Saturday, January 20, 2024

"To every thing" learn, learn, learn .

                              We will proceed to "Right Life" and save "Right Karma" for a later date since, because of its Nature and Complexity, it will require more than one blog .

            'Right Life' is better understood as "Right Livelihood", where Livelihood, is job, trade, occupation, or career .   At its most basic, you need a 'Livelihood' that allows you to learn about yourself on a daily basis .   

            This is my definition of  'work' :   Being somewhere you don't want to be, doing something you don't want to do .     What you want instead is obvious :  Being where you WANT to be, doing something  you Love to do  AND GETTING PAID FOR IT  !! .    Here it is where your Livelihood DEFINES YOUR EXISTENCE, meaning, "You ARE, what you DO ."

            I can hear you now, "Yeah Sabom, that's 'Easier SAID, than DONE' ".  Believe me, I can't agree MORE or any Harder .

            Looking for work can be an AGONIZING Horror .   Dr. Ken Ring wrote me, " may be that a Job will find you."   Either way, you NEED an income .   The Chinese badger , "No money, no Life."


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