Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Art works

                         Thousands upon THOUSANDS of you haven't asked me why I'm posting all the Artworks of Nudes .   I decided to exhibit such Art because the Female Form is absolutely DIVINE {in most instances} and She represents the Tibetan Understanding of the Truth of Reality tagged by "Dakini" .   Dr. Carl Jung would add that the Female Nude, and a man's fascination of Such, represents his awareness {or lack thereof} of the "Anima", best understood as Those Aspects of {Divine} Femininity that are an INTEGRAL part {'part' is a weak choice} of a man's Psyche .   

            Veneration of the Female Form is manifestation of the Female MIND , the one of Holistic {Universal} Integrity, the one of {the capacity for} Unconditional Love, [when Maternalism is devoid of Negativity {the BAD Mother}, {the Mother that EATS her children} --- the one of Cruelty and Abuse] .   

            Our Sword Master, Chang Sik Kim, the Founder of Shim Gum Do, once told us that if Women ruled the Planet --->  there would be no Hunger .   Years later I heard the same from his and our Zen Master, Seung Sahn .    I believe "IT" .


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