Saturday, January 6, 2024

"White Punks On" Hope

                             The title is from a 'something' done by a San Fran. group The Tubes ... .   It's nothing short of   'star worthy'   Raunch*   a hapless-skippy tune of NO redeeming 'Social Value" whatsoever and as such is remarkably poignant {at least for me} .      You Gyze* KNOW I am no fan of 'hope' .   I have mentioned several countfull* times that 'hope' was the FIRST 'item' in Pandora's Box, such was its nature as DIABOLICAL MONSTER !!!!!!!     Yet there remains a firm CONVICTION that Hope is "Something Good" and worse, 'Something of GREAT Value'.       I object .      Hope is EVERY "Castle made of sand, that rolls into the Sea, inevitably" .   

            There's this Liberal Ideation* that "The Office" will mold the individual to CONFORM to the Demands and GRAVITY of the "Office", indeed, there was {caustic and LETHAL} "Hope" that trump would be of that   "WISHFUL THINKING"   {where 'wishful' MEANS hopeful}.   Remember what happened .  Trump  PROVED  to  be   IMMUNE   to  the  traditional  Conditions  of  the  Presidency ---  INSURRECTION resulting .      


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