Saturday, January 27, 2024

The Elixir of Forgetfulness

                              Scholars of Ancient Esoteric Christianity have reported evidence that the Christian Ancients DID have some Awareness of the Transmigration of Souls---> Reincarnation .   There are stories that depict Entities that aske the newly deceased if they want to remember their past life or do not .   Should they answer that they do NOT, they are given an Elixir of Forget, and once consumed, the Past is quietly evaporated .   I contend that this 'evaporation' actually continues into birth and further, into early childhood .   Psychologist speak of "Childhood Amnesia", our {complex} inability to recall events before, say, 2 years old .  I insist that this 'Amnesia' is somehow GUARANTEED by Evolutionary Forces, so that the advancing Soul does NOT have to re-endure the Sufferings of the Previous lifetime .

            I confess, I LOVE the Story of the Elixir, it IS Romantic .   I LOVE that it MAY be Truth, in an Evolutionary Psychotic "Way" .  

            I am nothing if not Psychotic .

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