Friday, January 26, 2024

Washington as Racist, Zeus as Rapist

                             I am reluctant to preface each bizarre statement I make with, "psychologically" or "symbolically" because that's not how I encounter these statements .   The statements 'arrive' sometimes as an oncoming vehicle and sometimes as a hammer drop .   This morning, during one of my more violent GIRD attacks, 'it' 'arrived' that >>> E. Jean Carroll was Miss America <<<, more precisely, America .    As I  sat  on  the toilet recovering, "it" came into a sharp focus ===>  Trump the Father, [Zeus] Carroll as Leda .   Further, Carroll not only 'signified' America but Democracy as well ,  paralleling Biden as Father and representing [the face of] America and with it, Democracy .

            I know this shit ain't "Street and Gutter", but to recognize Myth-Within-Culture is something I've been working on for years and now these Efforts have come into Fruition {been actualized} {for better AND for worse} .

            I am LOATHE to spice Reality with Romantic Olympian Visions; since Romance itself is "of the Heart", but in this THIS is an attempt to understand WHY there is 'General Acceptance' of Trump's Arrogance    that "As a Star" he can do what he will with ANY {Earthly} Woman .   He may well have just proclaimed, "I  AM  ZEUS" .   



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