Saturday, September 2, 2023

Buddha Hoodlum

                     I've got it in my head to invade Africa with Buddhism `riding` in the vehicle of Zen Sword .  Recently, I have been inundated with "Friend Requests" from Martial Artists all over the world, and most notably from Northern and Middle Africa .   Along with that , I have received "Friend Requests" from several Orphanage Managers whose urgent Requests have touched my {philanthropic} Soul .  

            I am hard-pressed to believe that Zen has reached even a MODICUM of Success here in America .  I'm certain the causes of this MONUMENTAL {monu-MENTAL} Failure is due to an extravagance of Intellectual Inscrutability {the Correct Intention of Zen} and the abject FAILURE of Zen Masters to provide a Latitude that would incorporate American Pop Culture as a means to Understand Zen by dint and moor* of  Introspection {"Seeing into one's Self [and the attainment of Buddha-hood"] }.  

            There has been an ------------influence--------- {within my tiny monkey brain} that has supplied an Inspiration to effect Change in the Minds and Hearts of Africans {sorely} sobered by Christian Proselytism .  Here, what is OBVIOUS to me >>> Yes the belief in Jesus can afford Relief --- but with that,,, MUST be the Realization that God the Father is also the SOURCE of that same Suffering<<< that Personal Evolution MUST "get beyond" the reliance of an OTHER and so find Development WITHIN one's Self , I.e., to take PERSONAL Responsibility for one's [own] Existence .


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