Saturday, January 6, 2024

Conditioned Conditionality

                              We're back to "Conditioned Conditionality" as opposed to "Conditioned NON-Conditionality" .   Conditioned Non-Conditionality is like this :   It's freezing outside [Condition] so you don  the  appropriate  attire   [Non-Conditionality] .   Hope  wants  you  to  believe,  that  the  Presidency [Condition] will lead to the appropriate conformity [Non Conditionality] .   You can see the problem with trump, the Presidency [Condition] did NOT lead to conformity quite the OPPOSITE [Conditionality] .  

            The 'Same' applies to the scotus .   Hope wants you to believe that the Condition of being a SCJ will FORCE the Justice-ers* to CONFORM to traditional UNBIASED [Truth based] Justice .   Remember what they have already done ---   they OVER-TURNED Roe V Wade and did NOT adhere to Pre-Existent Non-Conditionality .   They summarily REJECTED the "Will of the Nation" .   They summarily REJECTED the Truth held by the PEOPLE, in favor of UN-Democratic [MINORITY based] {dys} Solvency .   They DID NOT "Uphold the Truth" so how can they be TRUSTED ???? .  One word :  they can't .

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