Thursday, January 18, 2024

"Enter the Dragon"

                             It ain't all in [and from] the Books ~~~  News broadcasters and their guests are a HUGE Influence when examining the state of the Nation with regard to Political Conditions and more specifically the Health and Disease of the Body Politic and its Mind Politic as well .    Clearly their 'Job' is to "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" and in this I have found some of them miserably destitute in offering Psychological Imports that can aid in the Understanding of {even} Emotional Complexities .   It IS, however, IMPERATIVE to accord them Deference since they are where they are and we {I} are where we are .   I have NO Problem with that .   Here it is where MSNBC and CNN offer an Adherence to TRUTH whereas Fox and the Others broadcast Propaganda based upon Trumpian Hatred, Rage, Bitter-most Resentment and a Depiction of a Reality DEVOID of Common Sense, Rationality, Logic and Higher Order Reasoning .   

            "IT" isn't simply "informing the Public" , rather, there is an OBLIGATION to "Make Sense" of the prevailing Socio-Political Conditions in order to alleviate the feelings that Chaos and Disorder sensate* {to cause a sensation} .    That's where I "come in" .

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