOST all of the Monies and Weaponry used by Israeli Forces to conduct their Version of Wholesale GENOCIDE were "PROUDLY MADE IN AMERICA" .    An imbecile can see the Problem .

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