Monday, January 1, 2024

Miss Creant

                             I have wondered about Steve Winwood's "...his hands are torn and bloodied by the scratchings* of his Soul" --- what would cause the 'tissue' tears and bloodshed ?   Eventually it arrived that his Soul was bound by barbed-wire ------ so then I had-ta* wonder, "How the fuck did THAT happen" ?

            A Soul bound by barbed wire ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .

            Even friendly folk have asked me,  "Why are you so fucking fucked-up ?"   Over the Past Lifetimes I've killed THOUSANDS with my Sword .   As the Eminent Kung Fu Master bemoaned, "There is no Honor in the taking of a life of Another ".   A Swordsman without Honor is no "Swordsman" at all .


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