Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Fee Mail

                              ANY Exploration of the Mother should {MUST} begin with Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung and his Best  Authenticators* .   It is Imperative to read his description of the "Anima" - the so-called "Inner Female" Complex that co-inhabits the Mind as Psyche and Rationale .   Also, the NATURE of the Feminine is depicted in the I Ching as K'un, the Receptive ,,  Earth    and- this Depiction is INVALUABLE in providing a Foundation upon which to literally BASE one's "Outlook" .

            Psychologists agree that "us guys" learn HOW to "Treat" girls, chicks, women and Broads "from" our Fathers .   How he treats his Wife is how we treat our ---------------- Female  `Interests` .   When you 'look-at' trump knowing that "The apple does NOT fall far from the tree" you can see that his World View of Women is the DIRECT result of his father's                              Malformations .    Now, can this World View  of  Women  be  'applied'  to trump's View of Democracy [?] where Democracy is 'considered' [a] Female ?  I contend ===>  FUCK YEAH !!!


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