Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Symphony for the Devil

                             After a Friday Night Hockey Excursion we were all standing around outdoors in the parking lot of Smithfield's Town Rink swilling beer in the mid-Summer's drench of merciless Heat .   Somehow someone began a conversation about the Rolling Stones's BEST Song and someone suggested "Sympathy for the Devil" to which there was some general agreement except for one.  Someone said he'd heard an interview in which Jagger was asked about "Sympathy..." and why the Stones didn't perform it any longer .  Jagger quipped, "Oh that one ?  Bad things were happening all around us--so we stopped." 

           One time I could have SWORN I heard "Sympathy for the Devil" at a trump pre-rally .  I was AGHAST in HORROR !!!!!!!!!!   HOW COULD THIS BE ??????????????????????????    I figured some fucking GENIUS had CORRECTLY identified trump as the Devil .  

          I still listen to "Sympathy for the Devil"    BUT   when I do I change the title to SYMPHONY for the Devil .

          I make NO Excuse for trump .  I BELIEVE he is subhuman Demon/ANIMAL and has NO "Right" to reside in this, OUR Dimension .   

          As for his mother ? ............ .

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