Tuesday, September 19, 2023

"Father knows Best", Mother knows Blest

                        "Father-Land" and "Mother-Land" are terms to tag   HOME - Land .   Rulers and Leaders are designated as Fathers --- a term that SHOULD-BE relegated {and restricted}to Biblical Romance .   Childhood Psychology presents the Father as  All Knowing [Father knows best about EVERYTHING] , while the Mother is `set aside` NOT as EQUAL Partner {CO-Creator},,  but as subservient Submissive .  Here it is where the Old Testament has generated a Mind AND Body ConsciousNess* that INHERENTLY denies Civiliational* Futurism , in that Fathership itself IS a Status Quo that MUST-BE Protected at ALL costs .   The Coming of the Christ DID NOTHING to further ANY [even] singular Development of Feminine Politicality* .    Look at the Catholic Church, absolutely MIRED in genderous* Oppressionism*.   My LOVE for Jesus is based upon Him being a Subversive Revolutionary .   However did He not FAIL at Gender Equality ?   How different would the World BE, had He designated Mary Magdalene as THE  "Rock of Ages" .                                    

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