Wednesday, January 17, 2024


                             I am in a Void .   Can you see it ?  ---> a  ---> void  ===> avoid .   I've been avoiding the real "work" of supplying my Opinion {Opiuminion} with regard to ongoing Social / Political  Atmospheres [At most Fears] .   I began the month with a steadfast earnest-Ness to reconcile the Great Mother with said Atmos-Fears but now that's it's Time to enter my own Dark Forest,,    I have been searching, RIGOROUSLY Searching,,  for ANY Excuse to AVOID the Innermost Deformities of my own Parental Misfortunes .  {Miss Fortune .. Missed Fortunes} .   

            You know of what I speak,  trump and his Mom .    Where the fuck IS she ??   Where the fuck WAS she ???

             When you try to anthropomorphize the "Birth of a Nation" HOW is She to be depicted [?] given the so-called "Founding FATHERS" and their {indolent} place-as-stature within the context of American Historiography [ies] ?  Is there a "Female Element" known as the Mother of  Democracy ?   We have Represented Democracy as Miss Liberty and  Justice is unabashedly a Female Warrior   the Broad with a Sword   as I have tagged her and other Female Warriors ,  but the Mother of America ??????? ......... ?


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