Friday, January 19, 2024

"It's more like 6"...

                              The toughest 'sell' for a one who wishes to introduce Buddhism to Others is the First of the Four Noble Truths , which is :  "All Existence entails Suffering" .   The First of the 8-Fold Noble Path is :   "Right View" .    Here now the absolute IMPERATIVE of 'having' the Right View where Right View is 'correct' World View, in order to begin a 'Reformation' [Re  Form]  that will provide 'correct' Orientation [and Goal] for ---> Those-of-Consideration .

             Within the 'Domain' of Right View' lies 'Rebirth' [Reincarnation] {and the $20 "Transmigration of Souls"}.    If the Biblical Dogma of "One and done" is to be confronted, then it is abjectly necessary to Challenge that World View .   There is taxing provincial Scholarship that has produced Evidence that Reincarnation was, IN FACT, a PRIMARY Aspect of Christianity in its Earliest Stages .   For a God to issue ONE LIFE to get EVERYTHING 'Correct' was considered IMPOSSIBLE .   

             2 words :   It's OK to make mistakes .







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