Monday, January 1, 2024

Miss Ann Thrope

                             I've had to devise a Schema to explain my Life -- the first part of which is to ascribe my entry by claiming that "The Maker Of All Things" is responsible for my being a Swordsman .   I had to deny an "Absolute" "Self-Nature" but in MENTAL Reality I have "it" firmly within the Absolute, meaning, I HAD-TA figure that 'I've ALWAYS been a Swordsman' --  that is AFTER I'd been everything else according to Jainism .   I chanced upon "The Maker Of All Things" by reading Chuang Tsu's Inner Chapters where I also found the BEST depictions of "The Great Master" and "True Man" .   

            More recently I had to account for my friendships with Fortin and Gallogly .   I 'worked' on this for months until Templarism* arrived to meet out Justice .   Fortin  from  France,  Gallogly  from  Ireland  with  the  Shared Commonality  of  Templar Knighthood .  THAT {finally} made perfect Sense . 



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