Thursday, September 21, 2023

Moe sez , " ... "

                       When I claim that Moses and I built the Pyramids you may ask,  "How the fuck did THAT happen ?"  .    "It" went this way .   I was in the Pharoah's Army stationed at the mouth of the Tigress-Euphrates .   I had been abducted by Aliens and taken {up} to Heaven WAY BEFORE Enoch .   I tried to keep my 'trap' shut but one nite* in a drunken stupor I related the experience to my "Slut-Action Cleopatra" and she had NO problem relating the ---------------------------------------incident to her coven .     Never underestimate the POWER of "Beer Transmission" .   Before even `too long` I started getting furtive glances, open and outrite* MOCKERY, and the disquieting 'resonance' of scorn, contempt and FEAR .     Being an accomplished Sword'sMan proved ultimate Protection, no one dared to speak to me of insanity, delusion, nor of  ego-somatic* degeneracy -- that is until Moses heard of me .

            I was summoned .   Moses addressed me in the Pharoah's Best Hieroglyphic Egyption* :   "Aint you that no-brain ASSHOLE who's tellin' everyones* you done been abducted ?"    I nodded in the affirmative .   He confessed, "Yeah -- me too."

            I gotta be Sworn-honest with you kids,  Moses did NOT look like ANY  Abductee candidate !   First off, he was SCRAWNY with a BIG-SUPERGIANT Head .   He had Brains and PLENTY of them .   Why on Earth would the Aliens want him ???????? !!!!!!!!!!!  

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