Saturday, September 30, 2023

"...this is your Hatian* divorce.."


                        I gotta leave this here .   

            Everyone knows , "Cancer kills ".   Everyone wishes Cancer could be cured .   

            Folks pray to God for a Cure, but wan't this the SAME God who is the Source of that Cancer ?

             Folks want Democracy to Cure the Cancer {that is}  in  Democracy despite the FACT that it was Democracy that is the Source of its own Cancer .  

             Consider ................................................................. .

Rock steady ........Steady az She goze ... .


"The Revengers"

                          There's a 'telling' scene on one to the "Avengers" flicks :   they are trying to devise a name for the Justice League and Thor offers ,  the  "Revengers" .   The  name  is  quickly  pooh-poohed  and    A-vengers was adopted .   Hold onto this for a sec .

            The Industrial Disembowelment occurred during Bush-The-Stupid's presidency .   Millions upon millions not only lost their jobs they lost their {industry} LIVES .   The PAIN of this Loss was UNTOLD !!!   Nit wits, n'ere-do-wells half brains and imbeciles figure that all we need to do is {re} seek Unification -- but they are short-on the "How-to's" .   I believe it is this PAIN that moved folks from Truth to Myth .   I have stated elsewhere that Truth KILLS .  Here it is where Truth IS Pain .  To remove Truth from Reality IS TO REMOVE PAIN .   But what remains?   Bitterness and acidic {emotion-laden} toxicity .  Know what neutralizes THAT ?    2 words >>>  REVENGE .  THAT'S what trumpism [according to trump himself] is "All About".   It AINT just "grievance" ---  it's about inflicting as much PAIN upon the liberal destroyers and Global Futurists as is humanly and INHUMANLY possible .

            Biden may be the "Face of Democracy" but it is trump who is the Face of Demockracy .

Lie Pie

                        Rhetoric employs , "Carrying things out to their Logical Absurdity" to judge the validity of arguments .   This "it" is a Sword in that it "cuts" out the bullshit,, that the Truth may be exposed .  {{ the use of a machete to open a path in a jungle}} .   Half (for Hyperbole's Sake) the folks in America WANT an Indicted Con-man to be the next Pres. .   That THAT is the ULTIMATE of Absurdity IF and ONLY IF, Truth is NOT a Factor and MYTH  --->  IS .   

            Folks have been asked "about" Trump .   A few millions BELIEVED that electing a "business man" would BENEFIT the American Civilization because lawyers [they believed] had failed to supply the necessary Energy to meet the 'demands' of the Populace .  Here it is where the "System"  was seen as a FAILURE , in that Technology and its Industrial Application was supremely WELCOMED by other nations {some of which were "piss-poor"} whose Populace had barely acclimated to Industrial Revolution's REJECTION of Democracy .   These aspiring nations ACCEPTED, whole-heartedly* the worship of Profit since the god >Capitalism, provided LUXURY items on a scale hitherto unknown but DREAMED of .   These folks would work for pennies because these scant offerings were INFINITELY better-than what they had in their hard-scrabble existence .   

            What's-his-name sang it best, "Bye Bye [Miss] American Pie" .   

            Industries flowed to other nations like guts from disembowelment .  


Topic of Cancer

                         Perhaps the Greatest Question is, How can Truth be restored within the American ConsciousNess* ?   Clearly, Truth has NO Place in American Politics .   The very FOUNDATION of Reality SHOULD-BE Truth .   Truth has been replaced by Myth .   I mean THAT, stops me "dead in my tracks" .   

            The "Big Lie" IS "The Big TRUTH" for millions upon MILLIONS .   This THIS is no mere blemish on ConsciousNess .   It is a CANCER within the Brain of the American Body Politic .   

            How is this Cancer to be arrested ?  

             You can see it rite* ?   Trump as that Cancer , he is under Indictment but not yet ARRESTED .


The Shut-Down Clowns


                        I awoke with a headache, the words,  "death throes" repeating as ominous echoes .   I recited the "Great Dharani of Original Mind Energy" , a Recitation that normally relieves sleeplessness, but it was to no avail .  It did NOT neutralize the headache .   I wondered about 'death throes' and could only arrive at the conclusion that I'd been working on the State of Union, how it seems IMPOSSIBLE for a Nation to experience Failure on such a MASSIVE and grotesque scale .  

            How is it that under 10 people can DOMINATE the American Civilization ?   I have argued elsewhere that Democracy has genetic flaws ---  that these flaws are actually genetic predispositions whose presentations manifest as "End Times" aka "The End of the Republic" .   It is Democracy itself that has been used to advance its own Death .   

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Phil Silvers as Sgt. Bilko


                        Put a Sword in Joe's hand, he won't know what it's for nor what to do with it ....   same with Harris .   Put that same Sword in trump's hand ?     "We seen that movie--it don't end nice" .

            Fall Clean-up and Winter Prep is at hand .   I gotta get ready for a BYG Day of doin' Nothing.  "When nothing is done, nothing is left undone ."

Rock steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .

PS :  to bilk   "to cheat or swindle"  Trump as General Bilk .


"...and always is heard a disparaging word..."

                          It aint-like* Harris is any better .  Indeed, I think half the reason folks don't like Joe is because if he 'strokes out' it's harris who takes over .  She has a vast and impressive Record about which no one gives a shit .   She too has NO  >>Charisma <,  nor is "machisma" a characteristic of her overall Presentation .   Her complexion has that nicotine pallor that indicates a "smoker from 12 on" .   Her Appearance is that of a frump and that would be acceptable had she the Wisdom of a Crone .   She aint old enough to even approach Crone , the "Wise Old Woman".   Were she "cut-throat" and ruthless THAT would  BE >Something< .   Her severest scold is , "Excuse me" and the next, "Are you kidding me ?" 

            Harris is Winnie the Pooh-Pooh, a tumble-bunny SweetHeart straight-outta*  Christopher Robbin's "I'm hot for Teacher"  Fantasy .    Is she suited for World Class Warfare ?     2 words : ;     Hardly .

Singing "Poly waddle doodle" all the day

                     Joe and his are asking us to Believe that "Everything is 'A-OK' " --->  he may just as well ask us to sing "Poly Waddle Doodle" all day long as if that jingle would reach Rock Opera Significance and in so doing PROMOTE our Deaf, Dumb and Blindness as befits "Head in the clouds" Apathy .  

            America's BEST  >>> SUPER-Brains <<<   are scared shit .   Trump's reelection would be "The End" of the Republic .   It ain't-like I'm sayin' trump is-gonna invade and conquer Germany and fire-up the Gas Ovens, I'm sayin' that his oral Mein Kampf manifested as his campaign Rhetoric is TRULY a forecast of Dictatorial Inevitability .   Not only is he delirious, he's SERIOUS .

            Joe has "Rigor" but it's in the form of Rigor -----> Mortis .   


G.I. Joke

                         Are we to attach, "Looks are deceiving" to "He looks so fucking FRAIL" ?  Are we to resign, "Frailty is in the eye of the beholder " ?  And what about "Don't judge a crook by his cover" .   Street   >>Lore<<   becomes Street Law when we assign "If it looks like a duck, if it waddles like a duck, and quacks like a duck then IT MUST BE A DUCK" to visual, "I done seen it with my own eye s" CERTAINTY ??!?? 

            I aint-gonna do it .   NO ONE should .


The Rat's Ass Gas

                         Wallace's Worry-ors expressed deep concern {and here 'deep concern' is very generous} over the state of Biden's Estate-- his 'Favor-ability'* is nearing the rocky bottom that harbingers successful Failure .   According to the White House , the Economy is ROARING ,  "things have never been better" -- all due to Biden and his .   Yet on the Street and in the Gutters folks `aint so believing` .   Talking heads and media pundits insist the democraps* just aren't trying hard enough to express the Message of Success, that "it" is a 'Communication Breakdown' .   

            Nobody FEELS very good, so they blame Biden .   Good, Common, and Decent Folks just don't like his AGE .   I am with Them on that .  He doesn't talk with full-throat-ed* vigor, he whispers .  He doesn't walk, he does the Exit Shuffle .   The guy LOOKS Frail .   The outward appearance of frailty bemuses* timidity -- which in turn begets "He wants to but he can't because he's so OLD".   Clearly his "production" SHOULD neutralize this THIS  but it doesn't .  No one "gives a rat's ass" about the Economy because of the price of gas .   

            We are "at War with putin .   Biden's stubborn insistence that we are just 'HELPING' Ukraine reeks of Truth insolvency and Foreign Policy malfeasance .   

            If we TRULY wanted to "Help" Ukraine" then we should IMMEDIATELY petition NATO for Ukraine inclusion .  In this, Joe won't go .   




Monday, September 25, 2023

Double rubble, toil and trouble


                        I awoke with the "Talking Heads" in my head ~~~~their "Fear of Music" sounding and resounding ~~~ I had to smile, THAT was noo* and different .   What had happened to bring their Music into my ConsciousNess* ?  Hmmm ------ ... .

            Yesterday was certainly no "Day of Days" .   Fall clearing, Fall cleaning, the rain, rain, rain preventing any outdoor activity, dark air everywhere ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .   I got Hy and tried to stay Hy all day but that was relative .   There's a story wherein one of the Beatles gave LSD to one of their Yogi's--when asked if he was "tripping" his response was, "I now have a headache".  My day was like that ...  .  There's the thinking that his Mind was ALREADY -----------> THERE --  that Acid wasn't-gonna do one goddamn thing .   As I just typed, "it" was like that .

            At 4 p.m. I switched over to Nicole Wallace expecting to see and hear the somethings I could manage, instead ----------------------------------------------------------------- .

Mind Shoes


                        I must be specific :   American Zen Sword has Mantra Recitation as its preferred "Default Setting" .   When there is  "nothing"  Kwanseum Bosal MUST be in operation .   Mantra Recitation ALMOST  Guarantees  the  maintenance  of  one's Center  in  {under}  ALL  Conditions  BAR NONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is THAT Vital to Mental Health and {GoodNess*} Well Being .   

            It's time for me to leave you, please forgive an old man .

Rock steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .

There's no place like "OM"

                        The unceasing, unrelenting, and incessant recitation of Kwanseum Bosal was ultimately transformational .   It helped me redefine my Center {almost in a PHYSICAL WAY} .   

            Here's how it went, every breath was a Kwanseum Bosal breath, every step, was a Kwanseum Bosal step,, indeed, every eye-blink was a Kwanseum Bosal eye blink .   I did Kwanseum Bosal for in excess of seven YEARS .   Know this, when there is Silence and my Mind is Still, Kwanseum Bosal is heard as "default setting" of my Mind .   It surfaces {and is heard} of its own accord, meaning, it exists as an integral manifestation of Mind .

            It MAY be best if Mantra was NOT confused with >> incantation<< but I am hard-pressed not to include a Magical,  if not flat-out MYSTICAL,,  component of Mantra Recitation .   

            Tibetan Buddhists use Mantra Recitation as Mind PROTECTION .  I love this .   It's more .   The Mantra CAN generate a Force Field around one's Body ---  Believe it .   I have experienced {[self-generated]} this "Field" .   I am inclined [perhaps woefully] to ascribe ---> Healing Power to Mantra as well although this THIS maybe fanciful self-indulgence .   

            But wait, there's more .

Mantra, Mantra, Mantra, Mantra, Mantra, Mantra, Mantra, Mantra, Mantra ---> { }

                         I am most Proud about having lived in a Zen Temple and about having studied from the Greatest Sword's Master of this [and perhaps other(s)] Century .  I am NOT proud of being the biggest fuck-up ever in Shim Gum Do Temple History .   This one time, a particular antic exasperated the Founding Master so egregiously he called me to the 'carpet' {there were no carpets in the Temple} and began  a scorching tirade that included his spittle on my face .   He was enraged at my outrageous behavior .  I had so many incidents I can't even recall which one participated this particular [one] .    His voice was so LOUD it was causing the karate-do to vibrate with echo .   When that Eternity had elapsed there was a pause                       he then said, "You many Kwanseum Bosals necessary."  Hmm, I thought, a Mantra .   I began the Mantra in earnest, since my stay at the Temple HIS Temple rested upon the incessant recitation of Kwanseum Bosal .   

            Let's go "verbatim" :  ...a power-laden syllable or series of syllables that manifests certain cosmic forces and aspects of the Buddhas, sometimes also the name of a Buddha .  Continuous repetition of mantras is practiced as a form of meditation in many Buddhist Schools .  [In the Vajrayana]  Mantra is defined as a means of protecting the mind .  In the transformation of ---> "body", "speech" and "mind" that is brought about by spiritual practice, mantra is associated with speech, and its task is the sublimation of the vibrations developed in the act of speaking .  

            The definition continues but this is all we need for now .

"In" Sense

                         Sword is said to "Cut" Thinking" , to sever the thought processes .   This severing manifests as Suspension, meaning, once the Thinking Process is severed, there remains a 'blank' in the field of waking ConsciousNess* .  This 'blank' is sought because "...when the Mind is clear, Wisdom surfaces".   This Wisdom is enough for me since the Acquisition of Wisdom is said to deepen one's Spirituality and helps to define "Sage".  However for Martial Artists, whose goal is for the fastest reflexes possible, the elimination of Thinking is an Absolute Necessity .  Thinking impedes reflexive action, it slows you down, and worse, somehow allows emotions to influence proper combat ............sensibilities .   

            In the workaday world, Thinking is Cause and Manner of all and every kind of injurious mind-condition .   How often have we experienced a  "loop", [?]   one  or  several  thoughts  that  are  repeated ALMOST  incessantly,   as if by repeating the injury it will somehow Heal the mind-wound .   OBVIOUSLY it, the Repetition, will not .    Seated Meditation advances a Focus, a Focus that CAN directly confront the Loop, and therefore aggravate an Understanding that resolves {Re Solves} whatever problem or malady that has been exposed .   

            I must be technical here .   It is  Mind Sword, mental execution of the Sword Forms,, that "cuts" one's Thinking .  In lieu of the Sword Forms ,,  what then ?

E Motion


                       I have held several deep considerations regarding 'True Nature" of  Seated Zen .    As a kid I couldn't sit still, {unless I was reading Sci-Fi or watching the "boob tube"} and only the windows offered relief to claustrophobic Academic-ry* .   Even in the Temple it was a struggle, despite the abject NECESSITY of Seated Zen which belies the workability* of Mind Sword .  

             If   "Stillness is Bliss"   then what of  Motion ?

Sunday, September 24, 2023

"Weaponized" Meditation


                            I 'love' this one, "I am INTOLERANT of Intolerance" .   There's this one ; "Devotion to the Buddha's Teaching and no attachment to anything"  ---but isn't that Devotion an 'attachment' ?   Phuq* yeah .   {So like} Here we go .

            The First Step, {"A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step"} is for the Gov to make it MANDATORY for each and every citizen to Vote "Under Penalty Of Law" .    Should a citizen refuse, a SUBSTANTIAL monetary penalty that would be enforced by the IRS [during Income Tax Season] .  

            I must leave this This here .  I've taken Advil, Excedrin, and Doans that I may stay seated in front of this screen ~~~~~~~  now I'm a 179 pound "Gumby" with a liquid brain to boot !!!!!

            I leave you with this exaction, Zen is a "State of Mind", a particular if not singular ConsciousNess that, like a Sword, can be wielded as Circumstances either require or demand . 

Rock steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .



In God We Rust

                         I have mentally misplaced, "A society rests upon its Artists and its Criminals".   I must supplement that with, "The Empire rests upon its Individuals" .   Here it is that my F-Fort* is directed toward improving {E-x-p-a-n-d-i-n-g} Citizen ConsciousNess by redefining {establishing} a PRIMARY socio-political Mandate that DEMANDS Citizen participation [in addition to Voting] .   This Participation is none-other than "Correct Mindfulness", one of the Noble 8-Fold Path's Directives .   We are presently experiencing the manifold degeneracies* of American Apathy --- the ALLOWANCE of Democracy to actually FOSTER 'Wrong Thinking' cruelly epitomized by The BIG Lie .   Here it is where our friends + neighbors and even our own family members have been viciously DUPED because of sledge-hammer repetition of propagandal* dys-information* .  The republicans, now correctly identified as trumpists, have wielded this sledge-hammer with "John Henry" ferocity ,  a {feral} Ferocity laden with instinctual Primality*,,  the one of the Law of the Jungle, "Eat or be eaten".   

            So it must be that in order for Evolutionary Change to be accepted as NATURAL, there must first be a Change in the Individual, that he or she may SEE that the Status Quo {of the Baby Boomers} is OBSOLETE ,, that now it is NECESSARY to {somehow} comply to the New World Efficacy(s) of Tolerance manifested as {Socio}Political Compassion .   


                         {For me} There is no ideal way to begin ANY exposition regarding the degradation of the American Citizenry [when taken] as a Whole .   For hyperbole's sake, HALF the Nation is {Clinically} Insane, and the Other Half suffers from a cognitive apathy that manifests as "You can't fight City Hall" ;  "It's not my cross to bear" ; "So fucking what SFW" and perhaps the Worst, "I just don't fucking care" .   These --------- Nonsense-abilites <<< construct a describable degeneration, a seemingly Impossible ConsciousNess* in that the Nation lives within itself, meaning, EVERYONE ,every citizen,, is a socio-dynamic Response {Result} to the Nation's Education System and its Government .    When I cite, "We act according  to  the  way [in which] we see things" --  this "Act" is TAUGHT ---  we are Taught HOW to See .   Who and What   is   our Nation's Teacher ?????   

"Perceive Sound--Perceive Light"


                        Master Marc Fortin, Founder of Kwam Um Do Kwang, has allowed me to tag KUDK as an affiliate of "American Zen Sword" [AZS] .   This is BIG .    Now it is incumbent upon me to scribe the Essentials of AZS .

            In the past several days, I have found it necessary to advance an Understanding of Zen that makes that Understanding {somewhat} compatible with modern Psychology and Apocalyptic Ideation* .   The reason for this is to allow entry into Zen Mind Sword by beginners and the so-called uninitiated--- those that have had no contact with Zen whatsoever, but who meditate on a daily {and not so daily} basis .   

            Elsewhere I have expressed the NEED for a New "American Citizen" and have delivered several 'rough sketches' of that Citizen, and have included the "play on words" as plays of sounds =  citizen as sit-a-Zen, i.e., Sit Zen --->  American Sit Zen .  Some few of you may recall that I have admitted Jesus the Christ as identifiable Extreme, "I come not to bring Peace, but Sword".  Because America and Americans are {somewhat} Spiritually dependent upon New Testament [Ascension] I must follow the Ancient Zen Way by incorporating Christianity into the Zen Buddhist Amalgam* .   

Friday, September 22, 2023

Miss Perception


                    I am going to abandon you --- tomorrow's another day { if i live that long }  .

                                                             Further Reading :

The Hero With A Thousand Faces --- Campbell

Mohammedanism --- Gibb

I Alone Can Fix It --- Leonnig ~~ Rucker

Lives of the Noble Romans --- Plutarch

FEAR --- Woodward 

                                                            Further Listening  :

Grand Funk Railroad     "I'm Your Captain"   

Rolling Stones    "Sympathy For The Devil"       


                       I've yet to devise a more easily handled term/word for "Anti-Woke" but THAT is the LEAST of my Problems regarding desantis and his  Neo-Confederacy .      Yesterday, during Nicole Wallace's Class, desantis's declining favor-ability * was presented as "I-told-you-so" inevitability .   Desantis has all the charisma of a slug , he is a GENUINELY unlikable  person but `not so` his Anti-Woke Ideology nor the Battle Plan for White Supremacist Sovereignty .   He is SUPREMELY well educated, Ivy League blah, blah,, blah ,,, but that doesn't make him a 'god'  OR DOES IT ???????????

            While I was sitting, this stood up :   'woke' MEANS "smarter than" .

            Here is some of that "off the top of my head" shit .

                                                       desantis and trump share the grotesque commonality of what I must refer to as 'Ego-Driven' Politics .  Please understand trump's Arrogance with just one declaration, "I alone can fix it."   So it is with desantis .   We MUST extrapolate from this This that NO ONE is SMARTER THAN trump and SURELY desantis .   Both EGOs subsume the Universe as Cosmic Absolute {according to them}.    According to MEEE, desantis and trump LOATHE even the IDEA that ANYONE could be "smarter than" they {are smart} .   This  THIS  brings  understanding closer to Home, where Home is an E--X--P--A--N--D--E--D  ConsciousNess* .     To be 'woke MEANS to be "Smarter Than" a fucking IMPOSSIBILITY to desantis and trump .   Not only is 'it' a raging Impossibility 'it' is an {infernal} ANATHEMA to their very Existence .   

Differ Entials *

                         The worst part of "woke" is its loathing for   ANY   >>> " Future " <<< .   Here it is where the maintenance of the Status Quo is of PRIMARY {Absolute} Importance and 'woke' is an Agent of Change that is believed {misperceived} to be not just damaging to White Supremacist [National Popularism*] {bourgeois} Culture but to Global Civilization as well .   To be 'woke' is to be "of " an "order" of  Differ-Entials* who are presumed to be elitist scoundrels,,  "hell-bent" on the Destruction and Elimination of an entire Populace of self-proclaimed Patriots who FEAR the Future {ANY Future} in the EXACT-SAME-WAY as Mohammedans {Muslims} .  Here it is where 'zealotry' is an indicator of {fatal} Fanaticism .   

            If Anti-Woke-Ism * was confined to preventing the Change that incipiates* {from incipient} a Future then THAT could be addressed as PERHAPS a forgivable malady, a one that MAY find sympathy or even empathy .    That Such is NOT "The Case" .   

            DeSantis and his Anti-Wokers workers, have pledged their LIVES to a {bowel} Movement that REEKS of {a} Neo-Confederacy that is SWORN to RETURN America to an Antebellum South whose sole {SOUL} dependence is foundationed* upon White Supremacist Ideology, Washingtonian Slavery, and the Capitalism of Plantation Feudalism *   .


"Merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream ."

                         "Woke" is shortened "Awakened", a term applied to the onset of Enlightenment .   It is a Buddhist Term {or divine adjective} and is found applied to Buddha's Attainment .   "Awakened" is a Word to describe Enlightenment, for it is the Buddha who assessed that "Life is but a dream, a dew drop, or a lightning strike" .   Enlightenment is an "Awakening" from this Dream .  

            I had no time to prepare this morning's consideration and time restraints prevent me from editorial responsibility .   Necessarily, this This {what follows}  is "off the top of my head", extemporaneous but not impromptu .  Please forgive an old man .


the choke of "woke"


                        Today's Effort is on the Nature of "Woke" .   I must supply a rather long excerpt from Dr. Joseph Campbell found within his The Hero With A Thousand Faces .

                              "Nevertheless, every failure to cope with a life situation must be laid, in the end, to a RESTRICTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS .   Wars and temper tantrums are the makeshifts of ignorance ;  regrets are illuminations come to late .  The whole sense if the ubiquitous myth of the hero'e passage is that it shall serve as a general pattern for men and women, wherever they may stand along the scale .  Therefore it [the myth] is formulated in the broadest terms .  The individual has only to discover his own position with reference to this general human formula, and let it then assist him past his restricting walls .  Who and where are his ogres ?  Those are the reflections of the unsolved enigmas of his own humanity .  What are his ideals ?  Those are the symptoms of his grasp of life ."

Thursday, September 21, 2023



                                     It hasn't been all honky-dory .   One time, Fortin and I spent half a lifetime chained to the oars of a Roman trireme .  You recall the incident I related when CATACLSYMAL* DESTRUCTION was imminent and, "RAMMING SPEED" was "drummed"  ---  Fortin reached a new level   of moronic imbecility when he yelled, "HEAVE TO --LET'S RAM THE FUCK OUTTA THOSE ASSHOLES " .      Fortin be Fortin ........................ .

Rock steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .


                         Back in 'some time ago' I offended that Capitalism is a Religion .  I stand by that offense but now I find it necessary to supplement 'it' by qualification .   Capitalism is to Paganism as Christ is to Christianity .   De-Evolution of Civilization can be recognized by viewing Democracy's [De-Evolution] to Tyranny [or Despotism] .   Are ALL trumpists Pagans ?  I submit, ABSO[fucking] LOOT-LY* .   

            You must ask, "Are there any TRUE Virtues in Paganism ? "  Yes indeed -- there's a plentiful plethora [ a plenthora* ] :  the BIGGEST of which is DEVOTION .    Present-day Sodom and Gamorrah- Cysts are DEVOTED to the Pagan GOD trump .  { I confess, I am a Paganist but my 'god' is God Zilla } .  Here it is where Devotion leads and has lead to Violence and Death manifestations of UnConscious Instinctual  IR-Rationality  which [of course] accounts for Reality Denial and with THAT, 'Election Denial' .  This new vein of "Conspiritism"  [conspiracy ---> the 'con' +spirit + cy] is proof of Strife .   These Pagan neophytes have been tagged as "Anti-Constitutionalists" which is a Romantic appellation at best, at worst, WHOLLY  and egregiously apologetic .   It gives them a form of validation --- something to recognize as "handle-able".... .  I say , NO WAY .

Moe sez , " ... "

                       When I claim that Moses and I built the Pyramids you may ask,  "How the fuck did THAT happen ?"  .    "It" went this way .   I was in the Pharoah's Army stationed at the mouth of the Tigress-Euphrates .   I had been abducted by Aliens and taken {up} to Heaven WAY BEFORE Enoch .   I tried to keep my 'trap' shut but one nite* in a drunken stupor I related the experience to my "Slut-Action Cleopatra" and she had NO problem relating the ---------------------------------------incident to her coven .     Never underestimate the POWER of "Beer Transmission" .   Before even `too long` I started getting furtive glances, open and outrite* MOCKERY, and the disquieting 'resonance' of scorn, contempt and FEAR .     Being an accomplished Sword'sMan proved ultimate Protection, no one dared to speak to me of insanity, delusion, nor of  ego-somatic* degeneracy -- that is until Moses heard of me .

            I was summoned .   Moses addressed me in the Pharoah's Best Hieroglyphic Egyption* :   "Aint you that no-brain ASSHOLE who's tellin' everyones* you done been abducted ?"    I nodded in the affirmative .   He confessed, "Yeah -- me too."

            I gotta be Sworn-honest with you kids,  Moses did NOT look like ANY  Abductee candidate !   First off, he was SCRAWNY with a BIG-SUPERGIANT Head .   He had Brains and PLENTY of them .   Why on Earth would the Aliens want him ???????? !!!!!!!!!!!  

"Aimless Lady" or 'Slut-Action' "Barbie"

Tract 2 off of "Closer To Home" and MAYBE the best song on that album .

                        You may  want to to modify "Aimless Lady" by a COMPLETE alteration :   Aimful* Maybe .   You  mite*  figure that Miss America, in her 'Slut-Action' "Barbie" configuration {cunt-figuration},, has all the descriptive {Truth defying} "resonance" of a cracked bell .   I'm lookin' at Miss America and "Lady Liberty" to be psychological manifestations of {my very own}  Mother Earth and Mother Nature .   They {all of 'they'} exist and DO NOT exist at the Same Time .   Here it is where we see the IDEA of Democracy as Wholesome, Natural and therefore Beautiful  alongside Aimful MAYBE ---  the IDEA-ology that Democracy is the Be All and END All of {Socio} Political Evolution .   2 words IM[fucking]POSSIBLE .   Slut-Action Barbie is whore-ific, she fucks ANYBODY for a buck, since Profit is her ONLY "Bottom _____________ " .   OBVIOUSLY,,,  the Life Blood of Slut-Action Barbie is none other than Capitalism .  





                         Yesterday aft, while I was coming down from an afternoon of HY, this 'arrived :   The Answer to all the World's Problems is ME .   What we, [as a Civilization] need is just MORE ME'S !   If only there were 6 BILLION Me's the Planet would thrive as post-Idyllic Utopia ---  a Perfect World --- but it would have the Nature of Huey Lewis and his New's, "Ain't no livin' in a Perfect World, ain't no Perfect World at all ."   You can read the Problem ~~~~~~ .

            "Back in the day" I figured all I needed to "run the Planet" was the Tao Te Ching, Catch-22, Cat's Cradle, and the I Ching .   I still figure that ;   but now that I'm older {so phuqing MUCH older} , and I have tempered that figure/Sword with the Fire of  Experience .   

            It is monstrously disconcerting to presume that [The Practice of ]  Zen {as Zen} can actually achieve Political Euphoria since Zen is this {retarded} "Be here NOW" Hippieatification* . {Hippie-ati-fi-cation{  "Being in the Moment" is SUPPOSE-TO "rivet" {tack weld} you into Reality >> a Reality that "resonates" as "shared commonality" .   Here it is where Reality is SUPPOSE to be this "Be All, END All" Condition-less Condition .  I mean, it COULD BE --- but is THAT Reality REAL ?   I'm hard-pressed to say 'Yes' to this address .




" Mean Miss Treater"


                        The title was extracted from Grand Funk Railroad off their "Closer To Home" album/CD .  

            Please take note : " Tear :  intransitive verb :  to move violently or with speed " {or both} .

            I'm 'on a tear .   I  have  an  entire  lumbar yard's  number of   2 x 4's   that need processing, categorizing,, and strategic placing .   I'm wealthy beyond my wildest dreams .  I can actually make a mistake {Miss Take} and NOT consider Suicide .

            I must house an Industry of landscape and gardening tools , plus many several machines and at least 10,000 labor-saving electrical devices ,,, as well a multiple tool boxes each an Industry Trade Shop onto themselves .  Blest* am I .

            Then there's this from The Rolling Stones :  "I got nasty habits, I take tea at three" --  which I have bastardized into --->  I got nasty habits, I take THC .  Oddly, the THC help to ease the pain that only a 73 year old can experience .   There is,  {of course}  the  added  benefit  of   'new perspective' and  new   'frame of reference'    that  accompanies  pain  diminish-ment* .     I value this ---> ConsciousNess*.




Tuesday, September 19, 2023

"Give me eats !"


                        I must leave this morning's attention where it "lays" .   I'm headed outdoors to stand beneath Orion and his Belt .   Winter approaches and there's so much that must be done .

Further Reading :

The Masks of God --Campell

Woman's Estate -- Mitchel

Goddesses In Every Woman -- Bolen

The Woman With The Alabaster Jar -- Starbird

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene --  LeLoup

The Ideological Origins Of The American Revolution -- Bailyn

The Old Testament -- Moses

How Fascism Works -- Stanley

The Prince -- Machiavelli 

Jesus and the Lost Goddess -- Freke & Gandy

The Tao Te Ching -- Tzu

A History of Russia -- Riasanovsky 

Rock steady ........ Steady az She goze

"Father knows Best", Mother knows Blest

                        "Father-Land" and "Mother-Land" are terms to tag   HOME - Land .   Rulers and Leaders are designated as Fathers --- a term that SHOULD-BE relegated {and restricted}to Biblical Romance .   Childhood Psychology presents the Father as  All Knowing [Father knows best about EVERYTHING] , while the Mother is `set aside` NOT as EQUAL Partner {CO-Creator},,  but as subservient Submissive .  Here it is where the Old Testament has generated a Mind AND Body ConsciousNess* that INHERENTLY denies Civiliational* Futurism , in that Fathership itself IS a Status Quo that MUST-BE Protected at ALL costs .   The Coming of the Christ DID NOTHING to further ANY [even] singular Development of Feminine Politicality* .    Look at the Catholic Church, absolutely MIRED in genderous* Oppressionism*.   My LOVE for Jesus is based upon Him being a Subversive Revolutionary .   However did He not FAIL at Gender Equality ?   How different would the World BE, had He designated Mary Magdalene as THE  "Rock of Ages" .                                    

One Duality

                         It is presumptively* RIDICULOUS to ascribe "Oneness" to the UNI-verse for it is DUALITY that BEST describes the True Nature of the Universe's ConsciousNess* .   Where there is democracy there will be autocracy --- it MUST be that way, since THAT is the "Way" of the Universe .   Universal Duality supplies Biden AND putin [and xi] .   Duality exists as Universal ABSOLUTE .  Again,  where there is democracy there will be despotism and dictatorship .   


The Code of Hammer Rob Me

                         For all 'intents and purposes' America IS "The World" .   Every Evil, every hard-scrabble hardship, every luxury and every corruption is SUPREMELY evident in America , for in America, where every  coin is stamped with "In God We Trust", it is CAPITALISM that "Runs" the ALL of EVERYTHING .   Elsewhere I have proffered that Capitalism IS the American God, that PROFIT Rules .   At its inception the UN   MAY   have had an Altruistic trajectory, but BENEATH the surface of Value, Virtue and RighteousNess* there is a Foundation of Greed and Avarice ~~~  a Free World that is nothing more than a WILD open-air MARKET --- a world of vast, seemingly INFINITE resources , ready to be exploited by Nations who have sworn to protect their populations by the CRUELEST means possible; and where  the Promise of Democracy acts as carrot tied to the end of a "Big Stick".  {"Talk softly, but carry a big stick."}


Monday, September 18, 2023

The WAR in Warmth


                        There `ain't-gonna-be` `no` 3rd World War --- India and the EU have seen to that .   It aint a matter of GUTS ----it's a Matter of Childhood Wisdom---the one of    "You shouldn't bite the hand that feeds you" .    Since the EU is UTTERLY dependent upon `putin fuels` there is NO WAY IN HELL 'All out War' will surface as 'inevitable outcome' .   The EU needs to stay warm during the Winter---so here---'stay warm'  MEANS 'stay WITH putin', for it is PUTIN who keeps the EU Peoples from frostbite and Death .   

            The "World" appears as non-existent, meaning , if the UN is socio-political manifestation of "The World" then it is apparent, almost "self-evident" that NO governmental-like agency such as the UN is anything more than smoke from an opium pipe or Mary-Jane's bong .   Indeed,  the UN is direct PROOF that Civilization, in its esoteric Abstract and exoteric Reality, has routinely FAILED .   The UN is IDEA, an Idea whose inmost core is Childhood WISH .  

Victoria's Secret Agent

                            We tend to view America The Beautiful as the Victoria's Secret Agent; a Helen of Troy with the Brains of Madame Curie and the Heart of Mother Teresa; a Female who's "All Broad and All Brains"; a {Wonder} Woman with the clandestine sensibilities of Theodora, combined with the highest  principles of The Lady of the Lotus Born .  We Biblically* KNOW  America The Beautiful as One whose "everything" is adorably "Bangable"* .     She is a walking Fourth of July FIREWORKS ORGASM !!!

            Thing is, she is one needy "Cling-On"  AND she NEVER gets enough .

            "High maintenance" barely approaches  IT .   She needs 10,000 texts not for a month, BUT EACH AND EVERY MINUTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            It's Vigilance .   THAT'S her ..........................................................Inconvenience .

            Democracy DEMANDS Vigilance, and Maintenance and Love and Affection, and Gifts, and hugs and smootches* and syrup -------------------------------IT just doesn't end :  "It" CANNOT End, IFF she is to be Ours .        

I am Victoria's Secret

                         ...this is what lends such extraordinary sex-power to those unbelievably and Heaven-sent Vic Secret commercials :    Angels-In-Intimates, and trust me here, these aren't just ANY  Angels,, they are OUR Angels and they appear right before cosmic playtime , yes it's THAT Himalayan AWESOME !!

            The problem is that your Sex-Bunny might not fully comprehend your BIBLICAL "Appreciation" of another chick's intimates .  They may misunderstand that your drool is for another, that they are mere representatives of a clearly defined Feminine Celestial Order .                         Ouch .

            Hang tough fellas .    Pull them close and whisper, "You look so amazingly Beautiful, there can NEVER be ANYONE else ."  

Steve N. Newman

                                         I like to think of myself as a Buddhist  Alfred E. Newman 

                        The 'thing' about scholarship is that you can't just read a brillion-drillion text books , you-gotta* write too .   THAT'S the true nature of scholarship, reading AND writing, but unfortunately it doesn't end there because "erudition" stands in your way like a GIANT WHATEVER, and IT demands, "Not your easiest but your BEST" and let me tell you how much THAT sucks .  Still, one MAY be absolved from the Sins-of-quoting-GIANT-Others and use THAT Sin to woefully deflect erudition,,,who among us hasn't pulled THAT bullshit-as-magic act ?   But there is yet another "Still" .  You "still" must express YOUR OWN "analysis".   Sure you can relate Toynebee 'patterns' but there remains APPLICATION .  HOW DOES THAT APPLY TO US AND OUR TIMES ????   Relevance --- the Curse on Zen Sword'sMen/ Academics everywhere .

Bronco Lane Tao-I

                          I was rummaging through various posts this morning (after doing Sword) and came upon, "Death is a goal".   It's out of the Jungian stables and as such [is] a "dark horse" at best .  The topic of Death can be a bucking bronco in the rodeo of Life, even 8 seconds may involve many several eternities .  For you young kids out there it smells of horse-shit*, you're right of course, it IS horse-shit until you reach a certain age .  On my end, the advantage of Studying the "Arts" is direct confrontation with Death, as in you ability to "Fight to the Death";  the Willingness to sacrifice your Life for whatever Righteous "Cause" is at hand . 


                         I love the writing part of it .   I can stop and ask, "Do you feel that ?"  The warmth mixed with the Spring-Cold of Storrs-breeze 'edge', the rear of the Agriculture College, the Hill southern exposed, the super-heated Clover, the fragrance of distant manure, almost, the sun so BRIGHT it hurts... .

            I want to bring you guys THERE, so you can buy me snacks and treats, and I can drag you around MY Campus, OUR Campus, with the sound of the Bell, you KNOW the one, [at] Storrs Congregational, one knell at a time,, you don't have to ask,,, the Bell rings for ME !!!!

            What's the POINT ?  I hear it, it makes no sense, I UNDERSTAND it, still,, it makes no sense, what's the benefit, the image-- the description ?   SO WHAT ????!!!

            It's the waliking into "Moe's" for Mexican, I can get "Subway" anywhere .

The Dairy Bar

                         You get on a campus on which you have absolutely no familiarity .  You stand before the Map and read, "You are HERE".   Then you take a walk around the campus, eat some ice-cream*, look at the students and next thing you know, you've gone 'full circle' and stand before that same Map .  Now when you read, "You are HERE" , it all makes sense .

"Byrd Man"

                         I finished my Sword Forms, 21 in all ,  both 2nd and 3rd dan .  It took me forever because everything in my body is either broken or about to {EPIC} fail .   Sword with a 'live' Blade at 5:15 a.m. ~~ blest* am I .

            I always want to tell you how cool it is for me to be in the middle of a Form and then to see a bird or birds land nearby, like only a few feet away ,, as though my whirling blade is ABSOLUTELY no threat to them :  I imagine my Tengu Masters have sent probing eyes and ears to identify proper Love, appropriate Devotion ~~ blest am I .



Substitute Freakcher*

                   I'm a substitute  teacher, supposedly .   I sit around watching MSNBC and during commercials (that I have muted because I loathe them) I find myself praying that some innocent gets struck down by the flu .  For a Buddhist, that's freaky, hence, I'm a `freakcher`* .  This is no way to live, wishing for an epidemic so I can come to the Town's rescue, so they can thank and reward me with steady employment as Chief  "Know-It-All" and Buddhist Martial Arts Head-Master, so I can live free and die easy as a productive biological entity of  Earth,,  yeah ---  like THAT'S eva-gonna* happen . 

Can't keep a Secret

             I should know better than to walk around all content and junk .  It's easier and far more comfortable to be at War with Ignorance {and therefore myself} , rather than to exit the Ocean of Suffering that is my life, and wade onto a mental Tahiti paradise of snacks and treats and Coca-Cola, and allow myself to languish in the vulgar and lurid thoughts of actually someday achieving more than social intercourse with the Queen Mother/Vixen of the Universe,, who somehow manifests as a Red Haired Wonder Woman scantly clad only in Victoria's Secret Angel Attire .

          Alas my suffering is inexhaustible and unremitting .   Woe is me ... .

"They call it 'Stormy Monday' , but Tuesday's just as bad. "


                        I'm all phuqed*-up .   I `put a day in` yesterday because the forecast was for rain all day THIS day .   Sundays are for laundry and generally `lite` housekeeping, hand vac mostly , but sometimes edges need to be sharpened---so there's THAT .

            I spent time rummaging and chanced upon a few 'lines' that surprised me .  I've oft noted that after a 'while' has transpired I find difficulty recognizing my own efforts .   I allow myself surprise  because my output is pretty-good* which then makes me wonder if I was the one who "penned" it in the first place .

            Shambhala Dragon Editions has its The Shambhala Dictionary of Buddhism and Zen and there you will find beneath "Manjushri", this : 

                          "[Manjushri] is thus the symbol for the experience of enlightenment as manifested in                          intellectual exposition" .

            I am CERTAINLY no opponent of     'one sentence blogs'      ESPECIALLY if they reach a `heightened depth` of  Heavenly {Cosmic} Profundity .

            I'm-gonna lay out a few of these sentences because they please me .  I may or may not close with a few comments regarding their origin/source .



Monday, September 11, 2023

Special Ed


                I was seated in the karate-do waiting for Jacob [Soon to be ZEN MASTER Perl] to tell me if my petition to live in the Temple would be accepted .  To that date ONLY Black Belts were allowed to petition .  I'm CERTAIN Jacob championed my Cause .   When he did enter with Good News we sat down and Jacob delivered  his Teaching .   He whispered, "Don't look for the Teaching---IT is all around you ."   OF COURSE I wondered, `What-the-fuck does THAT mean ? `   

            To hear 'it' from Founding Master Chang Sik Kim , EVERYBODY , has Sword 'within' and "It" can be seen with EVERY-DAY movements --- a Realization {Real Eyes} that even the Sword Master found Bewildering .   Indeed, He INSISTED "Sword is NOT `Special` .  Then again, HIS Master, our own Zen Master  Seung Sahn,,  INSISTED  that "Zen is nothing special" because "Every day Mind IS Zen Mind"  .

            More fun :   Sword IS Special    Sword  is  Education    therefore   Sword is Special Education .  I am TOOOOOO funny !!!


Rock steady ........ Steady z She goze


The Pen of No Pen

                         Here's is some happy fun stuff at which I excel :     Sword as Implement , Pen as writing Implement shortened to Pen as Implement  {distillation manufactures >>>} therefore ---> Sword   EQUALS   Pen <---   to become  >>>  Sword IS Pen .    Rough and Ready becomes Ruff and SKETCHY {like for sure} but THAT is HOW the Sub and UnConscious >>> Work .   We must make every CONCERTED Effort to avoid the Realm of Cockamamie although we can HEAR its clandestine Echos rattling around our Scholastic {cave-like} Industry .   I mean That this way :   The next step is to link Pen with Calligrapher's >>> brush <<< so that I can  actualize, Sword Strokes are Brush Strokes, meaning, The Study of Sword IS >>> LITERALLY<<<  the Study of Calligraphy .    Here it is where Zen and Sword Master Tesshu is [Iconic} Paradigm .    To wield Pen is to wield Sword  .


"Alice's Restaurant"

                         Few of my Present Day Readers are familiar with the Hippie Flick "Alice's Restaurant" ["You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant {'ceptin' Alice} .   The protagonist, Arlo Guthrie , has to serve Time clearing a dump space and he is reassigned to use what he calls "implements of destruction" none other that rake, hoe, shovel et cetera .   Most of us recognize farm and garden TOOLS thereby making this equation ,  Implements of Destruction = farm and garden TOOLS .   I MUST juxtapose "Arrival" 's use of the term "Weapon" , the term applied by the Aliens to their LANGUAGE .   What's-her-name is quick to COUNTER the understanding of  >Weapon< with TOOL , thereby diminishing[rather severely] the ominous nature of Weapon .  You can read my intent .   Not only is Sword a "Weapon" {an Implement of [wartime] Destruction but it is also a TOOL with which Reality can be manipulated .   Sword MUST-BE understood to incorporate BOTH meanings .  Here it is where 'prevailing circumstances' dictate its manifestation .

            Now should you ask yourself, "Is Arlo Guthrie Jesus the Christ ? "   One word : Don't bother .


Jesus Skynyrd

                         Can we 'trust' Jesus ?   He's the one who outcomed* "If you live by the Sword you will die by the Sword" { 26-52 } and only a few chapters earlier [according to Mathew} He confesses , "Do not  think  I  have  come  to bring Peace on Earth ;  I have NOT come to bring Peace, but { I have come to bring} Sword " {10-34} .    Which is it ?   

            I had to alter {modify} "If you live-blah blah blah",, in order to bend the statement to conform to Eastern Influence .   The result is , "If you live by the Sword, you will 'get' the Sword in the end".   Here, the Study of Sword leads{not inevitably} to the Attainment of Enlightenment {or a refinement thereof} .   This morning's Effort does NOT involve Biblical analysis, although I have at least a several-few* drafts haphazardly rambled because of their {defiant} esoteric ramifications .    I must apply a filter system in order to purify their meaning in order to render them accessible to 'Citizens of the Modern Era` .   This is no small task , as evidenced by my failure to supply them to the General Public .  {Or is could be that I simply lack the talent .}

            I turn you toward "Lynyrd Skynyrd" 's "Saturday Night Special" and it's retort , "Gimme Back My Bullets".  [ off of "Lynyrd Skynyrd Gold + Platinum  {Disc 1 Songs 2. + 6.}   Here now efficacy turns to necessity given prevailing circumstances .   Here it is here the Band imposes TWO Understandings of the Nature of Small Arms their 'life giving' and 'life threatening `Nature` .   Both songs are {deadly} enthusiastic and as such COMPLETELY ---> Convincing .

            Is Jesus Lynyrd Skynyrd ?   Let's not go there {{{at least for now}}} .


Hammer-Head Stark

                        "Sword is Life, Sword is Death", what does this mean ?   When attributing 'Life" to Sword one must be aware that Sword is used to Teach .   Here it is where Education helps to define Sword .   To be  a Sword'sMan* is to live the Life of a Sword'sMan * to Train with Sword in the Effort to attain Enlightenment THROUGH the Study of Sword .   It must be noted that Sword Training must NOT be confined or  restricted to JUST physical training ----  without Seated Meditation {In the form of Mind Sword} the Effects, {results and rewards} of Sword Study are impeded which then causes a severe handicap to ALL aspects of Attainment .   Try to understand that Sword is  VIABLE `Realm of Existence`.  I have lived in that Realm for over 40 Years .   

            It is said that when the only tool you own is a hammer, everything else becomes a nail .  This is straight  outta*  Farmland Grievance  and is generally applied to MANY who cannot "Think out of the Box" .   Highly sought after solutions which appear to DEMAND 'outside' considerations are largely IGNORED by "hammer-heads" whose ignorance and failed Imaginations apply hammer-like bombardment to 'make' solutions .   This 'same' is not to be said of Sword .




                        I envision several stories that begin with, "The True Nature".         Obviously, 'True' here is relative to the reader/observer .    There's an oddball occurrence of   rhetorical `shenanigans` in that the act of writing is a 'true' act {provable by material depiction} yet what is written may or may not be the Truth .  What is 'true' for me may or may not be 'true' for the Reader .    I can deliver my experience as [ = ] 'Truth to me' and that alone must suffice .   Here it is where I MUST don the Cloak of Sophistry  although I LOATHE "Semantics" and {the `Art` of}  Polemics also 'involves' the bends, twists, turns and contortions that sometimes strangle the Truth , causing a spasmatic* choking of  'Voice' and a disturbing [if not flat-out] Irritation to the Reader .  Here it is where non-fiction may or may not be deemed 'plausible' , believable or just so much horseshit .       


Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The Cat's Tale

                         Know this :   Being an Instructor is the Karma of a Bodhisattva .   

              Here are "The Ten Powers of a Bodhisattva " ::::::::::

              Devotion to the Buddha's Teaching and no attachment to anything

              The Super Power to increase that Devotion

              The expedient ability to instruct all beings and alter their conduct

               Knowing what people think

               Giving people what they want

              Unrelenting Exertion

               Employing all Vehicles but NEVER abandoning the Mahayana

               The mysterious aptitude to see the Buddha in every cell and on every world

               Making people turn to the Buddha's Teaching, and guiding them to Perfection

               Satisfying all people with even a single phrase .

Rock steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .

The Psychology of Karma

                       Instructors should be EXCRUCIATINGLY Aware that they "Take on" the Karma of each and EVERY Student --- indeed, THAT is a True Primary of The Nature of Martial Arts Instruction .  Individual difficulties that students experience during each class may NOT be psycho-physical but rather as a result of  Karma .   It is IMPERATIVE to know {and Apprehend} that this Karma CAN be addressed in an Effort to receive it without experiencing a "I-just-want-to-give-up" mental-physical collapse .   Here it is where the Psychology of Karma manifests as Teaching Skill .   Instructors OWE 'it' to their Students AND THEMSELVES, to master the Psychology of Karma,, and the Debt MUST-BE paid with Study and Application .   "Living" for your Students is manifestation of your Love for the Teaching and your Devotion to Buddha [recognized as Devotion to the Arts].

F Fort

                         Your  'job'  as  an  Instructor  is  to  make your  Students  BETTER  than  you   ever were .   You want to make your Students --->  Faster, Stronger, Smarter and WISE-er EACH CLASS .  They enter one way and leave another, a SUPERIOR 'another' .    

            Early on in my very brief Instructor Career I decided to treat my Students as though they were in an Instructor's Class .   Many impromptu extemporaneous 'lessons' began with, "When you become an Instructor you will need to teach ..." .    This afforded me a 'triangulation' that softened DIRECT Confrontation .   My shit {schyte} was then made 'easier to swallow' .   

            I forced my Red Belts to lead Basic Motions .   Here,,, I was able to introduce them to "Group Psychology" and to FEEL the Energies of those within the class [Group] .   My Intention was to Teach >>Leadership<< .   Here  it  is  [was]  where  the  FEELING  of  Leading  produced an E-x-p-a-n-s-i-o-n of ConsciousNess* which would accommodate the FEELINGS of classroom Others {to be contained within Commiseration and Change} .   It  forced  the  Red  Belts to acknowledge the capacities of [ lesser ] Others .   I taught my Red Belts the NECESSITY of trying to achieve Group ONE MIND, the mechanics of having everybody move >>> AS ONE .   In this,  the Dynamic of Group Effort can be FELT by ALL .   Remember, Effort is ENERGY and you want that Energy to reach the Celestial Beings who reward such Effort with the Various Blessings of Martial Arts Providence .

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Manual Labor


                    I awoke with this mornings words rolling around haphazardly not only in my head, but all around me .   I rolled to my side to check the time, 1: 10 .   I rolled again to see if I could return to sleep ~~~~~~  no way .

            If I want to write {rwyte} AND  mow and line trim -- I gotta Sacrifice the sleep .   It's how I 'run' this present section of my life {lyphe} .   I KNOW I will NOT 'need' the sleep .   Sleep Deprivation serves to 'even' me, meaning, I will not expend energy serving needs that drain me .   In this, fatigue is NOT a factor --- I have long ago silenced the Voice of that particular Demon--- The Demon of 
"I NEED TO SLEEP !"   This 'This' allows me to e-x--p---a----n-----d the day, turning an average 3 hour day to [ in retirement terms] into am 8 hour extravaganza-of-Effort, s-t--r---e----t-----c------hing one day to become 2 .  I DO need all the Time I can get [MAKE] .

            I'm-gonna spend several days  availing myself to the Concerns of Instructors and Masters, since THAT is closest to me {at least right {rite} now .    "The Manual {A manual} For The Students of Martial Arts"  I'm holding as a something-well-down-the-road .   

Swords ain't cheap

                         Money and I are NOT `friends` .   I have NEVER 'valued' money in the way that defines its 'due' .   Trying to live the hardscrabble existence of {lay} Monk/Priest  and Penitent Paladin has wrought serious financial Havoc .   This shit about "Living in the NOW" is delusional-bordering-on-psychotic .   The Chinese define "it" this way , "No money no life".   Believe this to be True .   

            I must orbit within the Gravity of Money, better referred to as Finances, so we will abide by Gravity's Force .   

             Gravity cannot be defied nor the Necessity of Finances .   I will return to this Topic as Conditions warrant .

Rock steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .

You gotta PAY the Piper

                         Masters and Instructors MUST pay special attention when providing instruction to those who do NOT [or CAN not] pay for themselves .   Among these, children are the most notable .    Since payment responsibility resides with the Parents-- all efforts must be made to supply THEM visible manifestation of their offspring's performance .   Specifically, what do THEY "get" from their child's Martial Arts Education ?    I told my first child/student that when Studying Sword, his own Home is HIS Temple ---  that because this is so, they must ACT accordingly .   Here it is where the students  must understand that THEIR Payment is an increase in Temple Responsibilities, the Primary of which is Scholastic Attainment .   {Indeed, in the Sun Star School the Goal is to become a Scholar/Swordsman and within THIS is the Requirement for the Attainment of    AT LEAST    "3rd Honors = all "A's" and "B's" and only ONE "C" .  I imposed this because in Ancient Times Kung Fu Masters were SCHOLARS} .  Should the students fall below 3rd Honors, their Study would be suspended . 

             Contributions for the upkeep and maintenance of the Temple was to include rubbish and garbage removal, cleaning and clearing one's room on a DAILY basis, and the responsibility of  {at least} ONE Room, whether it be the TV room, kitchen, of my personal fav, the bath, shower and toilette room .  In addition, I  imposed   on   Devon [Turchetta]   the  requirement  of Scripture Transcription and in this I had him begin copying Zen Master Seung Sahn's The Compass of Zen .  Every form had new obligations .  In all of these, Devon excelled .

"Freddie the freeloader"

                     Sacrifice is PROOF of Desire .   In ancient times Seekers paid their local Sage with either work or rice or both .   For Masters,  "Giving away" the Teaching was NOT even a `close` Consideration because of its VALUE .    The Masters themselves had to pay for the Teaching , it sucks, but there it is .   "If I paid, you're gonna Pay".   

            I must note, if an item is 'free' it may be considered to have little or NO Value --worse-- there will be {have been}  students who do NOT Value the Teaching nor the Training simply BECAUSE it is free .   This results in ill treatment of the Instructor and/or the Master ,  a hideous Dys-Respect* for them and the Teaching as well .    Unquestionably, the Wealth the Teaching provides is inestimable , since  "What is the cost of Life ?"

            There is this from Modern Times :  "One  PAYING  student  is  worth  TWENTY  free-loaders ."

            This is Truth .

Lord of the Cries

                         The search for "the first sentence" can be a punishing exercise of {woeful} futility whose dire outcome is a confrontation with 'daunt' .   When I awoke I knew I had "Sacrifice" as this morning's topic, yet here I am, in 'stall', unable to locate a suitable sentence that can supply both orientation and trajectory .   Sacrifice CAN be defined as 'payment', in that, "There's no such thing as a `free` `lunch` .   Somewhere {somehow} someone MUST "Pay" for even those things that are secured as Planetary Absolutes, {the air we breathe is perhaps the best example} .   I have yet to figure-out how ANY 'one' is responsible for Air ---but I'm 'good' with that .

            Generally, in THIS world, you gotta* Pay for just about EVERYTHING .   The Study of Martial Arts, if done in Public and THROUGH Public 'Channels' requires Space and Time .  Dojos, Zendos and MOST training spaces are owned by landlords who may or may not be receptive to Martial Arts---either way, Instructors  and  Masters MUST accommodate the   Necessity of Cost  within the providence of Study .     In this, it is noteworthy that Buddhist Teachings are to be provided for FREE .   You can see the difficulty .   It may be that the Instructors and Masters are Responsible to provide FREE Training ,  I can tell you from my experience, "It ain't NEVER gonna happen".                   

"Keep on keepin' on"


                        I confess, it's dys-heartening* to see that not one of my new cyber "Friends" has read any of  my blogs .  "So it goes" .   I wanted a miracle .   At this stage of my life Time is NOT my friend .   There's really nothing I can do but    >>>   "Keep on Keepin' on" .   

          Tibetan Buddhist Sages routinely kept their Writings in Volumes that were then HIDDEN to be un or re-covered at a much later date, presumably when the prevailing civilization was "ready" for the Work's profundity .  To be honest with You, I DON'T want THAT .   When the fire rages it is imperative to have access to water that can extinguish the blaze immediately, since delay inevitably causes destruction .  At that point "All is lost" .

Monday, September 4, 2023

Mi Yao


                        I must be going .   

            These are my `Schools` :   The Sun Star School of Zen Sword and   Quantum Sword .   From these I will extract their Essences since the Scope and Measure of BOTH lie within the blur of Reality and the crystal Clarity of the OTHER Reality .  Expect inscrutability ESPECIALLY when I quote Zen and Sword Master Marc Fortin .  


Rock steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .

Further Reading:

The Zen Calligraphy and Painting of Yamaoka Tesshu  ---  Katsu Kaishu, Takahashi Deishu,, 

                                                                                               Terayama Tancho

Sword of No Sword -- The Life of Master Warrior Tesshu ---John Stevens

A Book of Five Rings ---Zen and Sword Master Miyamoto Musashi

Zen and Confucius In The Art Of Swordsmanship ---Reinhard Kammer


"It's SOT to be good"

                         I have no need to continue in the vein I just opened [in the previous blog] .  I have been keeping journals since my FIRST day at U.Conn. [The University of Connecticut] .   My drinking has been recorded--- sometimes  with  only  the  deranged  illegibility  of  a   god-forsaken   sot .   As Kurt Vonnegut resigned, "So it goes" .   

            Somehow, The Study of Martial Arts IS "The Study of Life" .  {"Sword is Life" as well as "Sword is Death"}  In this, there MUST be, The Biology of Zen Sword .    Within THIS ,,  The True Nature of Sword and All Martial Arts can be apprehended .  Here it is where "Motion Meditation" can be compared to Seated Meditation .    I will provide SOME `material` for this at a later date, since the "Issue" of 'inflicting violence' is a PROMINENT Characteristic of Those-That-Believe-NO-weapons-should-be- wielded-by-ANY >>> True<<< Buddhist .  OBVIOUSLY what is theirs is NOT what is mine .  "So it goes."  



"Sometimes, 'bad' is `bad`"

                         The Question, "Why should I even pay ANY attention to this drunk ?"  is a GREAT question .   As far as Sword Masters who were ALSO drunks, the Preeminent among THEM is Zen and Sword Master Yamoka Tesshu .  I found RELIEF in his Life DESPITE his abject Failure with his Marriage .  He is renown not only for his Sword but for his Calligraphy and Painting .   Here it is where Sword and Brush are of kindred affinities --- and the Discipline in one is enmeshed [with]in the Discipline of the other .  

            Know this :   My Study of Sword was to provide me with an Occupation .   I had the romantic dream that I would open a "Live-in School" for like-minded individuals INTENT upon becoming Great and True ZEN BUDDHIST Sword'sMan* and Sword'sWomen*.   2 words with THAT : : Failure .   When Imagination is tainted by Romance,, Truth becomes idiotically 'benign' but NOT in a 'good' way .

            Chang Sik Kim's Vision {He is the founder of Shim Gum Do} was to have Schools in every major and minor city >>  that the spread of Zen Sword be initiated and maintained .   Those of us that chose to live in the Temple were `destined` to open these Schools .   Living in the Temple WAS the Instructor's Course ,  from 1st Star [Dan] to 3rd Star .  I wanted >that<   and wanted it ---> BAD .

Suicide as Poetic Expression


                        I feel that many of you can fully appreciate the E-N-O-R-M-I-T-Y of my--------undertaking .   Let me assure you-- I am completely content with Failure >>> except for 'moments' of indisputable rarity .  I made a note of this :  `I have every confidence in my ability to Fail ` .   

             A mother/chick once assaulted, "You're a drunk and a loser ."  I couldn't [and didn't] deny it .   I responded with, `Fine--If great Poets were 'drunks and losers' then I am OK with that .`  2 words : :   Arrogance .  Her whip was made of silken threads compared to the leather, lead-ball studded of my own .

            I contemplated Suicide for most of the years I drank ,  the ONLY 'thing' prevented me was the Knowledge that I MAY lose my human status and be reborn in the Lesser Realms .   I wrote this because I want my fellow Martial Artists to know from where I came .  "IT" all happened AFTER I was dismissed from the Temple and had re-entered the Real World .  Bottom line ?   Buddhism and specifically Zen Sword prevented me from killing my Ego-Self --- such is the Power of the Divine Infinite .

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Freedom not freedumb


                        That's it for this morning .   If you wonder if I have "given-up" on America rest assured I have not .   I seek Balance .   The Balance of a Free Mind as opposed to a Mind controlled by governments whose only Goal is Absolute Power over each and EVERY Individual .

Rock steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .

Kingdom of the Rising Son

                         The Plan is Simple {"Keep it simple stupid"}.  Garner the favor of all my new cyber Martial Art "Friends" by delivering the Buddhist and Zen  'Wisdom of the Ages" while insisting, in the most subversive manner, that a Zen Buddhist Mind is the ULTIMATE Mind for ALL Martial Artists .   I have thought to include Philanthropy as an added [Tactical] Measure in an Effort to COUNTER blasphemic* Christianity .   In the EXACT "same way" that American Militarists have sought Public Office to CHANGE the present Democratic Ideology to include a "Soldier's Perspective" a Perspective that values {oddly} not only Altruistic Virtues , but those of Common Sense Profundity ,, I seek African Martial Artists to spread the Values of Honor, Loyalty to the Truth, and Communal Protectionism,, from the advance of   CRIMINAL {governmental} Authority .

Under Plunder

                         From Rosa Brooks [How Everything Became War And The Military Became Everything] we learn that there are OVER  >>> 900 <<< American Military "Outposts" {for lack of a better term} that are in MANY {various} Countries in Africa--- {Freelance} Bases that supply Arms, and Training for newly emerging countries-- that they may offer Police "Protection" for government officials and act as "The Military" in its Efforts to Establish and Maintain Government Authority .   This "IT" is nothing more and certainly nothing less than Democracy Proselytism --- a fucked up Political RELIGION based upon the Spread of Capitalism .  Cloaked as "Foreign Policy , this hysterical Ideology seeks to gain the Trust of infant Governments that they may Value America Interests AS THEIR OWN .   Keep in mind, that America is NOT the only country that has sought the "Favor" of these nascent governmental "industries" .   {Look at Northern Africa and the Colonies of "Modern" nations--- Look at what has become of them .}  Russia and China, putin and xi have spent BILLIONS to "earn" such "Favor" -----all the while masking both Political and Material PLUNDER .   

The Bearing See

                     Wasn't it Rudyard Kipling who crucified, "Take up the White Man's Burden" ?   Wasn't it the Allman Brothers who countered with, "It's just not my cross to bear" ?     I'm bearing {and not bearing} both .        I have concerns for Africa .   White men have  invaded-with-the-intent-to-Colonize the "Dark Continent with UNHOLY ferocity --- a Ferocity of Plunder --- at the egregious expense of the Indigenous.  Apparently, the "White Man's >>>Burden<<<" is NOT the wholesale Liberation from Stone-Age isolation, but instead the Religious Corruption of a Pagan-like Purity of Mind, Body, Heart and Soul .  Here it is where Individual WILL is 'exchanged' for >>God's Will<< a Will pseudo-manifested by Capitalistic Hegemony cloaked by Christian Blasphemy .   Here it is where "God's Will" is none-other that the White Man's GREED and AVARICE --- brought to bear on a Population now taught to resign themselves to the White's Man's >>> God as Profit <<< Subjugation and Oppression better recognized as Slavery .  Doing  God's  Work  is the capture of Human Beings and the removal of their HUMAN STATUS .  Vonnegut would embitter, "That some God".

"Poor me, poor poor PITIFUL me"


                        I began trying to get this "up" over two hours .   I'm still fighting the sickness that has resulted .   When you define your existence by writing and that availability is removed, that loss "turns you into" a wraith .   I've been writing since 2012 ---it is my contribution to Civilization , a contribution that offers me the satisfaction of Effort .  Unread social commentary is of little value to me and OBVIOUSLY to `Civilization` .   Writing is the only means I can offer to help others understand the pitiless Reality in which we live .


Saturday, September 2, 2023

Flower Power


                      I have been reluctant {reticent} to use my life as a `delivery mechanism` for Buddhist {Zen Sword} Dogma---the schyte* I have experienced as TRUTH .   There is the First SUPER-Power of a Bodhisattva that reads thusly :  "Devotion to the Buddha's Teaching and NO Attachment to anything".  Here it is where I BELIEVE in His Teaching and I BELIEVE that his Teaching can AID in the Relief of Suffering in that the Noble 8-Fold Path can help {the Collective} Us MANAGE Suffering, Pain and even AGONY .  My Belief manifests as Devotion .   

            This morning I accepted ALL Friend Requests .   I have adopted Jesus' {and Buddha's} Policy to include the Very ALL of Everyday Everybodies* that Jesus and Buddha would NOT "turn away".   Zen Masters sometimes refer to themselves as Bees,  'You are the Flower, I am the Bee' ---here it is where contact with individual flowers MAY result in that flower's Blooming {the effort to actualize the Training necessary to attain Enlightenment) .   

            I must leave this here --- .

Rock Steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .

Buddha Hoodlum

                     I've got it in my head to invade Africa with Buddhism `riding` in the vehicle of Zen Sword .  Recently, I have been inundated with "Friend Requests" from Martial Artists all over the world, and most notably from Northern and Middle Africa .   Along with that , I have received "Friend Requests" from several Orphanage Managers whose urgent Requests have touched my {philanthropic} Soul .  

            I am hard-pressed to believe that Zen has reached even a MODICUM of Success here in America .  I'm certain the causes of this MONUMENTAL {monu-MENTAL} Failure is due to an extravagance of Intellectual Inscrutability {the Correct Intention of Zen} and the abject FAILURE of Zen Masters to provide a Latitude that would incorporate American Pop Culture as a means to Understand Zen by dint and moor* of  Introspection {"Seeing into one's Self [and the attainment of Buddha-hood"] }.  

            There has been an ------------influence--------- {within my tiny monkey brain} that has supplied an Inspiration to effect Change in the Minds and Hearts of Africans {sorely} sobered by Christian Proselytism .  Here, what is OBVIOUS to me >>> Yes the belief in Jesus can afford Relief --- but with that,,, MUST be the Realization that God the Father is also the SOURCE of that same Suffering<<< that Personal Evolution MUST "get beyond" the reliance of an OTHER and so find Development WITHIN one's Self , I.e., to take PERSONAL Responsibility for one's [own] Existence .


American Zen Sword


                        There's been a Change .  September has arrived pulled by the "Light of the Silvery Moon" ---it was an EPIC Entry presently marked by Crystal Clarity and the cool "Temperance"* of  Fall "Ether".  Not only can I breathe --- I can 'See' .  In the background {a light year or two [once] distant} the Promise of the Emerald Beyond,,  where Beyond is a Utopia laden with abject MIND Perfection .  

            "IT" was a lightening strike .  "IT"   MAY    have killed old Stephen --- it   MAY  be said that he needed to go "any way"  >>>   his rotting {Mind} corpse defiling Beauty with distinct measure and precision revulsion >>>  therein several Eternities of  immanently SUCCESSFUL Failures, one after another ---- a parade of  intellectual idolatries* laid bare .