Thursday, September 21, 2023


                         Back in 'some time ago' I offended that Capitalism is a Religion .  I stand by that offense but now I find it necessary to supplement 'it' by qualification .   Capitalism is to Paganism as Christ is to Christianity .   De-Evolution of Civilization can be recognized by viewing Democracy's [De-Evolution] to Tyranny [or Despotism] .   Are ALL trumpists Pagans ?  I submit, ABSO[fucking] LOOT-LY* .   

            You must ask, "Are there any TRUE Virtues in Paganism ? "  Yes indeed -- there's a plentiful plethora [ a plenthora* ] :  the BIGGEST of which is DEVOTION .    Present-day Sodom and Gamorrah- Cysts are DEVOTED to the Pagan GOD trump .  { I confess, I am a Paganist but my 'god' is God Zilla } .  Here it is where Devotion leads and has lead to Violence and Death manifestations of UnConscious Instinctual  IR-Rationality  which [of course] accounts for Reality Denial and with THAT, 'Election Denial' .  This new vein of "Conspiritism"  [conspiracy ---> the 'con' +spirit + cy] is proof of Strife .   These Pagan neophytes have been tagged as "Anti-Constitutionalists" which is a Romantic appellation at best, at worst, WHOLLY  and egregiously apologetic .   It gives them a form of validation --- something to recognize as "handle-able".... .  I say , NO WAY .

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