Sunday, January 7, 2024

At War with War

                              I've been trying to find an 'Avenue-of-Expression' lately, an avenue upon which to operate a Vehicle of Information and Influence, that I may assist my Those with their Efforts to spread Common Sense to their 'Those' with the steadfast Conviction of Great Faith and Great Courage .   Sadly, my Efforts have been to no avail  --- Readership is down to a mere 3 and I find that  I   MUST blame myself for lack of Imagination and of-course my own laziness and sloth .   Despite KNOWING self recriminations breed self contempt and self mockery I indulge in it anyway .   {There ain't no 'expiration date' on self loathing.}

            I'm writing this to uze* Gyze* in a sort of Apology ---  I've left blog sequences to rot in their own decay ---  that's the one where I actually Believe what I've written is at least 'Acceptable' but later find it is WAAAAAY the fuck SHORT of  `Quality Material` .   It makes me question my Ability and IF I have the Talent necessary to bridge the "Generation Gap" .  

            It gets worse .   I've 'lost' my capability of using Humor as leverage to pry Relief from Human Atrocities that have found their way to propagandized* Normalcy .   My favorite News Broadcasters are flummoxed as well, wondering [out-loud] what the CORRECT 'Course of Action' to Inform and Educate their Viewers in an Effort to Influence them to RE-Broadcast the Truth of Political REALITY in day-to-day social intercourse ---  no easy Task since {you gotta figure} ANY conversation should begin with , "We are at War with War ."


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