Tuesday, January 23, 2024


                         It may be inopportune to risk the notion that all of everybody has encountered the term "Reincarnation" .   Reincarnation is Rebirth once again into this Human Realm .   Whereas Children of Abraham [Christians, Jews and Muslims] Believe in ONE Lifetime, Buddhists, Hindus, and Jainists understand that there are MANY Lifetimes in this Realm [referred to as Samsara] .   

            I have encountered many folks who refuse to acknowledge the First Noble Truth, that "All Existence entails Suffering".  So be it, they are NOT "On the Bus" .   For the rest of Us, there IS an Acceptance of this Truth and THIS is where we will begin .

            The 8-Fold Noble Path LEADS TO Enlightenment .   Once Enlightenment is attained, The Cycle of Birth, Death, and Rebirth is Broken and One attains Liberation from the Suffering of this World AND is Removed from Rebirth altogether .   For most of us THIS is our Goal .

            "But wait, there's more" .


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