Friday, January 5, 2024

"Meanwhile, back at the raunch..."

                              A super-superficial view of Israeli economics revealed that one of their main exports is polished diamonds, which led me to this raunch* `Diamonds are a Jew's best friend` a bastardization of the American Pop "Diamonds are a GIRL'S best friend" .    

            Crisis is the BEST Test for strength, durability,  resilience and longevity .   What's being tested in Israel is the Power of  the World .   You-wanna believe that the U.N. should "step-in" at the very LEAST to offer Administrative Authority to the Palestinians until they can establish their own government .   Remember India ?  It took Them  ONE HUNDRED YEARS  to free themselves from British Colonialism ---  such was the Nature of their not-even-3rd-world                  predicament .  

            Gaza has been reduced to PRE Stone Age Rubble .   There's no Food -- No Water --  No Heat --  and No Electricity , and of course NO U.N.  

            Israel has removed 20,000 troops, NOT for military reasons, but because THEY CAN'T AFFORD TO KEEP THEM IN THE FIELD .   This 'condition' puts a magNIFYING glass on American Support .   You'd think Biden would use this THIS as leverage to FORCE Israel to accede to his Demands but no and FUCK NO .  netanyahu* has not only "thumbed his nose" at Joe, he's extended his middle finger as well, convinced that he can circumvent Biden and end-run to Congress .  


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