Saturday, September 30, 2023

Lie Pie

                        Rhetoric employs , "Carrying things out to their Logical Absurdity" to judge the validity of arguments .   This "it" is a Sword in that it "cuts" out the bullshit,, that the Truth may be exposed .  {{ the use of a machete to open a path in a jungle}} .   Half (for Hyperbole's Sake) the folks in America WANT an Indicted Con-man to be the next Pres. .   That THAT is the ULTIMATE of Absurdity IF and ONLY IF, Truth is NOT a Factor and MYTH  --->  IS .   

            Folks have been asked "about" Trump .   A few millions BELIEVED that electing a "business man" would BENEFIT the American Civilization because lawyers [they believed] had failed to supply the necessary Energy to meet the 'demands' of the Populace .  Here it is where the "System"  was seen as a FAILURE , in that Technology and its Industrial Application was supremely WELCOMED by other nations {some of which were "piss-poor"} whose Populace had barely acclimated to Industrial Revolution's REJECTION of Democracy .   These aspiring nations ACCEPTED, whole-heartedly* the worship of Profit since the god >Capitalism, provided LUXURY items on a scale hitherto unknown but DREAMED of .   These folks would work for pennies because these scant offerings were INFINITELY better-than what they had in their hard-scrabble existence .   

            What's-his-name sang it best, "Bye Bye [Miss] American Pie" .   

            Industries flowed to other nations like guts from disembowelment .  


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