Thursday, January 4, 2024

Of Vice and Men

                              I've been applying Effort to the 'staging area' .   Barrels of junk and stuff-worth-storing are abundantly burdensome .   Clogged  is  generous  but  clusterfuck  gets  us  there much kwiker* .   We know the phrase : "Shit accumulates" where shit sometimes is nothing more than aggressive sloth gone the way of chronic carelessness .   "Knowing better" doesn't help when Immediacy lays claim to 'No foresight' the foresight that actually PREDICTS clusterfuck but is either summarily dismissed or completely discharged altogether .    When work is a Religion Sins are committed .

            On the Early 70's there was a philosophy of Exertion, meaning, there was an Effort to actualize one's Potential by "Getting your shit together" .   It's the same as, "Being on the bus" --  those that DID have their "Shit together" :  and those that were NOT on the bus --  those that did NOT have their Shit Together.  Indeed, fellow folks who DID  have their Shit together were Admired .    They spoke Intelligently of the Cosmic Questions that occupied even their day-to-day Conscious and never stalled or balked when asked to supply their Answers .   

             'It' wasn't enough .   It may have been a Herculean Task to get your Shit Together but perhaps even MORE difficult was "KEEPING YOUR SHIT TOGETHER".   "Aye, THERE'S the 'rub' " .   For those of us CHAINED to the Law of Order :  "A place for everything, everything in its place"  Chaos and the Tumult produced are a sickening Dysposition* that only SUPER-Human EFFORT can neutralize .

            Ahh yes :   Of Vice and Men .



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