Saturday, January 20, 2024

Sell the 'swell' .

                             There is this :  "You should practice what you preach !"   This is the 'type' of 'Practice' that is referred to in "Right Practice".    Essentially this type of Practice is none-other than Conduct and Behavior, where Conduct is nuanced as Con-duct as a Conductor 'conducts' an orchestra .  Here it is where the Self conducts the Ego, which then 'presents' as Humility, Compassion and Empathy .    The  Eminent Kung Fu Master teaches this :   "The Sage walks with is head down, Humble, like the dust."   

            At the end of Sword Class I sometimes goaded my Students with, `Conduct your selves as Confucian Scholars`.   I am certain they had no idea what that meant, but it made ME feel "swell" .

            Lao Tzu positions this :  "The Sage places himself last".

           The Preeminent Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara Proclaims :  "All Others {go} before me.

            Simply this :   Present yourself AS IF you are exerting ALL the Effort you can, to adhere to the Principles and Dogma of Buddha's Teachings {all 84,000 of them} .

            Emily Dickenson poetried* this :   "How happy is the little stone / who wandered on the path alone /  whose elemental coat of brown /  a passing Universe put on ."






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